Large hail, damaging thunderstorm wind gusts, perhaps an isolated tornado (Slight Risk Area) along with frequent deadly cloud to ground lightning, and locally heavy rain/flash flooding will be possible. A lesser threat for severe thunderstorms will occur in the Marginal Risk Area.
Friday's Severe Weather Threat.
A similar severe weather threat as today's will occur again on Friday with the Slight Risk Area a little further to the east and north.With the Marginal Risk Area across parts of the southeastern plains and West Texas.
Outside of a few isolated thunderstorms along or near the NM/TX border late this afternoon and evening and again on Friday our chances for meaningful rainfall continue to look very bleak. Same song and dance, same broken record that is stuck on this heatwave, very dry, and breezy to windy at times today through the first week of July.
Local National Weather Service Forecasts.
(Wednesday, June 21, 2023).
(For Wednesday, June 21, 2023).
Max/Min Temperature And Precipitation Table For New Mexico National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 743 AM MDT Thu Jun 22 2023 Maximum temperature for yesterday. Minimum temperature so far this morning. Precipitation for the 24 hour period ending at 6AM MDT measured in inches and hundredths of an inch of rain and melted snow. .BR ABQ 0622 M DH01/TAIRZX/DH07/TAIRZP/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ ABQ : ABQ Sunport 5351: 94 / 67 / T / 0.0/ 0 BRG : Belen Airport 5194: 97 / 63 / 0.00/ / CVS : Cannon AFB 4295: 99 / 62 / 0.00/ / CAO : Clayton 4964: 92 / 63 / 0.00/ 0.0/ 0 CQC : Clines Corners 7087: 87 / 56 / 0.00/ / CVN : Clovis Airport 4216: 98 / 59 / M/ / AEG : Double Eagle Arpt 5837: 93 / 57 / M/ / FMN : Farmington 5502: 90 / 51 / 0.00/ / GUP : Gallup 6473: 87 / 40 / 0.00/ / GNT : Grants 6522: 91 / 52 / M/ / LVS : Las Vegas Arpt 6877: 88 / 53 / 0.00/ / RTN : Raton Airport 6348: 89 / 61 / 0.00/ / ROW : Roswell 3668: 109 / 74 / 0.00/ 0.0/ 0 SRR : Ruidoso Airport 6811: 88 / 63 / M/ / SAF : Santa Fe Airport 6348: 88 / 56 / 0.00/ / SXU : Santa Rosa 4790: 96 / 61 / 0.00/ / ONM : Socorro 4849: 99 / 68 / 0.00/ / SKX : Taos Airport 7090: 86 / 46 / 0.00/ / TCC : Tucumcari 4065: 99 / 65 / 0.00/ / .END .BR ABQ 0622 M DH08/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ MRYN5: Moriarty 6220: DH0700/ 89 / M / 0.00/ 0.0/ 0 BLNN5: Navajo Dam 5770: DH0700/ 90 / 53 / 0.00/ 0.0/ 0 MTRN5: Mountainair NW 6672: DH0700/ 91 / 54 / 0.00/ 0.0/ 0 RRON5: Rio Rancho 2 5290: DH0630/ 96 / 59 / 0.00/ 0.0/ 0 .END .BR EPZ 0622 MS DH00/TAIRZX/DH05/TAIRZP/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ DMN :Deming 4314 : 101 / 64 / 0.00 / M / M ELP :El Paso Intl Arpt 3917 : 105 / 77 / 0.00 / / EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS 4108 : 100 / 67 / 0.00 / / TCS :T-or-C Airport 4859 : 99 / 70 / 0.00 / M / M ALM :Alamogordo 4196 : 102 / 68 / 0.00 HMN :Holloman AFB 4095 : 101 / 71 / 0.00 LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN 4327 : 100 / 60 / 0.00 LRU :Las Cruces Airport 4455 : 103 / 67 / 0.00 SVC :Grant County Arpt 5443 : 94 / 64 / 0.00 0A0 :Spaceport America 4597 : 99 / 63 / 0.00 .END .BR MAF 0622 C DH01/TAIPZX/DH05/TAIPZP/PPDPZZ BATN5: Batdraw RAWS : 104 / 84 / 0.00 CPPN5: Caprock RAWS : 105 / 71 / 0.00 MPAN5: Paduca RAWS : 109 / 71 / 0.00 QENN5: Queen RAWS : 97 / 72 / 0.00 HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet : 107 / 68 / 0.00 TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet : 104 / 65 / 0.00 .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/. Therefore... these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at $$
(For Wednesday, June 21, 2023).
Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for West Texas-Southeast New Mexico National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 745 AM CDT Thu Jun 22 2023 High temperature past calendar day Low temperature past 12 hours Precipitation last 24 hours .BR MAF 0622 C DH01/TAIPZX/DH06/TAIPZP/PPDPZZ : : ...West Texas... : :Id Location High Low Pcpn :-- -------- ---- --- ---- FST : Fort Stockton ASOS : 108 / 81 / 0.00 GDP : Guadalupe Pass ASOS : 102 / 77 / 0.00 MAF : Midland ASOS : 111 / 77 / 0.00 ODO : Odessa ASOS : 111 / 79 / 0.00 6R6 : Terrell County ASOS : 110 / 80 / 0.00 INK : Wink ASOS : 111 / 89 / 0.00 E11 : Andrews County AWOS : 107 / 73 / 0.00 E38 : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS : 102 / 78 / 0.02 BPG : Big Spring AWOS : 111 / 74 / 0.00 VHN : Culberson County AWOS : 105 / 81 / 0.00 GNC : Gaines County AWOS : 107 / 67 / 0.00 T89 : Lajitas Int`l Airpt AWOS : 108 / 86 / 0.00 LUV : Lamesa Muni AWOS : M / M / 0.00 MRF : Marfa AWOS : 99 / 67 / T MDD : Midland Airpark AWOS : M / M / M PEQ : Pecos AWOS : 109 / 74 / 0.00 PRS : Presidio AWOS : 108 / 80 / 0.00 E41 : Reagan County AWOS : 109 / 78 / 0.00 SNK : Snyder AWOS : 108 / 68 / 0.00 CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS : 98 / 72 / 0.00 DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS : 94 / 68 / 0.00 EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS : 103 / 79 / 0.00 FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS : 99 / 77 / 0.02 FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS : 110 / 68 / 0.00 GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS : 85 / 66 / 0.00 MNDT2: Midland RAWS : 110 / 78 / 0.00 PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS : 106 / 84 / 0.00 PSGT2: Pinery RAWS : 97 / 78 / 0.00 RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS : 116 / 90 / 0.00 WDPT2: Wolf Den DMP RAWS : 93 / 70 / 0.00 AWST2: Andrews Mesonet : 108 / 73 / 0.00 BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet : 106 / 73 / 0.00 BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet : 109 / 78 / 0.00 CTLT2: Castolon 1NW Mesonet : 111 / 87 / 0.00 CRYT2: Colorado City 5NW Mesonet : 112 / 69 / 0.00 CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet : 110 / 79 / 0.00 CRXT2: Crane 1NNW Mesonet : 109 / 80 / 0.00 FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet : 107 / 69 / 0.00 GGST2: Gail Mesonet : 112 / 69 / 0.00 KNTT2: Kent 9E Mesonet (Split) : 106 / 86 / 0.00 LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet : 110 / 69 / 0.00 LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet : 112 / 75 / 0.00 MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet : 109 / 81 / 0.00 PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet : 110 / 85 / 0.11 PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet : 96 / 78 / 0.00 SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet : 106 / 64 / 0.00 SMST2: Seminole Mesonet : 107 / 64 / 0.00 SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet : 110 / 69 / 0.06 WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet : 110 / 69 / 0.00 GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet : 110 / 76 / 0.00 TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet : 110 / 74 / 0.00 VHNT2: Van Horn 3ENE Mesonet : 106 / 80 / 0.00 WEHT2: Welch Mesonet : 109 / 65 / 0.00 : .END .BR MAF 0622 C DH01/TAIPZX/DH05/TAIPZP/PPDPZZ : : ...Southeast New Mexico... : :Id Location High Low Pcpn :-- -------- ---- --- ---- CNM : Carlsbad ASOS : 109 / 73 / 0.00 ATS : Artesia AWOS : 106 / 73 / 0.00 HOB : Hobbs FAA : 106 / 68 / 0.00 BATN5: Batdraw RAWS : 104 / 84 / 0.00 CPPN5: Caprock RAWS : 105 / 71 / 0.00 MPAN5: Paduca RAWS : 109 / 71 / 0.00 QENN5: Queen RAWS : 97 / 72 / 0.00 HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet : 107 / 68 / 0.00 TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet : 104 / 65 / 0.00 : .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/. Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at From the above reports: Highest temperature yesterday... 116 at Rio Grande Village RAWS Lowest temperature this morning.... 64 at Seminole Mesonet and Seagraves Mesonet $$
West Texas-Southeast New Mexico Supplementary Observations National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 1250 PM CDT Thu Jun 22 2023 High temperature past calendar day Low temperature past 12 hours Precipitation last 24 hours ending at 7 AM CDT .BR MAF 0622 C DH01/TAIPZX/DH06/TAIPZP/PPDPZZ : : ...West Texas... : :Id Location High Low Pcpn :-- -------- ---- --- ---- FST : Fort Stockton ASOS : 108 / 81 / 0.00 GDP : Guadalupe Pass ASOS : 102 / 77 / 0.00 MAF : Midland ASOS : 111 / 77 / 0.00 ODO : Odessa ASOS : 111 / 79 / 0.00 6R6 : Terrell County ASOS : 110 / 80 / 0.00 INK : Wink ASOS : 111 / 89 / 0.00 E11 : Andrews County AWOS : 107 / 73 / 0.00 E38 : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS : 102 / 78 / 0.02 BPG : Big Spring AWOS : 111 / 74 / 0.00 VHN : Culberson County AWOS : 105 / 81 / 0.00 GNC : Gaines County AWOS : 107 / 67 / 0.00 T89 : Lajitas Int`l Airpt AWOS : 108 / 86 / 0.00 LUV : Lamesa Muni AWOS : M / M / 0.00 MRF : Marfa AWOS : 99 / 67 / T MDD : Midland Airpark AWOS : M / M / M PEQ : Pecos AWOS : 109 / 74 / 0.00 PRS : Presidio AWOS : 108 / 80 / 0.00 E41 : Reagan County AWOS : 109 / 78 / 0.00 SNK : Snyder AWOS : 108 / 68 / 0.00 CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS : 98 / 72 / 0.00 DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS : 94 / 68 / 0.00 EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS : 103 / 79 / 0.00 FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS : 99 / 77 / 0.02 FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS : 110 / 68 / 0.00 GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS : 85 / 66 / 0.00 MNDT2: Midland RAWS : 110 / 78 / 0.00 PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS : 106 / 84 / 0.00 PSGT2: Pinery RAWS : 97 / 78 / 0.00 RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS : 116 / 90 / 0.00 WDPT2: Wolf Den DMP RAWS : 93 / 70 / 0.00 AWST2: Andrews Mesonet : 108 / 73 / 0.00 BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet : 106 / 73 / 0.00 BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet : 109 / 78 / 0.00 CTLT2: Castolon 1NW Mesonet : 111 / 87 / 0.00 CRYT2: Colorado City 5NW Mesonet : 112 / 69 / 0.00 CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet : 110 / 79 / 0.00 CRXT2: Crane 1NNW Mesonet : 109 / 80 / 0.00 FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet : 107 / 69 / 0.00 GGST2: Gail Mesonet : 112 / 69 / 0.00 KNTT2: Kent 9E Mesonet (Split) : 106 / 86 / 0.00 LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet : 110 / 69 / 0.00 LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet : 112 / 75 / 0.00 MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet : 109 / 81 / 0.00 PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet : 110 / 85 / 0.11 PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet : 96 / 78 / 0.00 SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet : 106 / 64 / 0.00 SMST2: Seminole Mesonet : 107 / 64 / 0.00 SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet : 110 / 69 / 0.06 WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet : 110 / 69 / 0.00 GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet : 110 / 76 / 0.00 TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet : 110 / 74 / 0.00 VHNT2: Van Horn 3ENE Mesonet : 106 / 80 / 0.00 WEHT2: Welch Mesonet : 109 / 65 / 0.00 : .END .BR MAF 0622 C DH01/TAIPZX/DH05/TAIPZP/PPDPZZ : : ...Southeast New Mexico... : :Id Location High Low Pcpn :---- -------- ---- --- ---- CNM : Carlsbad ASOS : 109 / 73 / 0.00 ATS : Artesia AWOS : 106 / 73 / 0.00 HOB : Hobbs FAA : 106 / 68 / 0.00 BATN5: Batdraw RAWS : 104 / 84 / 0.00 CPPN5: Caprock RAWS : 105 / 71 / 0.00 MPAN5: Paduca RAWS : 109 / 71 / 0.00 QENN5: Queen RAWS : 97 / 72 / 0.00 HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet : 107 / 68 / 0.00 TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet : 104 / 65 / 0.00 : .END --------------------------------------------------------------------- Data below provided by National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observers High temperature past calendar day Low temperature past 24 hours Precipitation last 24 hours ending at 7 AM CDT .BR MAF 0622 C DH06/TAIPZX/TAIPZN/PPDPZZ : : ...West Texas... : :Id Location Ob Time High Low Pcpn :---- -------- ------- ---- --- ---- BGAT2: Big Spring Field Station : DHM / M / M / 0.00 CSLT2: Castolon : DH0800 / 111 / 86 / 0.01 BBPT2: Chisos Basin : DH0800 / 96 / 70 / 0.00 AGST2: Fort Stockton : DHM / M / M / 0.00 KENT2: Kent : DH0700 / 102 / 82 / 0.00 MCCT2: McCamey : DH0800 / 109 / 81 / 0.00 MCIT2: WFO Midland : DH0700 / 109 / 77 / 0.00 MHST2: Monahans 6ENE : DH0700 / 110 / 78 / 0.00 FDIT2: Mt. Locke : DH0735 / 95 / 69 / 0.35 OFST2: Odessa 1SE : DHM / M / M / 0.00 PAJT2: Panther Junction : DH0700 / 104 / 84 / 0.00 PNGT2: Persimmon Gap : DH0800 / 109 / 79 / 0.11 RGVT2: Rio Grande Village : DH0800 / 116 / 83 / 0.00 SNYT2: Snyder : DH0700 / 110 / 66 / 0.06 VLTT2: Valentine 10WSW : DHM / M / M / 0.05 VAHT2: Van Horn : DH0800 / 105 / 76 / 0.00 : .END .BR MAF 0622 C DH05/TAIPZX/TAIPZN/PPDPZZ : : ...Southeast New Mexico... : :Id Location Ob Time High Low Pcpn :---- -------- ------- ---- --- ---- ARTN5: Artesia 6S : DH0830 / 104 / 40 / 0.00 CPRN5: Caprock : DH0800 / 106 / 53 / 0.00 : .END High temperature past calendar day Low temperature past calendar day Precipitation past calendar day ending at 7 PM CDT : ...West Texas... : :Id Location Ob Time High Low Pcpn :---- -------- ------- ---- --- ---- ASGT2: Alpine 7WNW : DH2359 / 103 / 76 / 0.01 GAAT2: Gail : DH1900 / 108 / 75 / 0.00 VALT2: Valentine : DH0700 / 102 / 72 / 0.00 : .END --------------------------------------------------------------------- High soil temperature past calendar day Low soil temperature past 12 hours .BR MAF 0622 C DH01/TSIRZX/DH06/TSIRZN : : ...West Texas... : :Id Location High Low :---- -------- ---- --- BDGT2: Belding 3NNW Mesonet : 88 / 85 BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet : 91 / 89 CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet : 95 / 92 FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet : 85 / 84 GGST2: Gail Mesonet : 92 / 90 LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet : 92 / 89 LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet : 95 / 92 SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet : 94 / 88 SMST2: Seminole Mesonet : 95 / 88 GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet : 84 / 82 TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet : 96 / 92 WEHT2: Welch Mesonet : 92 / 87 : .END .BR MAF 0622 C DH01/TSIRZX/DH05/TSIRZN : : ...Southeast New Mexico... : :Id Location High Low :---- -------- ---- ---- TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet : 92 / 84 : .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/. Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at From the above reports: Highest temperature yesterday... 116 at Rio Grande Village RAWS Lowest temperature this morning.... 64 at Seminole Mesonet and Seagraves Mesonet $$
(For Wednesday, June 21, 2023).
Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for Southwest/South-Central New Mexico and Far West Texas National Weather Service El Paso TX / Santa Teresa NM 942 AM MDT Thu Jun 22 2023 .BR EPZ 0622 MS DH00/TAIRZX/DH08/DVH13/TAVRZN .B1 /DH05/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : :Values represent Highs yesterday...Lows since Midnight MST ending :at 830am MST and 24-Hour Precipitation ending at 5am MST. : : :ASOS and Other NWS-Maintained Sites : : Max Min 24hr Snow Snow :Id Location Elev Temp Temp Pcpn Fall Depth :-------------------------------------------------------------------- DMN :Deming 4314 : 101 / 64 / 0.00 / M / M ELP :El Paso Intl Arpt 3917 : 105 / 77 / 0.00 / / EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS 4108 : 100 / 66 / 0.00 / / TCS :T-or-C Airport 4859 : 99 / 66 / 0.00 / M / M : : :AWOS / CRN / Military Sites - Not maintained by NWS. : : Max Min 24hr :Id Location Elev Temp Temp Pcpn :----------------------------------------------------- ALM :Alamogordo 4196 : 102 / 68 / 0.00 HMN :Holloman AFB 4095 : 101 / 71 / 0.00 LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN 4327 : 100 / 60 / 0.00 LRU :Las Cruces Airport 4455 : 103 / 67 / 0.00 SVC :Grant County Arpt 5443 : 94 / 64 / 0.00 0A0 :Spaceport America 4597 : 99 / 63 / 0.00 : : .END : .BR EPZ 0622 M DH09/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : :NWS Cooperative Observer reports received this morning... :Values reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted :observation time (MST). : : Obs Max Min 24hr Snow Snow :Id Location Elev Time Temp Temp Pcpn Fall Depth :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : :Texas : :New Mexico CLDN5: Cloudcroft 8723 : DH0700 / 79 / 49 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0 STCN5: Las Cruces NMSU 3881 : DH0720 / 101 / 64 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0 SICN5: Silver City 3N 6171 : DH0700 / 88 / 52 / 0.00 / M / M : : :NWS Cooperative Observer reports received last night. Values :reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted :observation time yesterday (MST). : : Obs Max :Id Location Elev Time Temp :-------------------------------------------- : :Texas : :New Mexico :GHSN5 Gila Hot Spgs 5636 DH1800 / 90 :HLLN5 Hillsboro 5270 DH1900 / 97 :RCKN5 Redrock 4050 DH1800 / 98 :WHSN5 White Signal 6068 DH1700 / 90 : .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Therefore... these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at $$
There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.
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