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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Peak Wind Gust Summary - Wednesday, Feb 22, 2023.

February 20, 2023.
Looking West From Near Loving, NM.
AltoCumulus & Cirrocumulus Standing Lenticular Clouds.

February 22, 2023.
Timberon, New Mexico.
Courtesy of Sharon Vails.

February 22, 2023.
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Courtesy of Susan Cessac.

February 22, 2023.
Courtesy of Shelly Lambright.
Between Lovington & Hobbs On St Hwy 18.

February 22, 2023.
Lovington, New Mexico.
Courtesy of Karen Kunde.

A couple of surprises with this latest powerful winter storm. First of all the heavy snows failed to materialize in the Sacramento mountains, and given the winds that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Hobbs and Tatum had the highest wind gusts in southeastern New Mexico. Usually it's the Artesia and Carlsbad areas. Though widespread dust was prevalent across much of the state it wasn't as bad as expected in some areas. With the exception being in southwestern New Mexico, in the Deming and Lordsburg areas. A Dust Storm Warning and Advisory were issued for those areas Wednesday afternoon. Other locales had localized dust storms but overall we've seen much worse in the past. Now the bad news. Our next widespread high wind event comes this Sunday and Monday. Our windy season is off to an early start this year.

Blog Updated Friday, February 24, 2023.

Good Morning Everyone - On Wednesday, February 22, Ski Apache experienced a massive windstorm with recorded winds over 90 mph. We were able to survey the damage yesterday and our cleanup efforts are ongoing. The damage included blown down power lines that blocked the road, some cable derailments on the gondola as well as the zip line cable unspooling over Apache Bowl. These damages, unfortunately will require more extensive repairs therefore Apache Bowl and Chair 6 will be closed for the foreseeable future. The safety of our guests is our top priority and additional inspections are being conducted to ensure the lifts are safe for use.

New Mexico Reported Peak Wind Gusts Wednesday.

Salinas Peak - Organ Mountains 111 mph.

San Augustin Pass - East of Las Cruces 97 mph.
Pine Springs - Guadalupe Mtn's Natl Park MesoNet Station 90 mph.
Bowl Raws - Located 1/2 Mile North of Guadalupe Peak 85 mph.
Santa Fe Airport AWOS 85 mph.

Clines Corners ASOS 78 mph.
Phillips Hill -White Sands Missile Range 78 mph.
Bernalillo MesoNet Station 3 E 77 mph.
Pinery Raws - Guadalupe Mtn's Natl Park 76 mph.
Las Vegas Airport ASOS 75 mph.
Magdalena 3 ENE 75 mph.

Sierra Blanca Regional Airport AWOS 74 mph.
Albuquerque Airport ASOS 74 mph.
Tucumcari Airport ASOS 74 mph.
Tatum PWS 73 mph.
Tatum MesoNet Station 2 SW 72 mph.
South Franklin Peak - El Paso 72 mph.
Gallup Airport ASOS 71 mph.
White Sands Missile Range - Main Post 70 mph.
Smokey Bear Raws 1 NNW Ruidoso 70 mph.
3 Cross PWS N of Dunken PWS 70 mph.
Lea County Communication Authority PWS - N Hobbs 70 mph.

Roswell Airport ASOS 69 mph
Nogal MesoNet Station 5 NW 68 mph.
Vaughn MesoNet Station 67 mph.
Hobbs Airport AWOS 67 mph.
High Rolls PWS 2 WSW 66 mph.
Dora MesoNet Station 2 SW 66 mph.
Hobbs MesoNet Station 3 NW of Hobbs 66 mph.

Mescalero Raws 64 mph.
Dunken Raws 64 mph.
Hagerman MesoNet Station 63 mph.
Artesia Airport AWOS 63 mph.
Queen Raws 3 ENE of Queen 63 mph.
Mayhill PWS - Dominion Point 62 mph
Maljamar MesoNet Station 7 NW 62 mph.
Carrizozo Mesonet Station 6 NE 61 mph.
Clovis Airport AWOS 61 mph.
El Paso Airport ASOS 61 mph.

Holloman AFB AWOS 59 mph.
Dexter MesoNet Station 59 mph.
Carlsbad KOA PWS 57 mph.
Lakewood MesoNet Station 3 N 57 mph.
12 ESE Halfway MesoNet Station 56 mph.
Cloudcroft PWS Twig Castle 56 mph.
Las Cruses Airport AWOS 56 mph.
Jal MesoNet Station - 21 W of Bennett 55 mph.
Carlsbad Airport ASOS 55 mph.
Mayhill Raws 53 mph.

Note: The Guadalupe Pass ASOS remains out of service.

934 PM CST WED FEB 22 2023

..TIME...   ...EVENT...      ...CITY LOCATION...     ...LAT.LON...
..DATE...   ....MAG....      ..COUNTY LOCATION..ST.. ...SOURCE....

0346 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 6 W DRYDEN              30.05N 102.22W
02/22/2023  M61 MPH          TERRELL            TX   ASOS


02/22/2023  M58 MPH          MIDLAND            TX   ASOS


1051 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 2 NNE SEMINOLE          32.74N 102.64W
02/22/2023  M55 MPH          GAINES             TX   MESONET


1129 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 1 WSW SEAGRAVES         32.94N 102.57W
02/22/2023  M66 MPH          GAINES             TX   MESONET


0230 PM     NON-TSTM WND GST 5 NNW ODESSA            31.92N 102.40W
02/22/2023  M55 MPH          ECTOR              TX   ASOS


1210 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST PINE SPRINGS            31.89N 104.81W
02/22/2023  M90 MPH          CULBERSON          TX   MESONET


0538 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 3 NNW PINE SPRINGS      31.93N 104.83W
02/22/2023  M85 MPH          CULBERSON          TX   MESONET


0952 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 1 ENE PINE SPRINGS      31.89N 104.80W
02/22/2023  M76 MPH          CULBERSON          TX   MESONET


0359 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 1 WNW CASTOLON          29.15N 103.53W
02/22/2023  M55 MPH          BREWSTER           TX   MESONET

            BEND NP/BREWSTER.

1107 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 2 E ANDREWS             32.32N 102.52W
02/22/2023  M55 MPH          ANDREWS            TX   MESONET


0950 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 4 NE MONUMENT           32.67N 103.22W
02/22/2023  M67 MPH          LEA                NM   AWOS


0950 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 3 NW HOBBS              32.76N 103.19W
02/22/2023  M66 MPH          LEA                NM   MESONET


1000 AM     NON-TSTM WND DMG LOVINGTON               32.95N 103.35W
02/22/2023                   LEA                NM   NEWSPAPER


1236 PM     NON-TSTM WND GST 2 SW TATUM              33.24N 103.34W
02/22/2023  M72 MPH          LEA                NM   MESONET


0400 PM     NON-TSTM WND GST 21 W BENNETT            32.05N 103.57W
02/22/2023  M55 MPH          LEA                NM   MESONET

            MESONET STATION FW9688 JAL.

0430 PM     NON-TSTM WND GST 12 ESE HALFWAY          32.47N 103.55W
02/22/2023  M56 MPH          LEA                NM   MESONET


0913 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 3 ENE QUEEN             32.20N 104.69W
02/22/2023  M63 MPH          EDDY               NM   MESONET


1140 AM     NON-TSTM WND GST 3 N LAKEWOOD            32.66N 104.36W
02/22/2023  M57 MPH          EDDY               NM   MESONET


0140 PM     NON-TSTM WND GST 7 NW MALJAMAR           32.93N 103.86W
02/22/2023  M62 MPH          EDDY               NM   MESONET


0235 PM     NON-TSTM WND GST 2 W ARTESIA             32.85N 104.47W
02/22/2023  M63 MPH          EDDY               NM   AWOS


0417 PM     NON-TSTM WND GST 5 WSW OTIS              32.33N 104.25W
02/22/2023  M55 MPH          EDDY               NM   ASOS

NWS Albuquerque Peak Wind Gust Summary.
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Albuquerque NM
841 PM MST Wed Feb 22 2023


Location                     Speed     Time/Date

...New Mexico...

...Bernalillo County...
Albuquerque Intl Sunport     74 MPH    0152 PM 02/22
I-40 Sedillo Hill (NMDOT)    66 MPH    0515 PM 02/22
4 NE South Valley            60 MPH    1122 AM 02/22
Double Eagle II Arpt         60 MPH    1247 PM 02/22
Cedro 4 WSW (Sandia Lab)     58 MPH    1253 PM 02/22
Albuquerque 7 NW             56 MPH    1240 PM 02/22
 null Paseo del Norte and Ly 53 MPH    0127 PM 02/22
Albuquerque 6 W              51 MPH    0108 PM 02/22
Albuquerque 6 ENE            50 MPH    0138 PM 02/22
Albuquerque 6 NW             49 MPH    1240 PM 02/22
Albuquerque 5 E              48 MPH    0135 PM 02/22
Albuquerque 4 NE             46 MPH    0136 PM 02/22

...Catron County...
Old Horse Springs 19 SSE (Pe 48 MPH    1238 PM 02/22

...Chaves County...
Roswell Air Center           69 MPH    0233 PM 02/22
Dunken 2 NE (Dunken)         64 MPH    0136 PM 02/22
Hagerman                     63 MPH    1250 PM 02/22
Dexter                       59 MPH    0315 PM 02/22
Bitter Lake WL Refuge 14 NNE 50 MPH    0337 PM 02/22
Roswell No. 1 Portable       50 MPH    0540 PM 02/22

...Cibola County...
1 N New Laguna (Laguna)      61 MPH    1233 PM 02/22
Grants-Milan Airport         54 MPH    0215 PM 02/22
El Morro 16 SSE (Malpais Lav 49 MPH    0125 PM 02/22
Bluewater Lake 9 SSW (Bluewa 49 MPH    0205 PM 02/22
19 SW Acoma Pueblo (Brushy M 46 MPH    0449 PM 02/22
Pine Hill 14 SSE             45 MPH    1034 AM 02/22

...Colfax County...
Raton Crews Airport          75 MPH    0314 PM 02/22
Angel Fire Airport           56 MPH    1255 PM 02/22

...Curry County...
Clovis                       61 MPH    0425 PM 02/22
St. Vrain                    56 MPH    0555 PM 02/22
Clovis Muni Airport          54 MPH    0412 PM 02/22
Cannon AFB                   53 MPH    0603 PM 02/22
Clovis ASC (NMCC)            46 MPH    0420 PM 02/22

...De Baca County...
South Ft Sumner              48 MPH    0425 PM 02/22

...Guadalupe County...
Santa Rosa Airport           69 MPH    0355 PM 02/22
Se Vaughn                    67 MPH    0400 PM 02/22
Puerto De Luna 3.3e          61 MPH    0305 PM 02/22
Pastura 2 NE (UPR)           59 MPH    0337 PM 02/22
Newkirk                      58 MPH    0415 PM 02/22
Se Vaughn                    57 MPH    0145 PM 02/22
Santa Rosa 7 E (UPR)         54 MPH    0140 PM 02/22
Santa Rosa 2 SW (UPR)        52 MPH    0348 PM 02/22
San Ignacio 2 N              51 MPH    0245 PM 02/22
Cuervo 3.5 NE (UPR)          45 MPH    0338 PM 02/22

...Harding County...
Mills 4 WSW (Mills Canyon)   45 MPH    0105 PM 02/22

...Lincoln County...
Phillips Hill (WSMR)         78 MPH    1205 PM 02/22
Sierra Blanca Rgnl Arpt      74 MPH    0715 PM 02/22
Ruidoso 1 NNW (Smokey Bear)  70 MPH    0400 PM 02/22
Nogal 5 NW                   68 MPH    0136 PM 02/22
Oscura Range Camp (WSMR)     66 MPH    1255 PM 02/22
Oscuro 4 NE (UPR)            66 MPH    0337 PM 02/22
Pole 616 (WSMR)              64 MPH    0105 PM 02/22
Carrizozo 6 NE (UPR)         61 MPH    0100 PM 02/22
Ancho 6 SW (UPR)             58 MPH    0302 PM 02/22
Shist (WSMR)                 57 MPH    1140 AM 02/22
Carrizozo 1 WNW              56 MPH    0316 PM 02/22
Ancho 10 NE (UPR)            53 MPH    0339 PM 02/22

...Los Alamos County...
Los Alamos Airport           62 MPH    0327 PM 02/22
Los Alamos 5 SSW (LANL)      61 MPH    0800 PM 02/22
Los Alamos 3 ESE (LANL)      57 MPH    0800 PM 02/22
WHITE ROCK                   51 MPH    0102 PM 02/22
Los Alamos 2 E               50 MPH    0415 PM 02/22
Ta5mdcn                      47 MPH    0800 PM 02/22

...McKinley County...
Gallup Airport               71 MPH    1008 AM 02/22
Zuni Pueblo 7 NW (Zuni Butte 53 MPH    1142 AM 02/22

...Mora County...
Bartley                      62 MPH    0404 AM 02/22
Bartley                      62 MPH    0404 AM 02/22

...Quay County...
Tucumcari Muni Airport       74 MPH    0340 PM 02/22
Tucumcari                    67 MPH    0330 PM 02/22
Logan 2.2 SE (UPR)           58 MPH    0417 PM 02/22
Endee 2 SW                   58 MPH    0512 PM 02/22
Logan                        57 MPH    0335 PM 02/22
Tucumcari 4 W (UPR)          57 MPH    0418 PM 02/22
Tucumcari 9 NE  (UPR)        57 MPH    0444 PM 02/22
Logan 12 NE (UPR)            54 MPH    0415 PM 02/22
Tucumcari ASC (NMCC)         45 MPH    0440 PM 02/22

...Rio Arriba County...
12 SSW El Vado (Deadman Peak 54 MPH    1207 PM 02/22
Alcalde ASC (NMCC)           49 MPH    1245 PM 02/22
Espanola 4 NW (Black Mesa)   48 MPH    0134 PM 02/22

...Roosevelt County...
Dora 2 SW                    66 MPH    0439 PM 02/22
Tolar 13 SE (Melrose Range)  51 MPH    0414 PM 02/22
Roosevelt Swcd               49 MPH    0400 PM 02/22

...San Juan County...
Farmington Airport           63 MPH    0825 AM 02/22
Farmington                   63 MPH    0825 AM 02/22
San Juan Swcd                62 MPH    0930 AM 02/22
Navajo Dam 12 N (Albino Cany 58 MPH    1126 AM 02/22
Farmington 2 WSW             50 MPH    0850 AM 02/22
Bloomfield 4 E (UCC-AGNET)   45 MPH    1015 AM 02/22

...San Miguel County...
Las Vegas Muni Airport       75 MPH    0246 PM 02/22
Apache Springs 1 NE          57 MPH    0156 PM 02/22
Lower Colonias 5 E (Pecos)   52 MPH    0614 PM 02/22
Bell Ranch 11 ENE            50 MPH    0255 PM 02/22

...Sandoval County...
Bernalillo 3 E               77 MPH    1245 PM 02/22
Rio Rancho                   67 MPH    1245 PM 02/22
Valles Caldera HQ (DRI)      64 MPH    0620 PM 02/22
Frijoles (Tower)             58 MPH    0208 PM 02/22
RIO RANCHO                   57 MPH    1215 PM 02/22
Corrales                     51 MPH    1210 PM 02/22
Cuba 9 SW (Cuba)             50 MPH    1241 PM 02/22
Rio Rancho 2 S               47 MPH    0337 PM 02/22
Rio Rancho 2 SW              46 MPH    1223 PM 02/22
Jemez Springs                45 MPH    1245 PM 02/22
Jemez Springs (DRI)          45 MPH    1250 PM 02/22
Rio Rancho 3 NE              45 MPH    0130 PM 02/22

...Santa Fe County...
Santa Fe Muni Airport        85 MPH    0153 PM 02/22
Santa Fe 7 SW                56 MPH    0130 PM 02/22
Santa Fe                     56 MPH    0145 PM 02/22
Glorieta 6 WNW               54 MPH    0201 PM 02/22
Santa Fe 3 ENE               53 MPH    0149 PM 02/22
Santa Fe 4 NW                52 MPH    0146 PM 02/22
Santa Fe 2 NNE               49 MPH    0145 PM 02/22
Edgewood 4 ENE               47 MPH    0125 PM 02/22
Santa Fe 3 WNW               47 MPH    0130 PM 02/22
Edgewood                     45 MPH    0530 PM 02/22

...Socorro County...
Magdalena 3 ENE              75 MPH    1242 PM 02/22
North Oscura Peak (WSMR)     72 MPH    1255 PM 02/22
Stallion WIT (WSMR)          70 MPH    0250 PM 02/22
10 SSE Magdalena             68 MPH    0400 AM 02/22
Sulf (WSMR)                  68 MPH    1255 PM 02/22
Harry (WSMR)                 68 MPH    0240 PM 02/22
Mine (WSMR)                  66 MPH    0220 PM 02/22
Carrizozo 15 NW (Chupadera)  64 MPH    0439 PM 02/22
Stallion Runway (WSMR)       63 MPH    0250 PM 02/22
Zumwalt Track (WSMR)         62 MPH    1220 PM 02/22
Contreras 1 ESE (Sevilleta)  60 MPH    0211 PM 02/22
Las Nutrias 1 WNW            58 MPH    0200 PM 02/22
Bosque Del Apache 1 NNE (Bos 56 MPH    0350 PM 02/22
Socorro Airport              51 MPH    0155 PM 02/22
VLA 16 SSE (Magdalena)       49 MPH    1203 PM 02/22

...Taos County...
Taos Muni Airport            47 MPH    0451 PM 02/22
Taos Swcd                    46 MPH    0320 PM 02/22

...Torrance County...
Clines Corners 1 SSE         78 MPH    0253 PM 02/22
Edgewood Swcd                67 MPH    0200 PM 02/22
Estancia 7 SSW               63 MPH    0216 PM 02/22
Duran 4 NE (UPR)             60 MPH    0312 PM 02/22
Estancia 2 WSW               57 MPH    0145 PM 02/22
1 W Mountainair (Mountainair 55 MPH    0205 PM 02/22
Corona 1 NE (UPR)            54 MPH    0727 AM 02/22
Duran 7 SW (UPR)             54 MPH    0146 PM 02/22
Moriarty Muni Airport        52 MPH    0155 PM 02/22
Corona Range LRC (NMCC)      49 MPH    0810 AM 02/22
Clines Corners 1 SSE         49 MPH    0153 PM 02/22
Abo 3 N                      47 MPH    0145 PM 02/22

...Union County...
Clayton Muni Airpark         66 MPH    0353 PM 02/22
Clayton LRC                  64 MPH    0430 PM 02/22
Sw Clayton                   63 MPH    0355 PM 02/22
Amistad                      62 MPH    0445 PM 02/22
Sedan                        56 MPH    0335 PM 02/22
South Clayton                52 MPH    0335 PM 02/22

...Valencia County...
Belen Regional Airport       67 MPH    0115 PM 02/22
Los Lunas                    56 MPH    0125 PM 02/22
Tome 2 NNW                   56 MPH    0125 PM 02/22

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
NWS El Paso Peak Wind Gust Summary.
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service El Paso TX/Santa Teresa NM
740 PM MST Wed Feb 22 2023


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Lat/Lon
Salinas Peak (WSMR)          111 MPH   0505 PM 02/22   33.30N/106.53W
San Agustin Pass 1.6 E Organ 97 MPH    0420 PM 02/22   32.43N/106.57W
Delta Clipper                88 MPH    0235 PM 02/22   32.90N/106.41W
Burro Mountain RAWS          76 MPH    1259 PM 02/22   32.67N/108.54W
Hachita Valley               74 MPH    1040 AM 02/22   31.70N/108.34W
Brillo West                  74 MPH    0240 AM 02/22   32.96N/106.54W
South Franklin Peak          72 MPH    0434 AM 02/22   31.86N/106.49W
WSMR Main Post               70 MPH    0845 AM 02/22   32.37N/106.49W
WSMR Building 1830           70 MPH    0905 AM 02/22   32.37N/106.47W
WSMR Denver WIT              70 MPH    1225 PM 02/22   33.24N/106.36W
WSMR Pony                    70 MPH    1220 PM 02/22   32.87N/106.49W
Deming ASOS                  68 MPH    1202 PM 02/22   32.27N/107.72W
Cdrrc Camp Location          67 MPH    0200 PM 02/22   32.58N/106.87W
WSMR Salt Creek              67 MPH    0205 PM 02/22   33.12N/106.36W
WSMR Alt Shist               67 MPH    0135 PM 02/22   33.44N/106.41W
High Rolls                   66 MPH    0240 PM 02/22   32.94N/105.84W
WSMR Museum                  66 MPH    0905 AM 02/22   32.38N/106.48W
Spaceport America Awos       64 MPH    1215 PM 02/22   32.99N/106.97W
Mescalero RAWS               64 MPH    0341 PM 02/22   33.16N/105.77W
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP7 (NMD 64 MPH    1055 AM 02/22   32.25N/108.93W
WSMR Apache                  63 MPH    0345 PM 02/22   32.63N/106.39W
Chiricahua Desert Museum     62 MPH    1030 AM 02/22   31.87N/109.02W
Mayhill - Dimension Point Ob 62 MPH    0745 AM 02/22   32.91N/105.53W
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP9 (NMD 62 MPH    1125 AM 02/22   32.27N/108.90W
Biggs Field AWOS             61 MPH    0356 PM 02/22   31.85N/106.38W
El Paso International Airpor 61 MPH    0324 PM 02/22   31.82N/106.38W
T-or-C ASOS                  61 MPH    0237 PM 02/22   33.23N/107.27W
North Lordsburg Playa        61 MPH    1145 AM 02/22   32.25N/108.95W
Globe                        61 MPH    0910 AM 02/22   32.38N/106.47W
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP12 (NM 60 MPH    1100 AM 02/22   32.29N/108.87W
Lordsburg Playa I10 MP13 (NM 60 MPH    1150 AM 02/22   32.32N/108.81W
WSMR LC-32                   60 MPH    0450 PM 02/22   32.41N/106.40W
Holloman AFB AWOS            59 MPH    0413 PM 02/22   32.85N/106.08W
Santa Teresa AWOS            58 MPH    0135 PM 02/22   31.88N/106.70W
T Or C Golf Course           58 MPH    1135 AM 02/22   33.15N/107.26W
Orogrande Gate (WSMR)        58 MPH    1130 AM 02/22   32.41N/106.15W
Dripping Springs RAWS        57 MPH    0126 PM 02/22   32.32N/106.59W
WSMR C-Station               57 MPH    0530 PM 02/22   32.36N/106.38W
Condron Field (WSMR)         57 MPH    1255 PM 02/22   32.34N/106.41W
Sierra Blanca (TTU/WTM)      56 MPH    0251 PM 02/22   31.16N/105.35W
Las Cruces AWOS              56 MPH    0355 PM 02/22   32.27N/106.92W
Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland  56 MPH    0335 PM 02/22   32.53N/106.81W
Silver City - Mountain View  55 MPH    0115 PM 02/22   32.77N/108.26W
McGregor Range RAWS          55 MPH    0337 PM 02/22   32.43N/105.62W
Santa Teresa NWS RSOIS       55 MPH    0130 PM 02/22   31.87N/106.70W
Lc-35 North                  55 MPH    0445 PM 02/22   32.44N/106.34W
Arrey 2N                     53 MPH    0130 PM 02/22   32.88N/107.31W
Las Cruces                   53 MPH    0425 PM 02/22   32.36N/106.72W
Mayhill RAWS                 53 MPH    1001 AM 02/22   32.91N/105.47W
WSMR Frequency               53 MPH    0420 PM 02/22   32.82N/106.15W
Butterfield Trail Ranch      52 MPH    0314 PM 02/22   32.26N/107.24W
Las Cruces                   52 MPH    0445 PM 02/22   32.35N/106.73W
Lincoln Portable             52 MPH    0330 PM 02/22   32.75N/105.49W
WSMR Rob                     52 MPH    0130 PM 02/22   33.39N/106.66W
Malone                       52 MPH    0315 PM 02/22   32.90N/106.10W
El Paso NE - KB5HPT          51 MPH    0315 PM 02/22   31.92N/106.43W
South Radium Springs         51 MPH    1250 PM 02/22   32.48N/106.90W
Las Cruces - S Fork LC Arroy 50 MPH    0200 PM 02/22   32.34N/106.71W

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

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NWS Albuquerque Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast.

NWS Albuquerque Official Snowfall Forecast

NWS Albuquerque High End Snowfall Forecast

NWS El Paso Forecast High Temperatures

NWS El Paso Forecast Low Temperatures

NWS El Paso Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast

NWS El Paso Official Snowfall Forecast

NWS El Paso Official High End Snowfall Forecast

NWS Albuquerque Peak Wind Gust Forecast

NWS Midland Peak Wind Gust Forecast

NWS El Paso Peak Wind Gust Forecast

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