My Current Weather

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Prophetic Dream - Brace Yourself!

I normally don't say much publicly about religion especially here on my weather web page. But this Pastor's Warning To America grabbed my attention. This man's dreams are intriguing, to say the least. Like he says he prays that he is wrong and so do I.
Prophetic Dream - Brace Yourself!
"This is Dana Coverstone. I’m a pastor. I’m a husband, I’m a father. I’m a patriot I love this country.
I’m going to share three specific dreams that I’ve had recently.
But I believe that I have a warning for the country. A warning for rural America. A warning for America overall.
I don’t think I would be doing anyone a service if I don’t show what I saw in these dreams and visions.
I believe that we’re going to see not just going to see a second huge wave of Covid between September, October, November.
We’re going to see major things with the elections,…
We’re going to see major chaos in our country.
We’re going to see troops in our cities.
We’re going to see the protests get even worse,
We’re going to see buildings burn.
We’re going to see which can only lead to civil war in this country.
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Hot & Dry 4th of July Week Ahead.

Sunday, June 28, 2020.
High based showers with more virga than rain.
Southeast of Dunken or Northwest of Hope, New Mexico.

     A few high based rain showers and thunderstorms once again dotted the landscape Sunday afternoon. With afternoon high temperatures in the upper 90's and dew point temperatures in the 30's the bases of these storms averaged around 11,000' to 12,000' feet above the ground level. As is typical this time of year and with such a dry sub cloud layer very little rainfall made it to the ground. Most of this activity was in the form of virga. Our moderate to severe drought locally continues.

Hot Holiday Week Ahead.








(Today Through Monday, July 6, 2020).

Weather Prediction Center (WPC) Weekly Rainfall Forecast.

     Typical hot and dry late June early July weather conditions are forecast over the local area this week. Afternoon high temperatures will average close to 100º each afternoon today through the 4th of July holiday weekend. Average daily high/low temperatures across the Southeastern Plains for this time of the year is 96º/68º.

     Some relief from the heat and drought may come late this week as we see an increase in thunderstorm activity but nothing to bust the drought.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Tyranny And Anarchy Are Tearing America Apart!

Tommy Vex Breaks Down BLM Protests/Antifa - Very Simple To Understand.

The PatriotNurse It's Not About Masks Or Health - It's About Power.

America Is Being Gaslighted By The Left!

Fuel For The Fire.

     2020 will go down in history as a turning point in America. Will we turn left towards Socialist Marxist Communism, or will we made a hard right turn toward our more conservative and traditional values? These are the questions yet unanswered. We will not know the answer until after our Presidential election on Tuesday, November 3rd. America is at war with itself. So far it's not an all-out Civil War as we saw in 1861 - 1865. We are not far from it though. Make no mistake we are at war. The Far Leftist Socialist Democrats have declared war on traditional America and all that she stands for. Like or not but the day is coming and soon that we all must make a choice on which side of the fence we are going to stand on. Are you ready?

     This is not about George Floyd anymore or any other person being murdered by a few rogue police officers. They do not represent the actions of the majority of their colleagues but that's not what the corrupt media is telling us. Yes, what happened to George Floyd and others was horrible, and never should be allowed to happen again. That incident was used as a catalyst or excuse that the Far Left Democrats used to declare war on Law Enforcement, and Law and Order in general. That one incident was the fuel that was thrown on the racial fire controversy that has been simmering for a long time. Notice that it's our largest Democratic-controlled cities that the radicals are destroying. Have you asked yourself why?

     Barrack Obama and his administration fanned the flames of racial hatred during his eight years in office. There is not a racism problem in America. What we do have is a Radical Leftist Democratic Party who is backed by powerful people who are perpetuating a massive lie to divide the nation. All in the hopes that they can steal the presidential election this fall.

Antifa Hijacked The BLM Movement.

     Antifa wasted not time in hijacking the "Black Lives Matter" protests that have broken out nation-wide. Don't misunderstand me I fully support the right to "peacefully protest", that is a constitutional right that we all have. But burning down and destroying businesses, private and public property, statues, police vehicles, etc is not "peacefully protesting." Nor attacking police officers, national guard troops, and innocent bystanders and protesters. Antifa is the radical violent arm of the Democratic Party that they have turned loose on our nation. 

     This past Thursday on a Fox News interview with Martha MacCallum Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome made this horrific statement: "Black Lives Matter leader states if  US 'doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system'. That is not peaceful protesting. What this is simply is anarchy. He is not the only one running around making crazy statements like this either. 

           Here Is The Real Cause The BLM Movement Should  Take Up.

     Instead of burning down American cities, the BLM Movement might consider what is happing in Chicago and other places where black on blacks are murdering each other by the hundreds. Over 40,000 homicides have occurred in Chicago in the past 63 years. Yet the Democratic crickets are silent on this issue. Why? Because this is occurring under their political leadership and they don't want to stop it. Divide and concur us is their theme. Have us devour one another so they can swoop in and pick up the pieces and control everything and all of us. Every life matters in America regardless of the persons skin color! 

E Pluribus Unum...Out of many, one.  The meaning of the phrase originates from the concept that out of the union of the original Thirteen Colonies emerged a new single nation.[8] It is emblazoned across the scroll and clenched in the eagle's beak on the Great Seal of the United States. Our Founding Fathers believed this, instituted this into the fabric of our nation. This has held us together for over 200 years. America has always been known as the "Melting Pot of the World." Come one, come all. No, we are not a perfect nation and yes we have made mistakes over the course of our existence. God has placed his hand upon us and we have been the beacon lighthouse of history. Millions have we fed, doctored, educated, died for, and freed. Not only here at home but abroad. We do not enslave anyone, this is a horrible lie. Communism is the Grand Master-Slave Holder of the world, not America.

   She Weeps As Her Children Tear At One Another!

The New Colossus:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

     Not only must our Founding Fathers be rolling over in their graves but surely their souls weep for the tragedy America has become! Ironically they knew that this day was coming and that's exactly why they gave us the 2nd Amendment. To protect us, the people, from the mobs of corrupt politicians, and radicals who are trying to overthrow a duly elected president and the nation as a whole along with her Constitution. People are and have been stocking up on arms and ammunition for years now...because it's becoming abundantly clear that the day is coming when we will be fighting for our lives and the survival of our nation.

     No, I am not a radical nut case. I am a Constitutional Christian Conservative who loves my God, my family, my nation. I am a U.S. Navy Veteran, as was my father and Uncle. I am a Patriot. I am a father, a husband, a grandfather, and my blood flows red for America who I love and will die for if the need arises. I live by our traditional values, honor our nation's heritage and founding. That is enough to make me an enemy of the Deep State, The Far Leftists Democratic Radical Socialists, the Communists, the Progressives. When they come for me I will be ready. I will die for my country as those before me. I swore an oath 46 years ago when I joined the U.S. Navy to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic. That oath still burns within my soul. 
America's History & Traditions Under Attack.

     Some of these radical rioters need a history lesson too. Because some of the statues and monuments that they have and are destroying are from people who fought against and white. Little do they that America's first Slave Holder was a black man named Anthony Johnson. He was a black Angolan known for achieving wealth in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia. He was one of the first African American property owners and had his right to legally own a slave recognized by the Virginia courts. Tearing down the nation's statues is not about slavery or is nothing less than an all-out attempt to re-write American history. To be replaced with a Socialist narrative, not a factual historical narrative.

   30-Years Of Socialist Communist Indoctrination In Our Colleges Are                                                         Paying Off.

     Most of the nation's colleges and universities are nothing more than communist propaganda machines now. Nearly every professor teaching in them holds Far Leftist political views. So it should come as no surprise that we are seeing our young adults out in the streets rioting and supporting these radical political movements. They have not been taught to love the America that you and I grew up in. Rather they are being taught to hate her. Pay close attention to them and you will also notice that everything that they are raging about, all of the supposed wrongs, they themselves are portraying and acting out. These people of the worst kind of hypocrites. 

COVID-19 Didn't Go Away.

     America is being held hostage by the Radical Medical crackpots and Radical Democratic Politicians. My State (New Mexico) has the strictest restrictions on any because of the pandemic but it has not stopped the spread of the virus as claimed. Unfortunately, we are seeing the number of people being infected going up once again. This is due to the increased number of testing, opening back of the nation, and yes the COVID-19 virus is still spreading across America. Particularly in the South and West. This isn't over. 

     Like it or not but this is not round two of the pandemic. Round two comes this fall and winter when we face our annual flue outbreaks. Proper steps must be taken to protect those who most vulnerable to this virus such as the elderly. Locking down the nation again and further destroying our economy is not the answer! But that's exactly what they are going to try and do again. 

     I have no doubts whatsoever that this is a very deadly and contagious virus. However, there should be no doubt that the Democratic Left used this pandemic to their advantage to hurt President Trump and the nation's economy. China either turned this virus loose on the world. And the Democrats capitalized upon it. Their main goal was to shut down and weaken the nation's economy. They were extremely successful in doing so too. Businesses everywhere have gone bankrupt. Millions are still unemployed. Our national debt blew up like a bomb and today is over $20.5 trillion and still going up. 

Donald Trump Is Not Destroying America - The Democrats Are!

     Don't watch the Mainstream Medica or read their newspapers and magazines if you want the truth about what is really happening to America. President Trump is not destroying America...the Democrats are and have been for years. President Trump pledged to drain the Swamp when he took office nearly four years ago. By doing so he declared war on them and they are fighting back. Little by little he has gone after the political elite (Rinos and Democrats) and they are mad as hell over it. A war for America's soul, heart, sovereignty, and existence is ongoing. Those on the Socialist Left hate everything America stands for...understanding this helps explain their motives, reasoning, and radical actions. 

     Those of us who love our country must stand up together against this insanity that is taking over our nation. We are the majority, not them (those who hate our nation). We have got to show up at the polls in November by the tens of millions to push back. If we lose this election our only other chance/choice to stop this move to take over America will be fought in our streets, towns, and cities nationwide. Another Civil War will devastate our nation but that's exactly what we are facing if we don't start fighting back now before its too late.   

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Cooler With Scattered Severe Thunderstorms Today!

At 7:31 PM MDT Monday, June 22, 2020.

     Several complexes of thunderstorms (MCS) develop yesterday afternoon. The largest formed over northeastern New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle. The second near the Midland-Odessa area. A small cluster of Severe Thunderstorms developed near Hobbs and along the east slopes of the Sacramento and Guadalupe Mountains.

Valid At 5:30 AM MDT Tuesday, June 23, 2020.

     Heavy rainfall fell over far eastern New Mexico in the Clovis area yesterday afternoon. As well as parts of the Texas Panhandle and West Texas.



     Sunday ended up being hotter locally than Monday was. I recorded my highest temperature so far this summer season on Sunday with a reading of 107ºF, and 106ºF on Monday here at our home in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The Roswell Airport reported 107ºF on Sunday and 105ºF on Monday. The Carlsbad Airport recorded 105ºF on Sunday and 104ºF on Monday. 

Severe Thunderstorms Today!

     Scattered thunderstorms are forecast to break out across the area today. Some of these are going to become severe and will be capable of producing large hail (possibly golf ball size or larger), damaging thunderstorm wind gusts in excess of 60 mph, and deadly cloud to ground lightning. Locally heavy rainfall along with isolated localized flash flooding may also occur with the strongest thunderstorms. Our chances for seeing measurable rainfall in SE NM today into tonight ranges from 20% to 50%.

    Today will also see cooler temperatures as we struggle to reach the upper 80's to near 90ºF. Thanks to a cold front that moved south through the region last night.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Isolated Severe T-Storms Today - Hot & Dry Into Next Week.

8:30 AM MDT Friday, June 19, 2020.

10:00 AM MDT Friday, June 19, 2020.

     A vast brown cloud of Shara dust can easily be seen in the first image above moving westward off the Northern African Continent. In the second image above we see the same dust cloud depicted in blue and pink shades. 

Here Comes The Sahara Dust!

     Is this for real? Yes, it is. And really it happens just about every summer. If you have wondered what causes those dull hazy summer skies with fiery sunrises and sunsets then here is your answer. Sometimes this occurs as a result of vast clouds of Shara dust that is blown westward from the Northern Africa Shara Desert by low-level and mid-level easterly and southeasterly winds and into the Southern U.S. Even as far west as Texas and New Mexico. 

NASA Dust Cloud Extinction Analysis.
Valid At 6 PM MDT Thursday, June 18, 2020.

NASA Dust Cloud Extinction Analysis.
Valid At 12 AM MDT Friday, June 26, 2020.

     By late next week (Friday the 26th) or a week from this blog post, we may see some of this Shara dust begin to work its way into West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico. As depicted in the NASA model forecast above. Notice how thick it is forecast to be along the southern Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisana. 

Heat Wave To Continue Into Next Week.


Today Into Next Week.





     Our hot dry weather shows no signs of letting up anytime soon. Which is pretty typical for the middle to end of June. Although June 15th officially marked the beginning of our annual summer Monsoon season, here in Southeastern New Mexico more often than not we usually don't see it kick in until around the 4th of July or later. Long time ranchers and farmers always told me that if it hadn't started raining by the 4th of July then expect a long hot dry summer. More often than not this turned out to be true over the past fifty years of my lifetime.

     Recent runs of the various computer forecast models continue to bounce around and struggle with just how hot we will be next week. I still think that Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday may see our afternoon highs soar up into the 105º to 110º range across SE NM and parts of W TX. We are coming up on the hottest weeks of the year normally and as you can see below the daily record highs for the next four days are pretty toasty. 

Record Daily High Temperatures.

Friday, June 19  Saturday, June 20 Sunday, June 21Monday, June 22 
108 108 109 109 
 1996 19961981 2018 

FridayJune 19 Saturday, June 20Sunday, June 21Monday, June 22
 111 107 108 109 
 1960 1960 1935 1960

 FridayJune 19 Saturday, June 20 Sunday, June 21 Monday, June 22
 110 110 110 110
 2012 1998 1942 1978

  Friday, June 19 Saturday, June 20 Sunday, June 21 Monday, June 22
 109 110 110 108
 1998 1998 1960 2008

  Friday, June 19 Saturday, June 20 Sunday, June 21 Monday, June 22
 9395 95 93
1981 1981  1981 1953

  Friday, June 19 Saturday, June 20 Sunday, June 21 Monday, June 22
 8785  8884 
 2010 2001, 2012 19811960 

Isolated Severe T-Storms Today In Far SE NM.

     Isolated to widely scattered high-based thunderstorms may impact parts of the local area later this afternoon and early this evening. Damaging thunderstorm wind gusts in excess of 60 mph along with localized areas of blowing dust will be possible with the stronger storms. Hail will be possible with a few of the stronger storms as well. Deadly cloud to ground lightning will also occur with any thunderstorm that develops. 

     Stronger and more wide-spread thunderstorm activity is forecast further east into the northeastern Permian Basin and northward.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Monsoon Season Starts Monday But We Will Remain Hot & Dry.








Valid Today - Wednesday, June 17, 2020.

Weather Prediction Center (WPC) Total Rainfall Forecast.

Valid Today - Sunday, June 21, 2020.

Hot & Dry - Typical For Mid-June.

Monday (June 15th) marks the beginning of our annual Desert Southwest Monsoon season which ends September 30th. June is notoriously hot in SE NM and we usually see our highest daily summertime temperatures. Not always though. July and August can be just as hot with records highs in the Pecos Valley all above 110ºF.

This upcoming week looks hot and dry especially mid-week into next weekend. Daily high temperatures are forecast to climb above the century mark once again. Widespread wetting rains are not in our outlook although a few hit and miss thunderstorms will be possible over and near the mountains.

SE NM Summertime Rainfall Climatology.


 June   July August Total
 1.40"     1.92" 1.87" 5.19"

Roswell Wettest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 6.05"6.88"  9.56"15.59" 
1898  1991 19161898 

Roswell Driest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 T .01" .01"1.25"
 2012 1980 19052001



 June July August Total
1.39"  1.77" 1.67"4.83" 

Artesia Wettest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 9.77" 7.76" 6.67" 11.53"
 1978 19111966 1978 

Artesia Driest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 .00" Trace .06"1.00"
 2012 1917 19132003 



 June July August Total
 1.47" 1.93" 1.76" 5.16"

Carlsbad Wettest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 6.24" 10.50"7.62" 18.06" 
 1948 19021966 1902 

Carlsbad Driest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 .00" .00" .01" .74"
2012  1954 1938 1924



 June  July August Total
 1.14" 1.79"1.87" 4.80" 

Carlsbad Airport Wettest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 8.98" 5.90" 8.02" 12.28"
 1986 20091966 1986 

Carlsbad Airport Driest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 .00" Trace Trace.68" 
 1971 1970 20192011 



 June July August Total
1.55"  2.03"2.33"  5.91"

Carlsbad Caverns Wettest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 16.93" 8.87" 11.71"19.61" 
 1986 2010 1966 1986

Carlsbad Caverns Driest Summer Months.

 June July August Total
 .00" .00".09" 1.25" 
2005 1932  2013 1911

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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