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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Artesia New Mexico Blowing Dust Video/Photos 4-12-2022 & Reported Peak Wind Gusts.

US Hwy 285 31/2 Miles South Of Artesia.

US Hwy 285 31/2 Miles South Of Artesia.

South 13th Street South Of Artesia.

Downtown Artesia.

South 13th Street South Of Artesia.

South 13th Street South Of Artesia.

South 13th Street South Of Artesia.

South 13th Street South Of Artesia.

South 13th Street South Of Artesia.

Blowing dust and high winds raked the area between Brantley Lake northward to Artesia, New Mexico Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Southwest winds gusted between 45-62 mph from 9:15 AM MDT through 7:00 PM MDT. The Artesia Airport AWOS recorded a peak wind gust of 62 mph at 10:35 AM MDT. Just before then, a Personal Weather Station (PWS) recorded a gust of 65 mph at the Seven Rivers RVP Camp, and 67 mph later in the afternoon. I shot this series of videos with my GroPro Black Camera. Starting from 6 miles south of town and finally on south 13th street. Localized sudden drops in the visibility due to the blowing dust at times were near zero. This was due to the nearby farmland, open fields, and other exposed terrain. The Artesia Airport AWOS which is located on the west side of the city only dropped down to 5 miles for its lowest visibility. No farmland is close to the airport so their visibility from the blowing dust wasn't nearly as bad as the areas I was driving around in. The Pecos Valley from Carlsbad north to Artesia and Roswell is very prone to these localized dust storms during high wind events. This is a very common occurrence in the spring in Southeastern New Mexico...especially during La Nina years and during droughts. We currently are in extreme to exceptional drought conditions.

Peak Wind Gusts Reported Tuesday.

Official & Local Personal Weather Station (PWS) Gusts.

Twig Castle (PWS) - Cloudcroft 54 MPH.
Ridge Crest PWS - Carlsbad 50 MPH.

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Albuquerque NM
1045 PM MDT Tue Apr 12 2022


Location                     Speed     Time/Date

...New Mexico...

...Bernalillo County...
Albuquerque Intl Sunport     61 MPH    0427 PM 04/12
I-40 Sedillo Hill (NMDOT)    52 MPH    0155 AM 04/12
1 S Sedillo                  50 MPH    0329 AM 04/12
Albuquerque 6 NW             46 MPH    0355 PM 04/12
Albuquerque 7 NW             44 MPH    0310 PM 04/12
Double Eagle II Arpt         44 MPH    0350 PM 04/12
Cedro 4 WSW (Sandia Lab)     40 MPH    0953 AM 04/12

...Catron County...
Luna 1 ENE (Luna)            58 MPH    0207 PM 04/12
Reserve 1 WSW                50 MPH    0308 PM 04/12
Beaverhead                   44 MPH    1208 PM 04/12
Old Horse Springs 19 SSE (Pe 42 MPH    0338 PM 04/12
Datil 11 NNE (Datil)         41 MPH    0511 PM 04/12

...Chaves County...
Dunken 2 NE (Dunken)         59 MPH    0236 PM 04/12
Roswell Air Center           54 MPH    0331 PM 04/12
Bitter Lake WL Refuge 14 NNE 47 MPH    0137 PM 04/12
Roswell No. 1 Portable       41 MPH    0340 PM 04/12

...Cibola County...
El Morro 16 SSE (Malpais Lav 55 MPH    0125 PM 04/12
Grants-Milan Airport         53 MPH    1055 AM 04/12
I-40 at NM-6 (NMDOT)         51 MPH    0400 PM 04/12
Bluewater Lake 9 SSW (Bluewa 48 MPH    0905 AM 04/12
Pine Hill 14 SSE             44 MPH    0334 PM 04/12
19 SW Acoma Pueblo (Brushy M 43 MPH    0349 PM 04/12

...Colfax County...
Raton Crews Airport          60 MPH    0938 AM 04/12
Angel Fire Airport           58 MPH    0935 AM 04/12
Ute Park 3 N (Cimarron)      47 MPH    0709 AM 04/12

...Curry County...
Cannon AFB                   54 MPH    0121 PM 04/12
Clovis Muni Airport          47 MPH    1252 PM 04/12
Clovis                       42 MPH    0415 PM 04/12
Clovis ASC (NMCC)            41 MPH    1125 AM 04/12

...De Baca County...
Sumner Lake 1 NW             49 MPH    0507 PM 04/12

...Guadalupe County...
Santa Rosa Airport           69 MPH    0155 PM 04/12
Vaughn 4 E (UPR)             61 MPH    0135 PM 04/12
Milagro 3 ESE                50 MPH    0515 PM 04/12
Santa Rosa 2 SW (UPR)        47 MPH    0311 PM 04/12
Cuervo 3.5 NE (UPR)          46 MPH    1119 AM 04/12
Pastura 2 NE (UPR)           40 MPH    0230 PM 04/12

...Harding County...
Mills 4 WSW (Mills Canyon)   54 MPH    0205 PM 04/12

...Lincoln County...
Ruidoso 1 NNW (Smokey Bear)  80 MPH    0100 PM 04/12
Nogal 5 NW                   77 MPH    1225 PM 04/12
Sierra Blanca Rgnl Arpt      71 MPH    0255 PM 04/12
Carrizozo 6 NE (UPR)         59 MPH    0109 PM 04/12
Ancho 10 NE (UPR)            59 MPH    0213 PM 04/12
Oscura Range Camp (WSMR)     58 MPH    0455 PM 04/12
Ancho 6 SW (UPR)             52 MPH    0344 PM 04/12
Phillips Hill (WSMR)         51 MPH    0320 PM 04/12
Pole 616 (WSMR)              51 MPH    0340 PM 04/12
Carrizozo 1 WNW              50 MPH    1200 PM 04/12
Oscuro 4 NE (UPR)            50 MPH    0435 PM 04/12
Shist (WSMR)                 49 MPH    0210 PM 04/12
Roswell No. 2 Portable       49 MPH    0220 PM 04/12

...Los Alamos County...
Los Alamos 5 SSW (LANL)      57 MPH    0130 PM 04/12
Los Alamos 3 ESE (LANL)      55 MPH    0930 AM 04/12
Los Alamos 2 E               52 MPH    1115 AM 04/12
Los Alamos Airport           51 MPH    1115 AM 04/12
White Rock 1 WNW (LANL)      51 MPH    0145 PM 04/12
Los Alamos 2 SSW (LANL)      42 MPH    1245 PM 04/12
White Rock                   42 MPH    0135 PM 04/12

...McKinley County...
Gallup Airport               62 MPH    1055 AM 04/12

...Quay County...
Tucumcari Muni Airport       64 MPH    0116 PM 04/12
Tucumcari 9 NE  (UPR)        58 MPH    0132 PM 04/12
Endee 2 SW                   54 MPH    0353 PM 04/12
Tucumcari 4 W (UPR)          53 MPH    0221 PM 04/12
Logan 12 NE (UPR)            52 MPH    0247 PM 04/12
Logan 2.2 SE (UPR)           51 MPH    0327 PM 04/12
Montoya (UPR)                42 MPH    0248 PM 04/12

...Rio Arriba County...
Espanola 4 NW (Black Mesa)   48 MPH    1134 AM 04/12
Alcalde ASC (NMCC)           43 MPH    0520 PM 04/12
Dulce (Dulce No. 2)          42 MPH    1128 PM 04/11

...Roosevelt County...
Tolar 13 SE (Melrose Range)  41 MPH    0214 PM 04/12

...San Juan County...
Farmington Airport           45 MPH    1210 AM 04/12
Navajo Dam 12 N (Albino Cany 40 MPH    0126 AM 04/12

...San Miguel County...
Las Vegas Muni Airport       69 MPH    1141 AM 04/12
Apache Springs 1 NE          51 MPH    1227 PM 04/12
Lower Colonias 5 E (Pecos)   50 MPH    0214 PM 04/12
Rociada                      42 MPH    1030 AM 04/12

...Sandoval County...
Bernalillo 3 E               61 MPH    0315 PM 04/12
Frijoles (Tower)             45 MPH    0308 PM 04/12
Nmspa_port1                  43 MPH    0353 PM 04/12
Cuba 9 SW (Cuba)             42 MPH    0941 AM 04/12
Placitas 6 SE                40 MPH    0415 AM 04/12
Rio Rancho 3 NE              40 MPH    0245 PM 04/12

...Santa Fe County...
2 NNE Edgewood               60 MPH    0919 AM 04/12
1 N Madrid                   58 MPH    1029 AM 04/12
Glorieta 6 WNW               55 MPH    1115 AM 04/12
Santa Fe Muni Airport        55 MPH    0127 PM 04/12
Stanley                      54 MPH    1252 PM 04/12
Glorieta                     50 MPH    1046 AM 04/12
Santa Fe                     49 MPH    1030 AM 04/12
Santa Fe 3 ENE               46 MPH    1149 AM 04/12
Edgewood 5 NW                45 MPH    0135 AM 04/12
Edgewood                     43 MPH    0155 AM 04/12
Edgewood 4 ENE               43 MPH    0245 PM 04/12
Santa Fe 2 SSE               42 MPH    0845 AM 04/12
Santa Fe 7 SW                42 MPH    1130 AM 04/12
Santa Fe 4 NW                40 MPH    1025 AM 04/12

...Socorro County...
10 SSE Magdalena             60 MPH    1015 AM 04/12
Contreras 1 ESE (Sevilleta)  58 MPH    0511 PM 04/12
Stallion WIT (WSMR)          57 MPH    0150 PM 04/12
North Oscura Peak (WSMR)     57 MPH    0600 PM 04/12
Sulf (WSMR)                  55 MPH    1230 PM 04/12
Carrizozo 15 NW (Chupadera)  53 MPH    1239 PM 04/12
Harry (WSMR)                 53 MPH    0355 PM 04/12
Magdalena 3 ENE              52 MPH    0540 PM 04/12
Zumwalt Track (WSMR)         51 MPH    0430 PM 04/12
Las Nutrias 1 WNW            49 MPH    0430 PM 04/12
Little Burro (WSMR)          48 MPH    1020 AM 04/12
VLA 16 SSE (Magdalena)       44 MPH    0603 PM 04/12
Socorro Airport              43 MPH    1155 AM 04/12

...Taos County...
8 S Red River                72 MPH    0200 AM 04/12
Talpa 1 NE                   47 MPH    0115 PM 04/12
Taos Muni Airport            46 MPH    0936 AM 04/12
Lama 4 NW (Wild Rivers)      45 MPH    1049 AM 04/12
Arroyo Seco 3 SW             42 MPH    0415 PM 04/12

...Torrance County...
Clines Corners 1 SSE         69 MPH    0407 PM 04/12
Corona 1 NE (UPR)            60 MPH    0138 PM 04/12
Estancia 2 WSW               59 MPH    0239 PM 04/12
6 W Encino                   58 MPH    1139 AM 04/12
Estancia 7 SSW               57 MPH    0345 PM 04/12
Duran 7 SW (UPR)             56 MPH    0141 PM 04/12
Moriarty Muni Airport        52 MPH    0155 PM 04/12
3 SE Manzano                 52 MPH    0215 PM 04/12
Duran 4 NE (UPR)             51 MPH    0451 PM 04/12
Abo 3 N                      47 MPH    0345 PM 04/12
Corona Range LRC (NMCC)      46 MPH    0310 PM 04/12
1 W Mountainair (Mountainair 46 MPH    0405 PM 04/12

...Union County...
Clayton Muni Airpark         70 MPH    1028 AM 04/12
Clayton LRC                  58 MPH    0150 PM 04/12
Sedan 5 N                    43 MPH    0106 PM 04/12

...Valencia County...
Belen Regional Airport       49 MPH    1135 AM 04/12
Tome 2 NNW                   41 MPH    0425 PM 04/12

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.

National Weather Service Office El Paso/Santa Teresa.
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service El Paso TX/Santa Teresa NM
429 AM MDT Wed Apr 13 2022


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Elevation (ft.)

...New Mexico...

...Dona Ana County...
San Agustin Pass 1.6 E Organ 80 MPH    0520 PM 04/12   5901
WSMR LC-32                   64 MPH    0525 PM 04/12   3955
WSMR Main Post               63 MPH    0350 AM 04/13   4274
WSMR Building 1830           62 MPH    0510 AM 04/12   4189
Brillo West                  62 MPH    1130 AM 04/12   4117
WSMR EMRE                    61 MPH    0200 PM 04/12   5045
WSMR Pony                    60 MPH    0330 PM 04/12   4039
Delta Clipper                60 MPH    0155 PM 04/12   3910
San Andres RAWS              59 MPH    0301 PM 04/12   6138
WSMR Museum                  57 MPH    0150 PM 04/12   4238
Globe                        56 MPH    0510 AM 04/12   4187
Condron Field (WSMR)         55 MPH    0820 PM 04/12   3914
WSMR Apache                  53 MPH    0435 PM 04/12   3951
Santa Teresa NWS RSOIS       52 MPH    1140 AM 04/12   4115
Dripping Springs RAWS        51 MPH    0326 PM 04/12   5885
Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland  51 MPH    1200 PM 04/12   4353
WSMR C-Station               51 MPH    0155 PM 04/12   4005
Las Cruces                   48 MPH    0325 PM 04/12   4314
Butterfield Trail Ranch      47 MPH    0529 PM 04/12   4328
Las Cruces AWOS              46 MPH    0655 PM 04/12   4403
Santa Teresa AWOS            45 MPH    0155 PM 04/12   4110
Organ (DACFC)                43 MPH    0528 PM 04/12   5173
Las Cruces - S Fork LC Arroy 40 MPH    0700 PM 04/12   4325
Dona Ana County Fairgrounds  39 MPH    0250 PM 04/12   4432
La Union                     39 MPH    0430 PM 04/12   3280
Las Cruces - High Ridge (DAC 39 MPH    0332 PM 04/12   4324
Las Cruces - Tierra Grande ( 39 MPH    0600 PM 04/12   4550
Las Cruces - Las Colinas     38 MPH    0428 PM 04/12   4320
Las Cruces - Little Dam Arro 38 MPH    0645 PM 04/12   4265
Afton (DACFC)                37 MPH    0601 PM 04/12   4238
High Valley (DACFC)          37 MPH    0317 PM 04/12   4210
Las Cruces - N Fork LC Arroy 37 MPH    0428 PM 04/12   4406
Las Cruces                   36 MPH    0518 PM 04/12   4356
Chaparral Fire Station (DACF 36 MPH    1158 AM 04/12   4079
Las Cruces - East Mesa       36 MPH    0406 PM 04/12   4474
Talavera (DACFC)             36 MPH    0215 PM 04/12   4425
Mesilla Hills Lower Bilbo Po 35 MPH    0410 PM 04/12   3898

...Grant County...
Burro Mountain RAWS          53 MPH    0459 PM 04/12   6964
Silver City - Mountain View  50 MPH    0245 PM 04/12   6105
Grant County Airport AWOS    47 MPH    0515 PM 04/12   5377
Silver City - Viento Ridge   45 MPH    0352 PM 04/12   6361
Pinos Altos                  45 MPH    1245 PM 04/12   6834
Hanover 5ENE                 42 MPH    0600 PM 04/12   6902
Silver City                  39 MPH    0345 PM 04/12   6189
Silver City - Valley Drive   38 MPH    0130 PM 04/12   6200

...Hidalgo County...
Hachita Valley               58 MPH    1140 AM 04/12   4291
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP11 (NM 58 MPH    0425 PM 04/12   4148
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP12 (NM 53 MPH    0320 PM 04/12   4147
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP13 (NM 51 MPH    0435 PM 04/12   4265
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP7 (NMD 49 MPH    0220 PM 04/12   4158
Chiricahua Desert Museum     47 MPH    0440 PM 04/12   4088
North Lordsburg Playa        47 MPH    0225 PM 04/12   4166
Animas                       46 MPH    0530 PM 04/12   4622

...Luna County...
Deming ASOS                  56 MPH    0523 PM 04/12   4303

...Otero County...
High Rolls                   60 MPH    1019 AM 04/12   6840
Mescalero RAWS               60 MPH    1141 AM 04/12   6227
Mayhill - Dimension Point Ob 59 MPH    0145 PM 04/12   7181
WSMR ABC-1                   56 MPH    0315 PM 04/12   4024
McGregor Range RAWS          51 MPH    0237 PM 04/12   4886
Mayhill RAWS                 50 MPH    0301 PM 04/12   6471
Lc-35 North                  50 MPH    0605 AM 04/12   3999
WSMR Frequency               49 MPH    0350 PM 04/12   4062
Holloman AFB AWOS            48 MPH    0315 PM 04/12   4083
WSMR Tula                    46 MPH    0325 PM 04/12   4104
Russ                         46 MPH    0435 PM 04/12   4428
WSMR LC-36                   45 MPH    0700 PM 04/12   4040
Malone                       45 MPH    0435 PM 04/12   4104
WSMR Cad                     43 MPH    1145 AM 04/12   4028
WSMR Tula Airstrip           42 MPH    1250 PM 04/12   4151
Alamogordo AWOS              40 MPH    1235 PM 04/12   4144
Weed - Dark Ridge Obs        39 MPH    0110 PM 04/12   6988
WSMR Rita                    38 MPH    0555 PM 04/12   4236
Cloudcroft                   37 MPH    1000 AM 04/12   9438
Mayhill - Red Shift Obs      35 MPH    0115 PM 04/12   7148
Bell Canyon                  35 MPH    0405 PM 04/12   7549

...Sierra County...
WSMR Salt Creek              56 MPH    0135 PM 04/12   4055
WSMR Denver WIT              55 MPH    0555 PM 04/12   4084
Spaceport America Awos       54 MPH    0420 PM 04/12   4597
WSMR Jallen Hawk 40          54 MPH    0535 PM 04/12   4058
T-or-C ASOS                  53 MPH    0539 PM 04/12   4813
WSMR Alt Shist               50 MPH    0505 PM 04/12   4679
Salinas Peak (WSMR)          47 MPH    0205 AM 04/13   8933
WSMR Rob                     46 MPH    0315 PM 04/12   5124
Winston (EPZWxNet)           45 MPH    0158 PM 04/12   6191
Arrey 2N                     43 MPH    0415 PM 04/12   4174


...El Paso County...
South Franklin Peak          55 MPH    0604 PM 04/12   6791
El Paso International Airpor 54 MPH    1237 PM 04/12   3926
Biggs Field AWOS             53 MPH    0333 PM 04/12   3920
El Paso NE - K5IA            41 MPH    0320 AM 04/13   3950

...Hudspeth County...
Sierra Blanca (TTU/WTM)      50 MPH    0347 PM 04/12   4560
Dell City (TTU/WTM)          48 MPH    0317 PM 04/12   3708
PX Well RAWS                 43 MPH    0153 PM 04/12   3873
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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