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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Round Two Of Severe T-Storms Saturday, May 24, 2014.

Alan Edmonson who lives in Roswell, NM 
took this photo at  8:30 PM last night...from Roswell looking north.

A high water rescue occurred here yesterday morning when a motorist
attempted to cross the flooded arroyo. Turn Around - Don't Drown.

Flash flooding along sheep draw and Hackberry draw yesterday morning.

Hail on U.S. Hwy 62/180 at Whites City last night. I did get one report
 of at least one vehicle with its windows beat out by the hail.

Yesterday's overcast skies cleared up by noontime but the atmosphere over southeastern New Mexico took awhile to recover from Friday's thunderstorm activity. Just before sunset the atmosphere became sufficiently detestable again to give us round two of severe thunderstorms.

8:35 PM MDT Baseball size hail 1 mile south of Seven Rivers.
8:40 PM MDT Quarter size hail Whites City.
9:01 PM MDT Golf ball size hail Carlsbad Airport.
9:09 PM MDT Penny size hail 7 miles south of Carlsbad.
9:48 PM MDT Quarter size hail 9 miles northeast of Carlsbad on U.S. hwy 62.180.

Estimated Radar Storm Total Rainfall.
(Past Two Days).

It appears that the Midland NWS Dual Pol Doppler Radar has been overestimating our rainfall totals across southeastern New Mexico the past couple of days. This is due mainly to the hail contaminating the radar echoes. The Cannon AFB Radar Totals are not available this morning.

Two-Day Storm Total Rainfall Amounts-

Alan Edmonson Roswell 5.30"
8-Mile Draw Raws Northeast Of Roswell 4.93"
Roswell Airport ASOS 4.71"
Tatum Climate Co-Op Station 3.64"
Crossroads 2.43"
Milensand Davis Vantage Pro 2 .40"
Bat Draw Raws 1.96"
2.9 N Downtown Carlsbad 1.94"
2.1 NNW Downtown Carlsbad 1.64"
2.2 N Downtown Carlsbad 1.55"
Caprock Raws 1.52"
2.6 NNW Downtown Carlsbad 1.41"
Lovington Davis Vantage Pro 2 1.28"
Hobbs - Wood Farms Davis Vantage Pro 2 .84"
Mayhill CWOP CW9878 .78"
Artesia Airport ASC .71"
Alfadale - Atoka Davis Vantage Pro 2 .64"
Dunken Raws .63"
Carlsbad Airport ASOS .62"
Weed K5TCS .61"
Cloudcroft CWOP EW0726 .60"
Smokey Bear Raws - Ruidoso .41"
Pinery Raws - Pine Springs .41"
Padca Raws .20"
Queen Raws .07"

Rainfall Totals Are Courtesy Of-

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction! 

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