My Current Weather

Friday, June 30, 2023

Continued Hot With Widely Scattered To Scattered T-Storms - Some Severe!

Thursday, June 29, 2023.
C-Hill - Looking Northeast Over Carlsbad.

A dry microburst from a nearby thunderstorm produced areas of blowing dust across Carlsbad Thursday afternoon. A few sprinkles of rain accompanied the blowing dust caused by the overhead virga and dry thunderstorm.

Blog Updated At 12:25 PM MDT Friday, June 30, 2023.





(Midnight Thursday, June 29, 2023).

Valid At 6 AM MDT Saturday Morning.

Valid Today Through 6 PM MDT the 4th Of July.

(As Of 7 AM MDT Friday Morning).

T-Storms - Some Severe Today & Saturday.

Our mid-level death ridge of high pressure has finally weakened and moved east of the area and late last night was centered off of the Texas and Louisiana central Gulf coasts. A secondary mid-level ridge of high pressure was organizing along the central California coast. In between these two high pressure centers is a mid-level shortwave trough of low pressure. This short wave will swing eastward across central and northern New Mexico today into Saturday.

Southwesterly flow aloft is importing mid-level moisture into New Mexico and the area from northern Mexico. This will continue into the upcoming holiday weekend. Meanwhile at the surface a weak cold front will work its way into far northeastern New Mexico late this afternoon and continue southward overnight into Saturday morning.

All of these factors will combine to destabilize and moisten up the atmosphere over the eastern one half of New Mexico today into the holiday weekend.Widely scattered to scattered afternoon thunderstorms are forecast to develop today and continue into tonight in these areas...especially east of the mountains across the northeastern, eastern, and southeastern plains. Wash and repeat again on Saturday and Sunday.

Far northeastern New Mexico is under the Slight Risk category for severe thunderstorms today into this evening. While the parts of the eastern and southeastern plains are in the Marginal Risk category today into this evening. The main severe weather threats will be large hail and damaging thunderstorm wind gusts in excess of 60 mph. Saturday will see more widespread activity across the plains but as of this Friday morning this area is only in the Marginal Risk category. Locally heavy rainfall will be possible with the strongest thunderstorms along with localized flash flooding.

Given that many folks will begin their 4th of July holiday celebrations outdoors today continuing into this weekend, it would be wise to be on the lookout for deadly cloud to ground lightning strikes. These will be a concern with any thunderstorm that develops across the state and nearby areas. 

A lot of folks have outdoor activities scheduled/planned today into the 4th of July. Keep an eye on the sky, and your local forecasts, and be ready to seek shelter if and when a thunderstorm approaches your location.

When thunder roars go indoors! 

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

A Bit Of A Break - Maybe Some T-Storms This 4th Of July Weekend.

June 23, 2023.
Seven Rivers, New Mexico

Preliminary Reported High Temperatures.

Southeastern Plains.

Sacramento/Guadalupe Mountains.

West Texas.

Three times over the past two weeks I've reached 110º here at our home in Carlsbad. The Roswell Airport ASOS has so far reported the highest temperature during this ongoing heat wave with a reading of 112º yesterday (Tuesday). 

Up to date daily climate data for the Ruidoso Climate Co-Op Station is not yet available online. They did record a high temp of 90º on Saturday. The Smokey Bear Raws recorded a high of 94º on Monday. While the Cloudcroft Climate Co-Op Station recorded a high of 84º yesterday. The Mountain Park Climate Co-Op Station recorded a high of 92º yesterday. And the Mayhill Raws recorded a high of 94º yesterday. A Personal Weather Station (PWS) in Timberon recorded a high temp of 91º yesterday.

So far the Roswell Airport ASOS has recorded 114 days in a row with daily high temps of 100º or higher. The Carlsbad Airport ASOS has recorded 15 days in a row with high temps of 100º or higher. The Artesia Climate Co-Op Station has recorded 11 days in a row with high temps of 100º or higher.

Roswell's record for the greatest number of days in a row at or above 100º is 20 days: From July 9th - July 22nd, 2022.

Artesia's record for the greatest number of days in a row at or above 100º is 23 days: From July 4th - July 26th, 2016.

Carlsbad's record for the greatest number of days in a row  at or above 100º is 20 days: From June 25th - July 14th, 1965. 

8-14 Day Temperature/Precipitation Outlook.

7-Day Total Precipitation Forecast.

Some Relief This Holiday Weekend?

A shift in the upper air pattern with the mid/upper level death ridge of high pressure shifting to east Texas as this week progresses.Then recentering/rebuilding over southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico just in time for the 4th of July. This should allow our daily high temperatures across the southeastern plains to gradually drop each day going into this upcoming holiday weekend. If we are lucky we may even see highs below 100º (upper 90's).

For the first of next week including the 4th the models are arguing whether or not the triple digit heat will return. My bet is yes it will but not as bad as what we are currently enduring. Lets hope anyway.

Limited mid-level moisture should work its way northward into the area this weekend giving all of us at least a chance for a few thunderstorms. Nothing to write home about but its better than what we have been enduring. A few high based mostly dry thunderstorms will dot the mountains today and Thursday as well. Long range forecasts offer little hope for long term relief from the heat and drought over the next two weeks.

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Wednesday's High Temperature Summary - Same Ol Song & Dance - More Heat!

Scattered thunderstorms some severe will develop this afternoon and evening across portions of the northeastern and eastern plains of New Mexico. Within the Slight Risk Area shaded in yellow. To a lesser extend across the Marginal Risk Area across the northeastern, eastern, and parts of the southeastern plains.

Large hail, damaging thunderstorm wind gusts, perhaps an isolated tornado (Slight Risk Area) along with frequent deadly cloud to ground lightning, and locally heavy rain/flash flooding will be possible. A lesser threat for severe thunderstorms will occur in the Marginal Risk Area.

Friday's Severe Weather Threat.

A similar severe weather threat as today's will occur again on Friday with the Slight Risk Area a little further to the east and north.With the Marginal Risk Area across parts of the southeastern plains and West Texas.

Outside of a few isolated thunderstorms along or near the NM/TX border late this afternoon and evening and again on Friday our chances for meaningful rainfall continue to look very bleak. Same song and dance, same broken record that is stuck on this heatwave, very dry, and breezy to windy at times today through the first week of July. 

Local National Weather Service Forecasts.


(Wednesday, June 21, 2023).

(For Wednesday, June 21, 2023).

Max/Min Temperature And Precipitation Table For
New Mexico
National Weather Service Albuquerque NM
743 AM MDT Thu Jun 22 2023

Maximum temperature for yesterday.  Minimum temperature so far this
morning.  Precipitation for the 24 hour period ending at 6AM MDT
measured in inches and hundredths of an inch of rain and melted snow.

ABQ  : ABQ Sunport       5351:   94 /  67 /    T /   0.0/    0
BRG  : Belen Airport     5194:   97 /  63 /  0.00/      /
CVS  : Cannon AFB        4295:   99 /  62 /  0.00/      /
CAO  : Clayton           4964:   92 /  63 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
CQC  : Clines Corners    7087:   87 /  56 /  0.00/      /
CVN  : Clovis Airport    4216:   98 /  59 /     M/      /
AEG  : Double Eagle Arpt 5837:   93 /  57 /     M/      /
FMN  : Farmington        5502:   90 /  51 /  0.00/      /
GUP  : Gallup            6473:   87 /  40 /  0.00/      /
GNT  : Grants            6522:   91 /  52 /     M/      /
LVS  : Las Vegas Arpt    6877:   88 /  53 /  0.00/      /
RTN  : Raton Airport     6348:   89 /  61 /  0.00/      /
ROW  : Roswell           3668:  109 /  74 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
SRR  : Ruidoso Airport   6811:   88 /  63 /     M/      /
SAF  : Santa Fe Airport  6348:   88 /  56 /  0.00/      /
SXU  : Santa Rosa        4790:   96 /  61 /  0.00/      /
ONM  : Socorro           4849:   99 /  68 /  0.00/      /
SKX  : Taos Airport      7090:   86 /  46 /  0.00/      /
TCC  : Tucumcari         4065:   99 /  65 /  0.00/      /

MRYN5: Moriarty       6220: DH0700/  89 /   M /  0.00/   0.0/    0
BLNN5: Navajo Dam     5770: DH0700/  90 /  53 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
MTRN5: Mountainair NW 6672: DH0700/  91 /  54 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
RRON5: Rio Rancho 2   5290: DH0630/  96 /  59 /  0.00/   0.0/    0

DMN   :Deming              4314 : 101  /  64  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
ELP   :El Paso Intl Arpt   3917 : 105  /  77  /  0.00  /      /
EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS    4108 : 100  /  67  /  0.00  /      /
TCS   :T-or-C Airport      4859 :  99  /  70  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
ALM   :Alamogordo          4196 : 102  /  68  /  0.00
HMN   :Holloman AFB        4095 : 101  /  71  /  0.00
LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN   4327 : 100  /  60  /  0.00
LRU   :Las Cruces Airport  4455 : 103  /  67  /  0.00
SVC   :Grant County Arpt   5443 :  94  /  64  /  0.00
0A0   :Spaceport America   4597 :  99  /  63  /  0.00

BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               : 104 /  84 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               : 105 /  71 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                : 109 /  71 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  97 /  72 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          : 107 /  68 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              : 104 /  65 /  0.00

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/. Therefore...
these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

(For Wednesday, June 21, 2023).

Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for West Texas-Southeast
New Mexico
National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX
745 AM CDT Thu Jun 22 2023

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         : 108 /  81 /  0.00
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        : 102 /  77 /  0.00
MAF  : Midland ASOS               : 111 /  77 /  0.00
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                : 111 /  79 /  0.00
6R6  : Terrell County ASOS        : 110 /  80 /  0.00
INK  : Wink ASOS                  : 111 /  89 /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        : 107 /  73 /  0.00
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  : 102 /  78 /  0.02
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            : 111 /  74 /  0.00
VHN  : Culberson County AWOS      : 105 /  81 /  0.00
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         : 107 /  67 /  0.00
T89  : Lajitas Int`l Airpt AWOS   : 108 /  86 /  0.00
LUV  : Lamesa Muni AWOS           :   M /   M /  0.00
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 :  99 /  67 /   T
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       :   M /   M /     M
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 : 109 /  74 /  0.00
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              : 108 /  80 /  0.00
E41  : Reagan County AWOS         : 109 /  78 /  0.00
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                : 108 /  68 /  0.00
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  98 /  72 /  0.00
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  94 /  68 /  0.00
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      : 103 /  79 /  0.00
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            :  99 /  77 /  0.02
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               : 110 /  68 /  0.00
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  85 /  66 /  0.00
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               : 110 /  78 /  0.00
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      : 106 /  84 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  97 /  78 /  0.00
RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS    : 116 /  90 /  0.00
WDPT2: Wolf Den DMP RAWS          :  93 /  70 /  0.00
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            : 108 /  73 /  0.00
BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet       : 106 /  73 /  0.00
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      : 109 /  78 /  0.00
CTLT2: Castolon 1NW Mesonet       : 111 /  87 /  0.00
CRYT2: Colorado City 5NW Mesonet  : 112 /  69 /  0.00
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        : 110 /  79 /  0.00
CRXT2: Crane 1NNW Mesonet         : 109 /  80 /  0.00
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           : 107 /  69 /  0.00
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               : 112 /  69 /  0.00
KNTT2: Kent 9E Mesonet (Split)    : 106 /  86 /  0.00
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             : 110 /  69 /  0.00
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         : 112 /  75 /  0.00
MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet        : 109 /  81 /  0.00
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      : 110 /  85 /  0.11
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :  96 /  78 /  0.00
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          : 106 /  64 /  0.00
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           : 107 /  64 /  0.00
SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet          : 110 /  69 /  0.06
WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet        : 110 /  69 /  0.00
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    : 110 /  76 /  0.00
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        : 110 /  74 /  0.00
VHNT2: Van Horn 3ENE Mesonet      : 106 /  80 /  0.00
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet              : 109 /  65 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              : 109 /  73 /  0.00
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               : 106 /  73 /  0.00
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  : 106 /  68 /  0.00
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               : 104 /  84 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               : 105 /  71 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                : 109 /  71 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  97 /  72 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          : 107 /  68 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              : 104 /  65 /  0.00

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/.  Therefore,
these data are subject to revision.  Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

From the above reports:

Highest temperature yesterday... 116 at Rio Grande Village RAWS
Lowest temperature this morning.... 64 at Seminole Mesonet and Seagraves Mesonet

West Texas-Southeast New Mexico Supplementary Observations
National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX
1250 PM CDT Thu Jun 22 2023

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours ending at 7 AM CDT

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         : 108 /  81 /  0.00
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        : 102 /  77 /  0.00
MAF  : Midland ASOS               : 111 /  77 /  0.00
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                : 111 /  79 /  0.00
6R6  : Terrell County ASOS        : 110 /  80 /  0.00
INK  : Wink ASOS                  : 111 /  89 /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        : 107 /  73 /  0.00
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  : 102 /  78 /  0.02
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            : 111 /  74 /  0.00
VHN  : Culberson County AWOS      : 105 /  81 /  0.00
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         : 107 /  67 /  0.00
T89  : Lajitas Int`l Airpt AWOS   : 108 /  86 /  0.00
LUV  : Lamesa Muni AWOS           :   M /   M /  0.00
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 :  99 /  67 /   T
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       :   M /   M /     M
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 : 109 /  74 /  0.00
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              : 108 /  80 /  0.00
E41  : Reagan County AWOS         : 109 /  78 /  0.00
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                : 108 /  68 /  0.00
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  98 /  72 /  0.00
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  94 /  68 /  0.00
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      : 103 /  79 /  0.00
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            :  99 /  77 /  0.02
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               : 110 /  68 /  0.00
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  85 /  66 /  0.00
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               : 110 /  78 /  0.00
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      : 106 /  84 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  97 /  78 /  0.00
RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS    : 116 /  90 /  0.00
WDPT2: Wolf Den DMP RAWS          :  93 /  70 /  0.00
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            : 108 /  73 /  0.00
BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet       : 106 /  73 /  0.00
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      : 109 /  78 /  0.00
CTLT2: Castolon 1NW Mesonet       : 111 /  87 /  0.00
CRYT2: Colorado City 5NW Mesonet  : 112 /  69 /  0.00
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        : 110 /  79 /  0.00
CRXT2: Crane 1NNW Mesonet         : 109 /  80 /  0.00
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           : 107 /  69 /  0.00
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               : 112 /  69 /  0.00
KNTT2: Kent 9E Mesonet (Split)    : 106 /  86 /  0.00
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             : 110 /  69 /  0.00
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         : 112 /  75 /  0.00
MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet        : 109 /  81 /  0.00
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      : 110 /  85 /  0.11
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :  96 /  78 /  0.00
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          : 106 /  64 /  0.00
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           : 107 /  64 /  0.00
SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet          : 110 /  69 /  0.06
WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet        : 110 /  69 /  0.00
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    : 110 /  76 /  0.00
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        : 110 /  74 /  0.00
VHNT2: Van Horn 3ENE Mesonet      : 106 /  80 /  0.00
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet              : 109 /  65 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              : 109 /  73 /  0.00
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               : 106 /  73 /  0.00
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  : 106 /  68 /  0.00
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               : 104 /  84 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               : 105 /  71 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                : 109 /  71 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  97 /  72 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          : 107 /  68 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              : 104 /  65 /  0.00


Data below provided by National Weather Service Cooperative Weather

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 24 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours ending at 7 AM CDT

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     Ob Time   High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
BGAT2: Big Spring Field Station   : DHM     /   M /   M /  0.00
CSLT2: Castolon                   : DH0800  / 111 /  86 /  0.01
BBPT2: Chisos Basin               : DH0800  /  96 /  70 /  0.00
AGST2: Fort Stockton              : DHM     /   M /   M /  0.00
KENT2: Kent                       : DH0700  / 102 /  82 /  0.00
MCCT2: McCamey                    : DH0800  / 109 /  81 /  0.00
MCIT2: WFO Midland                : DH0700  / 109 /  77 /  0.00
MHST2: Monahans 6ENE              : DH0700  / 110 /  78 /  0.00
FDIT2: Mt. Locke                  : DH0735  /  95 /  69 /  0.35
OFST2: Odessa 1SE                 : DHM     /   M /   M /  0.00
PAJT2: Panther Junction           : DH0700  / 104 /  84 /  0.00
PNGT2: Persimmon Gap              : DH0800  / 109 /  79 /  0.11
RGVT2: Rio Grande Village         : DH0800  / 116 /  83 /  0.00
SNYT2: Snyder                     : DH0700  / 110 /  66 /  0.06
VLTT2: Valentine 10WSW            : DHM     /   M /   M /  0.05
VAHT2: Van Horn                   : DH0800  / 105 /  76 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     Ob Time   High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
ARTN5: Artesia 6S                 : DH0830  / 104 /  40 /  0.00
CPRN5: Caprock                    : DH0800  / 106 /  53 /  0.00

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past calendar day
Precipitation past calendar day ending at 7 PM CDT

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     Ob Time   High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
ASGT2: Alpine 7WNW                : DH2359  / 103 /  76 /  0.01
GAAT2: Gail                       : DH1900  / 108 /  75 /  0.00
VALT2: Valentine                  : DH0700  / 102 /  72 /  0.00


High soil temperature past calendar day
Low soil temperature past 12 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                    High   Low
:----  --------                    ----   ---
BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet     :   88  /  85
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet    :   91  /  89
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet      :   95  /  92
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet         :   85  /  84
GGST2: Gail Mesonet             :   92  /  90
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet           :   92  /  89
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet       :   95  /  92
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet        :   94  /  88
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet         :   95  /  88
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet  :   84  /  82
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet      :   96  /  92
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet            :   92  /  87

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                    High    Low
:----  --------                    ----    ----
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet            :   92  /  84

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/.  Therefore,
these data are subject to revision.  Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

From the above reports:

Highest temperature yesterday... 116 at Rio Grande Village RAWS
Lowest temperature this morning.... 64 at Seminole Mesonet and Seagraves Mesonet

(For Wednesday, June 21, 2023).

Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for
Southwest/South-Central New Mexico and Far West Texas
National Weather Service El Paso TX / Santa Teresa NM
942 AM MDT Thu Jun 22 2023

:Values represent Highs yesterday...Lows since Midnight MST ending
:at 830am MST and 24-Hour Precipitation ending at 5am MST.
:ASOS and Other NWS-Maintained Sites
:                                 Max    Min     24hr    Snow   Snow
:Id    Location            Elev   Temp   Temp    Pcpn    Fall   Depth
DMN   :Deming              4314 : 101  /  64  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
ELP   :El Paso Intl Arpt   3917 : 105  /  77  /  0.00  /      /
EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS    4108 : 100  /  66  /  0.00  /      /
TCS   :T-or-C Airport      4859 :  99  /  66  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
:AWOS / CRN / Military Sites - Not maintained by NWS.
:                                 Max    Min     24hr
:Id    Location            Elev   Temp   Temp    Pcpn
ALM   :Alamogordo          4196 : 102  /  68  /  0.00
HMN   :Holloman AFB        4095 : 101  /  71  /  0.00
LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN   4327 : 100  /  60  /  0.00
LRU   :Las Cruces Airport  4455 : 103  /  67  /  0.00
SVC   :Grant County Arpt   5443 :  94  /  64  /  0.00
0A0   :Spaceport America   4597 :  99  /  63  /  0.00
:NWS Cooperative Observer reports received this morning...
:Values reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted
:observation time (MST).
:                              Obs     Max   Min    24hr   Snow  Snow
:Id    Location        Elev    Time    Temp  Temp   Pcpn   Fall Depth
:New Mexico
CLDN5: Cloudcroft      8723 : DH0700 /  79 /  49 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   0
STCN5: Las Cruces NMSU 3881 : DH0720 / 101 /  64 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   0
SICN5: Silver City 3N  6171 : DH0700 /  88 /  52 /  0.00 /    M /   M
:NWS Cooperative Observer reports received last night. Values
:reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted
:observation time yesterday (MST).
:                              Obs     Max
:Id     Location        Elev   Time    Temp
:New Mexico
:GHSN5  Gila Hot Spgs   5636   DH1800 /  90
:HLLN5  Hillsboro       5270   DH1900 /  97
:RCKN5  Redrock         4050   DH1800 /  98
:WHSN5  White Signal    6068   DH1700 /  90

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Therefore...
these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate
data can be accessed at


There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Tuesday's High Temperature Summary.


((Tuesday's High/sLows).

Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for West Texas-Southeast
New Mexico
National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX
740 AM CDT Wed Jun 21 2023

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         : 108 /  85 /  0.00
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        : 100 /  76 /  0.00
MAF  : Midland ASOS               : 109 /  79 /  0.00
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                : 110 /  81 /  0.00
6R6  : Terrell County ASOS        : 112 /  80 /  0.00
INK  : Wink ASOS                  : 110 /  81 /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        : 106 /  77 /  0.00
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  : 102 /  77 /  0.00
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            : 109 /  77 /  0.00
VHN  : Culberson County AWOS      : 103 /  79 /  0.00
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         : 106 /  73 /  0.00
T89  : Lajitas Int`l Airpt AWOS   : 109 /  88 /  0.00
LUV  : Lamesa Muni AWOS           :   M /   M /  0.00
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 :  99 /  71 /  0.05
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       :   M /   M /     M
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 : 109 /  79 /  0.00
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              : 108 /  83 /  0.00
E41  : Reagan County AWOS         : 109 /  82 /  0.00
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                : 108 /  80 /  0.00
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  99 /  79 /  0.00
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  93 /  63 /  0.00
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      : 104 /  80 /  0.00
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            :  99 /  74 /  0.01
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               : 110 /  77 /  0.00
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  85 /  69 /  0.00
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               : 111 /  81 /  0.00
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      : 107 /  85 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  95 /  76 /  0.00
RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS    : 118 /  86 /  0.00
WDPT2: Wolf Den DMP RAWS          :  92 /  73 /  0.00
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            : 106 /  74 /  0.00
BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet       : 105 /  78 /  0.00
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      : 109 /  82 /  0.00
CTLT2: Castolon 1NW Mesonet       : 114 /  87 /  0.09
CRYT2: Colorado City 5NW Mesonet  : 111 /  75 /  0.00
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        : 110 /  79 /  0.00
CRXT2: Crane 1NNW Mesonet         : 110 /  79 /  0.00
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           : 107 /  81 /  0.00
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               : 109 /  73 /  0.00
KNTT2: Kent 9E Mesonet (Split)    : 103 /  81 /  0.00
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             : 108 /  71 /  0.00
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         : 110 /  80 /  0.00
MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet        : 111 /  80 /  0.00
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      : 111 /  85 /  0.00
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :  94 /  76 /  0.00
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          : 104 /  67 /  0.00
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           : 106 /  71 /  0.00
SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet          : 109 /  80 /  0.00
WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet        : 110 /  79 /  0.00
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    : 109 /  80 /  0.00
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        : 108 /  74 /  0.00
VHNT2: Van Horn 3ENE Mesonet      : 105 /  78 /  0.00
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet              : 105 /  69 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              : 107 /  75 /  0.00
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               : 104 /  73 /  0.00
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  : 106 /  72 /  0.00
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               : 103 /  84 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               : 103 /  76 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                : 108 /  78 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  95 /  74 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          : 105 /  70 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              : 102 /  66 /  0.00

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/.  Therefore,
these data are subject to revision.  Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

From the above reports:

Highest temperature yesterday... 118 at Rio Grande Village RAWS
Lowest temperature this morning.... 63 at Dog Canyon RAWS

(Tuesday's High/sLows).

West Texas-Southeast New Mexico Supplementary Observations
National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX
1135 AM CDT Tue Jun 20 2023

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours ending at 7 AM CDT

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         : 109 /  79 /  0.00
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        :  98 /  74 /  0.00
MAF  : Midland ASOS               : 108 /  77 /  0.00
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                : 109 /  77 /  0.00
6R6  : Terrell County ASOS        : 108 /  77 /  0.00
INK  : Wink ASOS                  : 109 /   M /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        : 105 /  72 /  0.00
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  : 103 /  71 /  0.00
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            : 108 /  73 /  0.00
VHN  : Culberson County AWOS      : 101 /  74 /  0.00
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         : 105 /  70 /  0.00
T89  : Lajitas Int`l Airpt AWOS   : 109 /  81 /  0.00
LUV  : Lamesa Muni AWOS           :   M /   M /  0.00
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 : 101 /  69 /  0.00
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       :   M /   M /     M
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 : 109 /  80 /  0.00
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              : 108 /  77 /  0.00
E41  : Reagan County AWOS         : 109 /  79 /  0.00
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                : 107 /  77 /  0.00
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  99 /  74 /  0.00
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  91 /  68 /  0.00
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      : 103 /  73 /  0.00
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            : 100 /  71 /  0.00
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               : 108 /  74 /  0.00
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  81 /  66 /  0.00
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               : 109 /  80 /  0.00
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      : 107 /  81 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  94 /  81 /  0.00
RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS    : 117 /  75 /  0.00
WDPT2: Wolf Den DMP RAWS          :  92 /  74 /  0.00
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            : 107 /  70 /  0.00
BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet       : 107 /  74 /  0.00
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      : 109 /  79 /  0.00
CTLT2: Castolon 1NW Mesonet       : 114 /  84 /  0.00
CRYT2: Colorado City 5NW Mesonet  : 111 /  75 /  0.00
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        : 110 /  77 /  0.00
CRXT2: Crane 1NNW Mesonet         : 111 /  79 /  0.00
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           : 107 /  76 /  0.00
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               : 108 /  74 /  0.00
KNTT2: Kent 9E Mesonet (Split)    : 103 /  80 /  0.00
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             : 108 /  72 /  0.00
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         : 110 /  75 /  0.00
MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet        : 110 /  80 /  0.00
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      : 111 /  81 /  0.00
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :  93 /  80 /  0.00
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          : 105 /  70 /  0.00
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           : 104 /  72 /  0.00
SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet          : 110 /  73 /  0.00
WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet        : 109 /  77 /  0.00
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    : 110 /  72 /  0.00
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        : 109 /  72 /  0.00
VHNT2: Van Horn 3ENE Mesonet      : 102 /  77 /  0.00
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet              : 106 /  70 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              : 106 /  78 /  0.00
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               : 104 /  79 /  0.00
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  : 104 /  72 /  0.00
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               : 101 /  84 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               : 103 /  73 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                : 106 /  72 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  94 /  73 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          : 104 /  75 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              : 104 /  70 /  0.00


Data below provided by National Weather Service Cooperative Weather

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 24 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours ending at 7 AM CDT

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     Ob Time   High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
CSLT2: Castolon                   : DH0800  / 114 /  83 /  0.00
BBPT2: Chisos Basin               : DH0800  /  98 /  74 /  0.00
SRLT2: Cope Ranch                 : DH0700  / 115 /  79 /  0.00
AGST2: Fort Stockton              : DHM     /   M /   M /  0.00
KENT2: Kent                       : DH0700  / 100 /  76 /  0.00
MCCT2: McCamey                    : DH0800  / 108 /  72 /  0.00
MCIT2: WFO Midland                : DH0700  / 108 /  76 /  0.00
MHST2: Monahans 6ENE              : DH0700  / 108 /  72 /  0.00
PAJT2: Panther Junction           : DH0700  / 106 /  79 /  0.00
PNGT2: Persimmon Gap              : DH0800  / 111 /  80 /  0.00
RGVT2: Rio Grande Village         : DH0800  / 117 /  75 /  0.00
SNYT2: Snyder                     : DH0700  / 107 /  69 /  0.00
VAHT2: Van Horn                   : DH0800  / 101 /  75 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     Ob Time   High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
ARTN5: Artesia 6S                 : DH0830  / 101 /   M /  0.00
CPRN5: Caprock                    : DH0800  / 104 /  67 /  0.00

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past calendar day
Precipitation past calendar day ending at 7 PM CDT

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     Ob Time   High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     -------   ----  ---    ----
ASGT2: Alpine 7WNW                : DH2359  / 102 /  72 /  0.00
GAAT2: Gail                       : DH1900  / 105 /  74 /  0.00
ODET2: Odessa                     : DH0000  / 103 /  70 /  0.00


High soil temperature past calendar day
Low soil temperature past 12 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                    High   Low
:----  --------                    ----   ---
BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet     :   87  /  84
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet    :   90  /  87
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet      :   94  /  91
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet         :   84  /  81
GGST2: Gail Mesonet             :   90  /  87
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet           :   89  /  86
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet       :   93  /  90
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet        :   92  /  86
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet         :   92  /  87
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet  :   83  /  80
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet      :   94  /  90
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet            :   90  /  85

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                    High    Low
:----  --------                    ----    ----
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet            :   91  /  82

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/.  Therefore,
these data are subject to revision.  Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

From the above reports:

Highest temperature yesterday...117 at Rio Grande Village RAWS
Lowest temperature this morning...66 at Guadalupe Bowl RAWS

NWS Albuquerque Climate Summary.
(Tuesday's High/sLows).
Max/Min Temperature And Precipitation Table For
New Mexico
National Weather Service Albuquerque NM
750 AM MDT Wed Jun 21 2023

Maximum temperature for yesterday.  Minimum temperature so far this
morning.  Precipitation for the 24 hour period ending at 6AM MDT
measured in inches and hundredths of an inch of rain and melted snow.

ABQ  : ABQ Sunport       5351:   94 /  62 /    T /   0.0/    0
BRG  : Belen Airport     5194:   97 /  60 /  0.00/      /
CVS  : Cannon AFB        4295:   97 /  65 /    T /      /
CAO  : Clayton           4964:   92 /  60 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
CQC  : Clines Corners    7087:   84 /  52 /  0.00/      /
CVN  : Clovis Airport    4216:   97 /  63 /    T /      /
AEG  : Double Eagle Arpt 5837:   93 /  54 /     M/      /
FMN  : Farmington        5502:   91 /  49 /  0.00/      /
GUP  : Gallup            6473:   85 /  41 /  0.00/      /
GNT  : Grants            6522:   87 /  42 /     M/      /
LVS  : Las Vegas Arpt    6877:   86 /  55 /  0.00/      /
RTN  : Raton Airport     6348:   88 /  45 /  0.00/      /
ROW  : Roswell           3668:  105 /  73 /    T /   0.0/    0
SRR  : Ruidoso Airport   6811:   86 /  64 /     M/      /
SAF  : Santa Fe Airport  6348:   88 /  45 /    T /      /
SXU  : Santa Rosa        4790:   94 /  66 /  0.00/      /
ONM  : Socorro           4849:   98 /  64 /  0.00/      /
SKX  : Taos Airport      7090:   85 /  39 /  0.00/      /
TCC  : Tucumcari         4065:   98 /  62 /  0.00/      /

LLUN5: Los Lunas      4840: DH0730/  95 /  51 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
MRYN5: Moriarty       6220: DH0700/  87 /   M /  0.00/   0.0/    0
BLNN5: Navajo Dam     5770: DH0700/  88 /  53 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
MTRN5: Mountainair NW 6672: DH0700/  89 /  52 /  0.00/   0.0/    0
RRON5: Rio Rancho 2   5290: DH0630/  95 /  59 /  0.00/   0.0/    0

DMN   :Deming              4314 :  99  /  59  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
ELP   :El Paso Intl Arpt   3917 : 102  /  76  /  0.00  /      /
EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS    4108 :  99  /  68  /  0.00  /      /
TCS   :T-or-C Airport      4859 :  97  /  67  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
ALM   :Alamogordo          4196 :  99  /  70  /  0.00
HMN   :Holloman AFB        4095 : 100  /  71  /  0.00
LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN   4327 :  99  /  60  /  0.00
LRU   :Las Cruces Airport  4455 : 100  /  71  /  0.00
SVC   :Grant County Arpt   5443 :  92  /  60  /  0.00
0A0   :Spaceport America   4597 :  97  /  61  /  0.00

BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               : 103 /  84 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               : 103 /  76 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                : 108 /  78 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  95 /  74 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          : 105 /  70 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              : 102 /  66 /  0.00

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/. Therefore...
these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

NWS El Paso Climate Summary.
(Tuesday's High/sLows).

Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for
Southwest/South-Central New Mexico and Far West Texas
National Weather Service El Paso TX / Santa Teresa NM
1010 AM MDT Wed Jun 21 2023

:Values represent Highs yesterday...Lows since Midnight MST ending
:at 830am MST and 24-Hour Precipitation ending at 5am MST.
:ASOS and Other NWS-Maintained Sites
:                                 Max    Min     24hr    Snow   Snow
:Id    Location            Elev   Temp   Temp    Pcpn    Fall   Depth
DMN   :Deming              4314 :  99  /  59  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
ELP   :El Paso Intl Arpt   3917 : 102  /  76  /  0.00  /      /
EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS    4108 :  99  /  70  /  0.00  /      /
TCS   :T-or-C Airport      4859 :  97  /  67  /  0.00  /   M  /   M
:AWOS / CRN / Military Sites - Not maintained by NWS.
:                                 Max    Min     24hr
:Id    Location            Elev   Temp   Temp    Pcpn
ALM   :Alamogordo          4196 :  99  /  70  /  0.00
HMN   :Holloman AFB        4095 : 100  /  71  /  0.00
LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN   4327 :  99  /  60  /  0.00
LRU   :Las Cruces Airport  4455 : 100  /  71  /  0.00
SVC   :Grant County Arpt   5443 :  92  /  60  /  0.00
0A0   :Spaceport America   4597 :  97  /  59  /  0.00
:NWS Cooperative Observer reports received this morning...
:Values reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted
:observation time (MST).
:                              Obs     Max   Min    24hr   Snow  Snow
:Id    Location        Elev    Time    Temp  Temp   Pcpn   Fall Depth
:New Mexico
CLDN5: Cloudcroft      8723 : DH0700 /  76 /  53 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   0
STCN5: Las Cruces NMSU 3881 : DH0720 /  99 /  68 /  0.00 /  0.0 /   0
SICN5: Silver City 3N  6171 : DH0700 /  87 /  49 /  0.00 /    M /   M
:NWS Cooperative Observer reports received last night. Values
:reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted
:observation time yesterday (MST).
:                              Obs     Max
:Id     Location        Elev   Time    Temp
:New Mexico
:GHSN5  Gila Hot Spgs   5636   DH1800 /  90
:HLLN5  Hillsboro       5270   DH1900 /  94
:RCKN5  Redrock         4050   DH1800 /  96
:WHSN5  White Signal    6068   DH1700 /  88

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Therefore...
these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate
data can be accessed at

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Day #7 Of The Current Heatwave.

Sunday, June 18, 2023.
Near Bluff Springs - South Of Cloudcroft, NM.

Day #7 Of The Current Heatwave.

On Monday the Cloudcroft Climate Co-Op Station recorded a high temp of 74º. This makes the 5th day in a row for them that they have reached 70º or above. The data for the Ruidoso Climate Co-Op Station is not yet available online. 

The Elk Climate Co-Op Station recorded a high temp on Monday of 93º. This is the second day in a row that they have reached 90º or above.

The Roswell Airport ASOS reported a high temp of 107º on Monday. This is the 5th day in a row that they have reached 100º or above. Their record for the number of days in a row of reaching 100º or more is 20 days from July 9th, 2022 through July 28,th, 2022. 

The Artesia ZiaMet Station located 6 miles SSE of town at the NMSU AG Science Center reported a high temp of 104º making this their 6th day in a row of reaching 100º or above.  Their record for the number of days in a row of reaching 100º or more is 23 days from July 4th, 2016 through July 26th, 2016.

The Carlsbad Airport ASOS reported a high temp of 106º on Monday. This is the 6th day in a row that they have reached 100º or above. Their record for the number of days in a row of reaching 100º or more is 20 days from June 25th, 1965 through July 14th, 1965.

The bad news...the official National Weather Service forecast for Carlsbad issued this morning calls for the following high temps: 

Today 107º
Wednesday 108º
Thursday 108º
Friday 109º
Saturday 111º
Sunday 111º

Similar readings close to these highs are forecast for the rest of the southeastern plains. 

Highs in the Ruidoso area will be in the upper 80's the rest of this week and will flirt with the 90º mark.The Cloudcroft area will be in the upper 70's the rest of this week and the low 80's this weekend. 

The Weed/Sacramento area is looking at the low to mid 80's the rest of this week climbing up into the upper 80's by the weekend. The Capitan and Mayhill area is looking at the low 90's the rest of this week climbing up into the mid 90's this weekend. The High Rolls/Mountain Park area is looking at highs near 90 the rest of this week and the low 90's for the weekend.

The Alamogordo area is looking at highs near 100 the rest of this week and the low 100's for the weekend. 

Daily record highs may be equaled or exceeded later this week into the weekend in some areas.

Heat Advisories and Excessive Heat Warnings continue in effect through Wednesday evening and will likely be extended into the weekend. Long range forecasts continue to show little hope of meaningful relief from the excessive heat and drought through the first week of July.

# Of Days With High Temps Of 110º Or Above.

(1946 - 2022).

Roswell Municipal Airport.
(1896 - 1972).

Hope Climate Co-Op Station.
(1919 - 2022).

Artesia Climate Co-Op Station.
(1905 - 2022).

Brantley Dam.
(1987 - 2022).

Carlsbad Climate Co-OP Station.
(1900 - 2021).

Carlsbad Airport.
(1930 -2022).

Tatum Climate Co - Op Station.

Hobbs Climate Co - Op Station.
(1913 - 2022).

Jal Climate Co - Op Station.
(1919 - 2022).

WIPP Climate Co - Op Station.
(1986 - 2022).

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

Current NWS Watches/Warnings In Effect

New Mexico

Eddy County

Chaves County Plains & Mtn's

Culberson County

Lea County

Lincoln County

Otero County

Current US Temps

Current US Wind Chill/Heat Index Temperatures

NWS Midland Forecast

NWS Midland Forecast

NWS Albuquerque Forecast

NWS El Paso Forecast

NWS El Paso Forecast

NWS Lubbock Forecast

NWS Lubbock Forecast

My Blog Archive List

Average Daily High/Low Temperatures & Rainfall/Snowfall

Average Daily High/Low Temperatures & Rainfall/Snowfall