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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Carlsbad, New Mexico Lightning Show 6-25-2016.

A thunderstorm was rolling into Carlsbad, New Mexico from the southwest and I was 10 miles south of Artesia or 30 miles to the north of Carlsbad looking to the south when I took these. Lesson learned tonight was that the vehicle lights coming towards the camera were really playing havoc with the exposure settings. Not my best lightning shots but my wife and I had fun spite of the swarms of mosquitoes that were attacking us.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Friday, June 24, 2016

T-Storms Dotted The NM Landscape Yesterday & Overnight.

Depicted above is the reported 24-hour rainfall totals as of 7 AM MDT this morning and the radar estimated rainfall totals. Notice how spotty in nature the heavier rainfall totals are...very typical for summertime thunderstorms in New Mexico. 

24-Hour Rainfall Totals.
(As Of 6 AM MDT This Morning).

 June Rainfall Totals.
(As Of 6 AM MDT This Morning).

Thunderstorms dotted the some of the landscape of New Mexico yesterday into the overnight hours. We had thunder here in Carlsbad off and on from around 11:30 PM until 4:30 AM this morning. I measured .16" in my rain gauge which brings my June total to .26", and my year-to-date total to 2.15". We certainly could use much more of the wet stuff.

This now makes 5 days this year that the sun has gone blank. 

Spotless Days.

Current Stretch: 1 day.

 2016 total: 5 days (3%) 
 2015 total: 0 days (0%) 
 2014 total: 1 day (<1%)
2013 total: 0 days (0%)
2012 total: 0 days (0%)
   2011 total: 2 days (<1%)
     2010 total: 51 days (14%)
       2009 total: 260 days (71%)

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016 Hottest Day Of Year So Far For SE & S NM.

Blog Updated @ 1:20 PM MDT.

Reported High Temps Saturday.

(2.1 NNW Downtown Carlsbad, NM).

Yesterday (Saturday, June 18, 2016) was one of the hottest if not the hottest day of the year for many of us in southern and southeastern New Mexico. The Carlsbad Climate Co-Op Station registered a high temp of 108ºF making this their hottest reading of the summer so far.

 The El Paso Airport came in with 108ºF yesterday for their highest temp so far. The Pecos, TX Airport reported 108ºF yesterday tying  their highest reading with Friday. The Roswell Airport ended up with a high temp of 106ºF but their highest temp so far this month occurred this past Wednesday with 107ºF. The Artesia Airport reported 104ºF yesterday and this ties the 104ºF reported on this past Thursday. The Carlsbad Airport reported 107ºF yesterday for the third day in a row. 

The Smokey Bear Raws located near Ruidoso at an elevation of 7,090' reported a high temp of 96ºF yesterday. The Sierra Blanca Regional Airport reported 91ºF

We will get somewhat of a break over the next few days but by Wednesday it appears that our triple digit temps will be back and stay into the upcoming end of the week. 

Current National Weather Service forecasts for Death Valley still are calling for a high temp of 124ºF this coming Tuesday. That's a ways from their all-time record high of 134ºF established there on July 10, 1913. Check out this really interesting video and article concerning the worlds highest reported temperature of 136ºF in Aziziya, Libya  now disqualified as so, verses Death Valley's reading of 134ºF

Measuring conditions.

The standard measuring conditions for temperature are in the air, 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) above the ground, and shielded from direct sunlight intensity (hence the term, x degrees "in the shade").[2] The following lists include all officially confirmed claims measured by those methods.
Temperatures measured directly on the ground may exceed air temperatures by 30 to 50 °C (54 to 90 °F).[2] A ground temperature of 84 °C (183.2 °F) has been recorded in Port Sudan, Sudan.[3] A ground temperature of 93.9 °C (201.0 °F) was recorded in Furnace CreekDeath ValleyCaliforniaUSA on 15 July 1972; this may be the highest natural ground surface temperature ever recorded.[4] The theoretical maximum possible ground surface temperature has been estimated to be between 90 and 100 °C (194 and 212 °F) for dry, darkish soils of low thermal conductivity.[5]
Satellite measurements of ground temperature taken between 2003 and 2009, taken with the MODIS infrared spectroradiometer on the Aqua satellite, found a maximum temperature of 70.7 °C (159.3 °F), which was recorded in 2005 in the Lut DesertIran. The Lut Desert was also found to have the highest maximum temperature in 5 of the 7 years measured (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009). These measurements reflect averages over a large region and so are lower than the maximum point surface temperature.[2]
Satellite measurements of the surface temperature of Antarctica, taken between 1982 and 2013, found a coldest temperature of −93.2 °C (−135.8 °F) on 10 August 2010, at 81.8°S 59.3°E. Although this is not comparable to an air temperature, it is believed that the air temperature at this location would have been lower than the official record lowest air temperature of −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F).[6][7]


Highest temperatures ever recorded.

A world map showing areas with Köppen BWh(hot desert climate). The temperatures in these regions have the potential to exceed 50 °C (122 °F) during the hottest seasons.
There are reports of temperatures higher than the listed world record of 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) during phenomena known as heat bursts, including a report of 87 °C (188 °F) in Abadan, Iran in June 1967. There are also reports made by satellite analysis, including one of 66.8 °C (152.2 °F) measured in the Flaming Mountains of China in 2008.[8] These temperatures have never been confirmed, and are not recognized as world records.[9] The former highest official temperature on Earth, held for 90 years by ‘AziziyaLibya, was de-certified by the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) in January 2012 as the record for the world's highest surface temperature. (This temperature of 58 °C (136.4 °F), registered on 13 September 1922, is currently considered to have been a recorder's error.[10])
Christopher C. Burt, the weather historian writing for Weather Underground who shepherded the Libya reading's 2012 disqualification, believes that the 1913 Death Valley reading is "a myth", and is at least 2.2 or 2.8 °C (4 or 5 °F) too high,[11] as do other weather historians Dr. Arnold Court and William Taylor Reid.[12] Burt proposes that the highest reliably recorded temperature on Earth is still at Death Valley, but is instead 53.9 °C (129 °F) recorded five times: 20 July 1960, 18 July 1998, 20 July 2005, 7 July 2007, and 30 June 2013.[13][14]

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Heat Wave Advisory Continues Today In NM - A Look At High Temps So Far.


As of 11 PM MDT last night the Dog Head Forest Fire (burning in the Manzano Mountains) southeast of Albuquerque had consumed some 17,000 acres and was 0% contained. 24 homes and 21 other buildings had also been lost to the fire. Notice in the visible satellite images above that smoke from the fire was carried eastward into Eastern New Mexico and West Texas, and then northward into Colorado and Western Kansas on Thursday.

Check out this Facebook video posted by Gary Gurule of a close slurry drop on the fire!

Heat Wave Continues.

Our current heat wave is forecast to continue today across much of Eastern, Southeastern, and Southern New Mexico as well as across parts of West Texas. In fact a Heat Wave Advisory remains in effect for the area. Today potentially could be the hottest day of this heat wave. We get somewhat of a break for the first couple of days next week with highs dropping down into the upper 90's then rebounding again to the century mark by Thursday into next weekend. Rain? Nope that's not in the cards for us. 

You know its going to be hot when Cloudcroft (8,750' MSL) is expecting to climb up to 83ºF and Ruidoso (7,000' MSL) is looking at 91ºF today. 

Our neighbors to the west in Arizona are looking at brutal temperatures this weekend into the middle of next week also. 

(As Of Yesterday Friday, June 17, 2016).
Click On The Images To Enlarge Them.

(Next Wednesday).

Interestingly enough the nations reported high temperature so far this summer has been 120ºF which occurred in Death Valley, California on the 2nd, 4th, and ith of this month. This reading will likely be eclipsed by Monday. The Las Vegas NWS Office is currently forecasting a high temp on Monday in Death Valley of 122ºF, 124ºF on Tuesday, and 122ºF Wednesday.

Roswell recorded the nations reported high temperature this past Wednesday with a reading of 107ºF. Pecos, Texas topped out at 108ºF on Thursday for the nation's high. 

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Current US Temps

Current US Wind Chill/Heat Index Temperatures

NWS Midland Forecast High Temperatures

NWS Midland Forecast Low Temperatures

NWS Midland Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast.

NWS Midland Official Snowfall Forecast

NWS Midland Official High End Snowfall Forecast

NWS Albuquerque Forecast High Temperatures

NWS Albuquerque Forecast Low Temperatures

NWS Albuquerque Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast.

NWS Albuquerque Official Snowfall Forecast

NWS Albuquerque High End Snowfall Forecast

NWS El Paso Forecast High Temperatures

NWS El Paso Forecast Low Temperatures

NWS El Paso Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast

NWS El Paso Official Snowfall Forecast

NWS El Paso Official High End Snowfall Forecast

NWS Albuquerque Peak Wind Gust Forecast

NWS Midland Peak Wind Gust Forecast

NWS El Paso Peak Wind Gust Forecast

Average Daily High/Low Temperatures & Rainfall/Snowfall

What's Going On - Waking Up To The Truth!