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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

First Freeze Of The Season Monday Morning - This Morning Was A Little Colder.

October 21, 2023.
Roswell, New Mexico Airport.

Most of southeastern New Mexico and parts of West Texas experienced their first freeze of the season Monday morning, Oct 30th, 2023. The Roswell Airport ASOS checked in with a low of only 33. This morning was a few degrees colder than Monday morning across the local area. Those that didn't see their first freeze Monday morning did so this morning.

Tuesday Morning Oct 31, 2023.

Max/Min Temp and Precip Table for West Texas-Southeast New Mexico
National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX
832 AM CDT Tue Oct 31 2023

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         :  42 /  33 /  0.00
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        :  38 /  29 /  0.00
MAF  : Midland ASOS               :  44 /  31 /  0.00
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                :  45 /  33 /  0.00
6R6  : Terrell County ASOS        :  44 /  40 /  0.00
INK  : Wink ASOS                  :  48 /  28 /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        :  44 /  30 /  0.00
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  :  38 /  28 /  0.00
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            :  43 /  29 /  0.00
VHN  : Culberson County AWOS      :  43 /  26 /  0.00
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         :  44 /  28 /  0.00
T89  : Lajitas Int`l Airpt AWOS   :  46 /  44 /  0.00
LUV  : Lamesa Muni AWOS           :  43 /  28 /  0.00
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 :  41 /  30 /  0.00
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       :  44 /  33 /  0.00
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 :  45 /  27 /  0.00
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              :  46 /   M /  0.00
E41  : Reagan County AWOS         :  42 /  29 /  0.00
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                :  43 /  32 /  0.00
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  31 /   M /     M
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  43 /  25 /  0.00
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      :  39 /  33 /  0.00
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            :  37 /  27 /  0.00
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               :  47 /  29 /  0.00
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  39 /  26 /  0.00
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               :  45 /  31 /  0.00
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      :  39 /  38 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  39 /  27 /  0.00
RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS    :  48 /  47 /  0.00
WDPT2: Wolf Den DMP RAWS          :  35 /  27 /  0.03
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            :  45 /  30 /  0.00
BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet       :  41 /  29 /  0.00
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      :  42 /  30 /  0.00
CTLT2: Castolon 1NW Mesonet       :  49 /  47 /  0.00
CRYT2: Colorado City 5NW Mesonet  :  46 /  25 /  0.01
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        :  45 /  30 /  0.00
CRXT2: Crane 1NNW Mesonet         :  45 /  31 /  0.00
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           :  44 /  29 /  0.00
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               :  45 /  28 /  0.01
KNTT2: Kent 9E Mesonet (Split)    :  40 /  27 /  0.00
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             :  44 /  29 /  0.00
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         :  44 /  30 /  0.00
MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet        :  44 /  31 /  0.00
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      :  43 /  41 /  0.00
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :  39 /  25 /  0.00
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          :  45 /  27 /  0.00
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           :  44 /  29 /  0.01
SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet          :  46 /  30 /  0.00
WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet        :  45 /  29 /  0.00
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    :  43 /  29 /  0.00
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        :  43 /  30 /  0.00
VHNT2: Van Horn 3ENE Mesonet      :  43 /  25 /  0.00
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet              :  45 /  26 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              :  45 /  28 /  0.00
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               :  45 /  27 /  0.00
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  :  43 /  27 /     M
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               :  43 /  34 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               :  45 /  30 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                :  48 /  29 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  38 /  26 /  0.01
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          :  45 /  26 /  0.00
JLNN5: Jal 17WNW  Mesonet         :  45 /  27 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              :  44 /  25 /  0.00

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control
by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/. Therefore, these data are
subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at

From the above reports:

Highest temperature yesterday...49 at Castolon
Lowest temperature this morning...25 at Tatum, Van Horn, Pine Springs,
Colorado City, and Dog Canyon
1134 AM CDT TUE OCT 31 2023


: ...WEST TEXAS...
:ID    LOCATION                     HIGH  LOW    PCPN
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : FORT STOCKTON ASOS         :  42 /  33 /  0.00
GDP  : GUADALUPE PASS ASOS        :  38 /  29 /  0.00
MAF  : MIDLAND ASOS               :  44 /  31 /  0.00
ODO  : ODESSA ASOS                :  45 /  33 /  0.00
6R6  : TERRELL COUNTY ASOS        :  44 /  39 /  0.00
INK  : WINK ASOS                  :  48 /  28 /  0.00
E11  : ANDREWS COUNTY AWOS        :  44 /  30 /  0.00
E38  : ALPINE-CASPARIS MUNI AWOS  :  38 /  29 /  0.00
BPG  : BIG SPRING AWOS            :  43 /  29 /  0.00
VHN  : CULBERSON COUNTY AWOS      :  43 /  26 /  0.00
GNC  : GAINES COUNTY AWOS         :  44 /  28 /  0.00
T89  : LAJITAS INT`L AIRPT AWOS   :  46 /  45 /  0.00
LUV  : LAMESA MUNI AWOS           :  43 /  28 /  0.00
MRF  : MARFA AWOS                 :  41 /  30 /  0.00
MDD  : MIDLAND AIRPARK AWOS       :  44 /  33 /  0.00
PEQ  : PECOS AWOS                 :  45 /  27 /  0.00
PRS  : PRESIDIO AWOS              :  46 /   M /  0.00
E41  : REAGAN COUNTY AWOS         :  42 /  30 /  0.00
SNK  : SNYDER AWOS                :  43 /  32 /  0.00
CSBT2: CHISOS BASIN RAWS          :  31 /   M /     M
DGCT2: DOG CANYON RAWS            :  43 /  22 /  0.00
EMNT2: ELEPHANT MTN WMA RAWS      :  39 /  29 /  0.00
FDST2: FORT DAVIS RAWS            :  37 /  27 /  0.00
FRKT2: GAIL 1E RAWS               :  47 /  29 /  0.00
GDBT2: GUADALUPE BOWL RAWS        :  39 /   M /  0.00
MNDT2: MIDLAND RAWS               :  45 /  31 /  0.00
PJNT2: PANTHER JUNCTION RAWS      :  39 /  34 /  0.00
PSGT2: PINERY RAWS                :  39 /  25 /  0.00
RGET2: RIO GRANDE VILLAGE RAWS    :  48 /  43 /  0.00
WDPT2: WOLF DEN DMP RAWS          :  35 /  20 /  0.03
AWST2: ANDREWS MESONET            :  45 /  30 /  0.00
BDGT2: BELDING 3NNW MESONET       :  41 /  29 /  0.00
BIGT2: BIG LAKE 1WNW MESONET      :  42 /  30 /  0.00
CTLT2: CASTOLON 1NW MESONET       :  49 /  43 /  0.00
CRYT2: COLORADO CITY 5NW MESONET  :  46 /  25 /  0.01
CYAT2: COYANOSA 2N MESONET        :  45 /  30 /  0.00
CRXT2: CRANE 1NNW MESONET         :  45 /  31 /  0.00
FVST2: FLUVANNA MESONET           :  44 /  29 /  0.00
GGST2: GAIL MESONET               :  45 /  28 /  0.01
KNTT2: KENT 9E MESONET (SPLIT)    :  40 /  27 /  0.00
LMST2: LAMESA MESONET             :  44 /  29 /  0.00
LOXT2: LOMAX 1SSE MESONET         :  44 /  30 /  0.00
MMYT2: MCCAMEY 1SW MESONET        :  44 /  31 /  0.00
PGPT2: PERSIMMON GAP MESONET      :  43 /  38 /  0.00
PSST2: PINE SPRINGS MESONET       :  39 /  24 /  0.00
SGST2: SEAGRAVES MESONET          :  45 /  27 /  0.00
SMST2: SEMINOLE MESONET           :  44 /  28 /  0.01
SYST2: SNYDER 3E MESONET          :  46 /  30 /  0.00
WTXT2: SNYDER 3SSW MESONET        :  45 /  29 /  0.00
GCMT2: ST LAWRENCE 5SW MESONET    :  43 /  29 /  0.00
TZNT2: TARZAN 2WNW MESONET        :  43 /  30 /  0.00
VHNT2: VAN HORN 3ENE MESONET      :  43 /  25 /  0.00
WEHT2: WELCH MESONET              :  45 /  26 /  0.00
MHST2: MONAHANS 6ENE CRN          :  47 /  31 /  0.00
PNJT2: PANTHER JUNCTION CRN       :  40 /  35 /  0.00

:ID    LOCATION                     HIGH  LOW    PCPN
:----  --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : CARLSBAD ASOS              :  45 /  28 /  0.00
ATS  : ARTESIA AWOS               :  45 /  27 /  0.00
HOB  : HOBBS FAA                  :  43 /  27 /     M
BATN5: BATDRAW RAWS               :  43 /  27 /  0.00
CPPN5: CAPROCK RAWS               :  45 /  29 /  0.00
MPAN5: PADUCA RAWS                :  48 /  29 /  0.00
QENN5: QUEEN RAWS                 :  38 /  26 /  0.01
HCYN5: HOBBS 5NW MESONET          :  45 /  26 /  0.00
JLNN5: JAL 17WNW  MESONET         :  45 /  27 /  0.00
TTSN5: TATUM MESONET              :  44 /  25 /  0.00




: ...WEST TEXAS...
:ID    LOCATION                     OB TIME   HIGH  LOW    PCPN
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
BLHT2: BALMORHEA                   : DH0700 /  47 /  28 /  0.00
CSLT2: CASTOLON                    : DH0800 /  50 /  43 /  0.00
BBPT2: CHISOS BASIN                : DH0800 /  34 /  26 /  0.00
SRLT2: COPE RANCH                  : DH0700 /  43 /  25 /  0.00
MCIT2: WFO MIDLAND                 : DH0700 /  43 /  31 /  0.00
PNGT2: PERSIMMON GAP               : DH0800 /  44 /  38 /  0.00
RGVT2: RIO GRANDE VILLAGE          : DH0800 /  48 /  43 /  0.00
SNYT2: SNYDER                      : DH0700 /  46 /  30 /  0.00
VAHT2: VAN HORN                    : DH0800 /  42 /  28 /  0.00

:ID    LOCATION                     OB TIME   HIGH  LOW    PCPN
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
ARTN5: ARTESIA 6S                  : DH0830 /  46 /  24 /  0.00
CPRN5: CAPROCK                     : DH0800 /  45 /  24 /  0.00


: ...WEST TEXAS...
:ID    LOCATION                     OB TIME   HIGH  LOW    PCPN
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
ASGT2: ALPINE 7WNW                 : DH2359 /  39 /  26 /  0.00
GAAT2: GAIL                        : DH1900 /  44 /  31 /  0.00



: ...WEST TEXAS...
:ID    LOCATION                     HIGH  LOW
:----  --------                     ----  ---
BDGT2: BELDING 3NNW MESONET       :  67 /  59
BIGT2: BIG LAKE 1WNW MESONET      :  63 /  56
CYAT2: COYANOSA 2N MESONET        :  68 /  61
FVST2: FLUVANNA MESONET           :  57 /  54
GGST2: GAIL MESONET               :  58 /  55
LMST2: LAMESA MESONET             :  57 /  53
LOXT2: LOMAX 1SSE MESONET         :  56 /  51
SGST2: SEAGRAVES MESONET          :  55 /  50
SMST2: SEMINOLE MESONET           :  53 /  47
TZNT2: TARZAN 2WNW MESONET        :  54 /  50
WEHT2: WELCH MESONET              :  58 /  53

:ID    LOCATION                     HIGH  LOW
:----  --------                     ----  ---
JLNN5: JAL 17WNW  MESONET         :  60 /  50
TTSN5: TATUM MESONET              :  57 /  54




Max/Min Temperature And Precipitation Table For
North And Central New Mexico
National Weather Service Albuquerque NM
750 AM MDT Tue Oct 31 2023

  Aviation Stations

Values represent highs yesterday...Overnight lows...
Precipitation and snowfall over the last 24 hours ending at 5 AM MST

:                               Max   Min           Snow Snow
:Id    Location          Elev   Temp  Temp   Pcpn   Fall Depth
ABQ  : ABQ Sunport       5351:   48 /  31 /  0.00/     M/    M
BRG  : Belen Airport     5194:   48 /  24 /  0.00/      /
CVS  : Cannon AFB        4295:   43 /  27 /  0.00/      /
CAO  : Clayton           4964:   47 /  29 /  0.00/     M/    M
CQC  : Clines Corners    7087:   42 /  23 /  0.00/      /
CVN  : Clovis Airport    4216:   44 /  24 /  1.32/      /
AEG  : Double Eagle Arpt 5837:   47 /  21 /     M/      /
FMN  : Farmington        5502:   49 /  19 /  0.00/      /
GUP  : Gallup            6473:   53 /  14 /  0.00/      /
GNT  : Grants            6522:   50 /  13 /     M/      /
LVS  : Las Vegas Arpt    6877:   44 /  22 /  0.00/      /
RTN  : Raton Airport     6348:   46 /  17 /  0.00/      /
ROW  : Roswell           3668:   47 /  28 /  0.00/     M/    M
SRR  : Ruidoso Airport   6811:   43 /  28 /  0.00/      /
SAF  : Santa Fe Airport  6348:   47 /  23 /  0.00/      /
SXU  : Santa Rosa        4790:   44 /  22 /  0.00/      /
ONM  : Socorro           4849:   49 /  28 /  0.00/      /
SKX  : Taos Airport      7090:   45 /  14 /  0.00/      /
TCC  : Tucumcari         4065:   46 /  20 /  0.00/      /

  Cooperative Observer Stations

High temperatures...Low temperatures...Precipitation and Snowfall
Past 24 hours

:                            Obs    Max   Min           Snow  Snow
:Id    Location       Elev   Time   Temp  Temp   Pcpn   Fall  Depth
LLUN5: Los Lunas      4840: DH0730/  51 /  17 /  0.00/     M/    M
MRYN5: Moriarty       6220: DH0700/  46 /  12 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
BLNN5: Navajo Dam     5770: DH0700/  50 /  27 /  0.00/     M/    M
MTRN5: Mountainair NW 6672: DH0700/  45 /  15 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
PEDN5: Pedernal 9E    6150: DH0700/  43 /  13 /  0.00/   0.0/    M
RRON5: Rio Rancho 2   5290: DH0630/  52 /  26 /  0.00/     M/    M

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/. Therefore, these
data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be
accessed at


Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for
Southwest/South-Central New Mexico and Far West Texas
National Weather Service El Paso TX / Santa Teresa NM
932 AM MDT Tue Oct 31 2023

:Values represent Highs yesterday...Lows since Midnight MST ending
:at 830am MST and 24-Hour Precipitation ending at 5am MST.
:ASOS and Other NWS-Maintained Sites
:                                 Max    Min     24hr    Snow   Snow
:Id    Location            Elev   Temp   Temp    Pcpn    Fall   Depth
DMN   :Deming              4314 :  51  /  27  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
ELP   :El Paso Intl Arpt   3917 :  52  /  35  /  0.00  /      /
EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS    4108 :  50  /  28  /  0.00  /      /
TCS   :T-or-C Airport      4859 :  50  /  32  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
:AWOS / CRN / Military Sites - Not maintained by NWS.
:                                 Max    Min     24hr
:Id    Location            Elev   Temp   Temp    Pcpn
ALM   :Alamogordo          4196 :  48  /  23  /  0.00
HMN   :Holloman AFB        4095 :  49  /  26  /  0.00
LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN   4327 :  49  /  24  /  0.00
LRU   :Las Cruces Airport  4455 :  49  /  27  /  0.00
SVC   :Grant County Arpt   5443 :  51  /  25  /  0.00
0A0   :Spaceport America   4597 :  50  /  23  /  0.00
:NWS Cooperative Observer reports received this morning...
:Values reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted
:observation time (MST).
:                              Obs     Max   Min    24hr   Snow  Snow
:Id    Location        Elev    Time    Temp  Temp   Pcpn   Fall Depth
:New Mexico
CLDN5: Cloudcroft      8723 : DH0700 /  42 /  15 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   0
LASN5: Jornada Range   4266 : DH0715 /  44 /  21 /  0.00 /    M /   M
LARN5: Lake Roberts    6113 : DH0700 /  53 /  18 /  0.00 /    M /   M
STCN5: Las Cruces NMSU 3881 : DH0600 /  52 /  31 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   0
SICN5: Silver City 3N  6171 : DH0700 /  47 /  19 /  0.00 /    M /   M
:NWS Cooperative Observer reports received last night. Values
:reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted
:observation time yesterday (MST).
:                              Obs     Max
:Id     Location        Elev   Time    Temp
:New Mexico
:ELKN5  Elk             5934   DH1835 /  40
:GHSN5  Gila Hot Spgs   5636   DH1800 /  62
:HLLN5  Hillsboro       5270   DH1900 /  57
:MTPN5  Mountain Park   6780   DH1700 /  60
:RCKN5  Redrock         4050   DH1800 /  68
:WHSN5  White Signal    6068   DH1700 /  62

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Therefore...
these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate
data can be accessed at

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Turning Sharply Colder - A Winter Mix For Some!

October 14, 2023.
Along St Hwy 244.
Between Cloudcroft & Ruidoso, NM.
Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation

Turning Much Colder With A Taste Of Winter!

At 7 AM MDT Saturday, Oct 28, 2023.

Apparent Temperature.

At 7 AM MDT Saturday, Oct 28, 2023.

At 6 AM MDT Saturday, Oct 28, 2023.

Surface Map Forecast.

Valid At 6 AM MDT Sunday, Oct 29, 2023.

Valid At 6 AP MDT Sunday, Oct 29, 2023.

High Temps Today - Saturday.




NWS NDFD Forecast Low Temps.

Sunday Morning.

Monday Morning.

Tuesday Morning.

Valid Today Through 6 PM MDT Monday, Oct 30, 2023.

NWS NDFD Snowfall Forecast.

Valid Sunday Through 6 PM MDT Monday, Oct 30, 2023.

NWS NDFD Freezing Rain Forecast.

Turning Sharply Colder Tonight!

A cold front had sagged southward into southeastern New Mexico and West Texas overnight. It had backed westward up along the east slopes of the northern-central and south-central mountains of New Mexico at sunrise this morning. Low clouds, pockets of fog, and mist blanket parts of the local area this morning. 

Breaks in the overcast should occur by mid-day. A few isolated rain showers and t-storms will be possible across the southeastern plains eastward into West Texas this afternoon. As a reinforcing and much colder surge of arctic air moves southward into the local area tonight the low clouds and fog will return. Pockets of light drizzle and or a few light rain showers and maybe a few isolated t-storms will occur this evening. Low clouds, fog, and drizzle should be widespread Sunday morning.

A much cold air mass will invade the area tonight behind the arctic cold front. After seeing high temps today across the southeastern plains range from 70 to 75 Sunday will be another story. Current thinking is that our high temperatures across the southeastern plains will occur early on Sunday with falling temps throughout the day. Highs will only be in the mid 40's to near 50.

Gusty north to northeast winds with speeds in the 20 to 30 mph range will develop along and behind the southward moving arctic cold front this afternoon into Sunday morning. Making it feel much colder than it really is.

Wind chill temperatures Sunday morning across the eastern and southeastern plains are forecast to range from the low teens in the Clovis and Portales areas, to near 20 in the Tatum area, to near 25 in the Hobbs area, to near freezing in the Roswell, Artesia, and Carlsbad areas. So bundle up because it will feel more like winter than fall. 

Our low temperatures Monday morning will fall to freezing over most locals with the seasons first freeze in many areas. Those that don't experience their first freeze will likely do so Tuesday morning.

High temperatures on Monday across the southeastern plains will range from the low to mid 40's. Lows Tuesday morning will likely range from the mid to upper 20's. The Canadian forecast model continues to be the colder model and it drops our low temps into the upper teens Tuesday morning. As is the case many times with arctic cold fronts the models struggle sometimes with how cold it gets and I think this may be the case now. So don't be surprised if it's not colder than current forecasts indicate.

Freeze Warnings and Freeze Advisories are in effect for the local area and across the area.

Winter Weather For Some!

Snow is forecast across northern and central New Mexico, and a wintry mix is forecast for parts of the northeastern, and eastern plains of New Mexico, Sunday into Monday morning. Light freezing rain and or light freezing drizzle mixed in with pockets of light snow and sleet will be possible across the northeastern and eastern plains of New Mexico tonight into Sunday morning. 

A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect for parts of the northern mountains of New Mexico from noon Sunday through 6 AM MDT Monday morning. New snowfall of 2" to 6" is possible.

A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect for parts of the northeastern and eastern plains of New Mexico from 6 PM MDT this evening through 6 PM MDT Sunday. A mix of light freezing drizzle, light freezing rain, light sleet, and light snow is forecast. Ice may accumulate on exposed surfaces up to an tenth of an inch. Snow and sleet may accumulate up to one half of an inch.

As of 9:30 AM MDT this Sunday morning there are no Winter Weather Advisories in effect for the southeastern plains or the south-central and Guadalupe mountains. However, it is possible that these areas may see pockets of light freezing drizzle mixed in with with light snow Sunday afternoon into Monday morning. At this time no significant accumulations are forecast for these areas.

High temps in the Sacramento mountains will range from the mid 60's today in the Ruidoso, Sacramento/Weed/Timberon areas, to the low to mid 70's in the High Rolls/Mountain Park, Mayhill, and Hondo areas. Sunday will see these highs drop by some ten to fifteen degrees. 

High temps in the Sacramento mountains on Monday will range from the upper 30's at the higher elevations to the mid 40's at the lower elevations. Low temps Monday morning will range from the mid teens to near 20. Again it may be even colder than this. 

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Fall Weather Is On The Way.

Saturday, Oct 14, 2023.

Fall Weather Is On The Way.

Valid At 6 AM MDT Monday, Oct 23, 2023.

European (ECMWF) 500 Millibar (18,000' MSL) Forecast.

Valid At 6 PM MDT Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023.

European (ECMWF) 500 Millibar (18,000' MSL) Forecast.

Valid At Noon MDT Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023.

Valid At 6 PM MDT Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023.

Remnant Moisture From Former Hurricane Norma Mostly Misses Us.

A strong mid-upper level closed low was dropping southward through southern California this afternoon. It will continue to drop south and into northwestern Mexico by around sunset Tuesday evening. Then it slides slowly eastward to near El Paso by noontime Wednesday. After that it lifts northeastward into central Kansas and basically washes out on Thursday.

A Pacific cold front is forecast to slide eastward to a Socorro-Las Cruces-east of El Paso line by sunset Tuesday. 

Remnant moisture from former Hurricane Norma that moved inland near the southern tip of Baja, California two days ago is streaming overhead. Radar shows scattered rain showers and a few thunderstorms over far eastern and southeastern Lea County as of 3:30 PM MDT this Monday afternoon. This activity is more widespread and heavier in parts of West Texas.

For all intent and purposes the majority of this tropical moisture will have a limited effect on Southeastern New Mexico's weather. Our chances for measurable rainfall tonight ranges from 20% tonight into Tuesday for the Roswell, Artesia, Carlsbad areas. The Hobbs area has a 30% to 40% of getting wet through Tuesday.

Valid For Tuesday.

Valid Today Through 6 AM MDT Thursday, Oct 26, 203.

Weather Prediction (WPC) Storm Total Rainfall Forecast.

Valid Today Through 6 AM MDT Thursday, Oct 26, 2023.

National Blend Of Models (NBM) Storm Total Rainfall Forecast.

Valid Today Through 6 AM MDT Thursday, Oct 26, 2023.

Scattered T-Storms Tuesday - Some Severe!

As the closed mid-upper level low approaches from the southwest Tuesday afternoon and evening scattered thunderstorms are forecast to develop across southern, south-central, southeastern, and parts of eastern New Mexico, as well as parts of West Texas. A few of these will become severe and produce large hail and damaging thunderstorm wind gusts.
Locally heavy rainfall will also produce localized flash flooding. 

Our chances for measurable rainfall jump up into the 50% range Tuesday night into Wednesday across the southeastern plains.

Across the Sacramento and Capitan mountains the chances for measurable rainfall increase into the 30%-60% range Tuesday into Wednesday. With highs this week in the 50's for the Cloudcroft area, and the 60's for the Ruidoso area.

Tuesday night into Wednesday the Ski Apache NWS forecast calls for a mix of rain and snow showers with a few thunderstorms mixed in. It is possible that in the Cloudcroft area generally above the 9,000' level you could see a mix of rain and snow briefly Tuesday night. 

Our high temps will be in the 70's Tuesday and Wednesday warming back up into the low to mid 80's Friday and Saturday. A strong backdoor cold front is forecast to dive southward down the eastern plains Saturday night and Sunday. The models aren't in total agreement on how cold the airmass will be behind this next front, but the first of next week potentially could only see highs in the 40's and 50's across the southeastern plains.

This morning's run of the Canadian forecast model (GEM) really goes far out on a limb and produces a high temp in Roswell of only 24F on Thursday, Nov 2nd. Yeah that might be a bit of a stretch, and that's way beyond any reasonable time frame to try and say that this is accurate. But you get the idea...colder temps with our first frost/freeze is not that far away so get ready. Typically we see our first freeze by around Halloween. 

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Hwy 137 Supercell T-Storm NW Of Carlsbad, NM 10-2-2023.

Rotating Wall Cloud & Funnel Cloud.

Monday, October 2, 2023.
Low Hanging Rotating Wall Cloud 
Along Hwy 137 NW Of Carlsbad, NM.

12:56 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
Brief Funnel Cloud - Hwy 137.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

Hail & Hail Fog - Flash Flooding.

2:16 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:36 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:37 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:39 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:39 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:39 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:49 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:49 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:52 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

2:53 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

Flash Flooding.

2:49 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Junction Of US Hwy 285 & St Hwy 137.

4:33 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
Truck Bypass St Hwy 524.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

4:34 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
Truck Bypass St Hwy 524.
NW Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

6:44 PM MDT.
Monday, October 2, 2023.
Normally Dry Dark Canyon Arroyo.
Boyd Dr. & Radio Blvd.Carlsbad, New Mexico.

(As Of 8 AM MDT Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023).

(As Of 10 PM MDT Monday, Oct 2, 2023).

Supercell T-Storm Produces Large Hail & Flash Flooding.

At noon mdt on Monday, October 2, 2023 a few thunderstorms started developing along the east face of the Guadalupe mountains just northeast of Queen, New Mexico in southwestern Eddy County. One of these quickly developed into a small but mean supercell thunderstorm.

I was out storm chasing at the time. Initially I was going to chase the storm to the northeast as it potentially moved along White Pine Rd. southwest of Lakewood. However the storm split and I chose the right cell which produced at least golf ball to tennis ball size hail, and flash flooding along St. Hwy 137 northwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico, and US Hwy 285 near Brantley Lake State park. 

Arroyo, bar ditch, and street flooding was reported in around Carlsbad. The Trucki bypass (St Hwy 524) was closed briefly due to flash flooding. Several other streets in Carlsbad were closed due to the flooding including the Dark Canyon crossing at Radio Blvd and Boyd Drive. 

Normally dry arroyo Dark Canyon flooded and a peak crest of 10.45' was measured at 9.15 PM MDT on Monday, October 2, 2023. Normally dry Rocky Arroyo also flooded and the USGS gauge at the bridge on US Hwy 285 recorded a peak water depth of a little over 7' at 3:30 PM MDT. 

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Current US Temps

Current US Wind Chill/Heat Index Temperatures

NWS Midland Forecast High Temperatures

NWS Midland Forecast Low Temperatures

NWS Midland Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast.

NWS Albuquerque Forecast High Temperatures

NWS Albuquerque Forecast Low Temperatures

NWS El Paso Forecast High Temperatures

NWS El Paso Forecast Low Temperatures

NWS El Paso Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast

NWS Albuquerque Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast.

NWS Albuquerque Peak Wind Gust Forecast

NWS Midland Peak Wind Gust Forecast

NWS El Paso Peak Wind Gust Forecast

Average Daily High/Low Temperatures & Rainfall/Snowfall

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