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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Coldest Morning Across New Mexico So Far This Winter!

January 10, 2025.
Artesia, New Mexico.

At 6:45 AM MST Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

At 7:20 AM MST Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025.

Selected Overnight Low Temperatures.

Angel Fire Airport ASOS -30F.
JTH Forestry Research Center - Mora NMCC -22F.
Carson Natl Forest Near Aztec 4SE -20F.
Raton Airport ASOS -18F.
Mills Canyon Raws - East of Wagon Mound -18F.
Red River PWS -16F.
Taos Airport AWOS -15F. 
Las Vegas Airport ASOS -11F. 

Bell Canyon PWS - Northwest of Mayhill -7F.
Gibson Land County PWS - North of Tinnie -6F.
Connor-CT PWS - Northwest of Capitan -6F.
Hwy 37 @ Cherry Creek PWS - Nogal -5F.
White Mountain Meadows PWS - Ruidsoo -4F.
Ski Cloudcroft PWS -5F. 
Sacramento PWS -5F.
Pierce Counyon PWS - South of Cloudcroft -5F.
Ski Cloudcroft PWS -5F. 
Cloudcroft NWS Climate Co-Op Station -4F. 
Mayhill PWS -4F.
Chippaway Park Cabin PWS - Southeast of Cloudcroft Hwy 130 -3F.
Runyan Ranches -3F.
Weed PWS -2F.
Timberon Development PWS -2F.
Ruidoso - Smoky Bear Raws -1F. 
Mescal Raws - Melscaleo -1F. 
Weed PWS -1F.
Dunken Raws -1F. 
Carrizzozo NMCC -1F. 

Hondo NMCC 0F.
The Bowl Raws - North of Guadalupe Peak 0F. 
Sierra Blanca Regional Airport AWOS - Northeast of Ruidoso 0F.
3 Cross PWS - North Of Dunken 0F.
WTP PWS Alto 1F.
Arteisa NWS Climate Co-Op Station 6 SSE of Artesia 2F.
Tatum PWS 3F.
Caprock Raws 3F. 
Lovington PWS White House 3F.
The Ranch PWS - Southwest Of Lakewood (GDP Mtns Foothills) 3F.
Cotttonwood PWS NW of Artesia 4F.
Artesia Airport AWOS 5F. 
HighRolls PWS 5F.
Lakewood PWS 5F.
Hope NMCC 4.9 Miles West 6F.
Lea County Communication Center PWS - Hobbs 6F.
Carlsbad Caverns Natl Park - Bat Draws 8F.
Dexter NMCC 8F. 
Holloman AFB Alamogordo 9F.
Carlsbad Airport ASOS 9F. 
Jal Country Club NMCC 9F. 
Roswell Airport ASOS 10F.
Las Cruces Airport AWOS 10F.
My Home In Carlsbad PWS 10F.
Loving High School NMCC 10F. 

Midland/Odessa Intl Airport ASOS 14F.
El Paso Intl Airport ASOS 16F. 

NOUS45 KABQ 211205

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Albuquerque NM
505 AM MST Tue Jan 21 2025


Location                     WC Temp.  Time/Date

...New Mexico...

...Bernalillo County...
I-40 @ Sedillo Hill (NMDOT)  -14 F     1035 PM 01/20
Sandia Park                  -14 F     1041 PM 01/20
Sedillo 1 S                  -11 F     0710 PM 01/20
Ponderosa 2 W                -11 F     1057 PM 01/20

...Cibola County...
Acoma Pueblo 19 SW (Brushy M -16 F     1149 PM 01/20
El Morro 16 SSE (Malpais Lav -14 F     1025 PM 01/20
Grants-Milan Airport         -11 F     1155 PM 01/20
Pine Hill 14 SSE             -10 F     1134 PM 01/20

...Colfax County...
Angel Fire Airport           -36 F     1135 PM 01/20
I-25 @ Raton Pass (NMDOT)    -28 F     1130 PM 01/20
Raton                        -25 F     1135 PM 01/20
Raton Crews Airport          -23 F     1153 PM 01/20
Springer                     -18 F     0925 PM 01/20
Ute Park 3 N (Cimarron)      -17 F     0809 PM 01/20

...Curry County...
St. Vrain                    -14 F     0755 PM 01/20
Clovis                       -14 F     0806 PM 01/20
Clovis Muni Airport          -13 F     0856 PM 01/20
Cannon Air Force Base        -12 F     0624 PM 01/20
Grady                        -12 F     0950 PM 01/20

...De Baca County...
East Fort Sumner             -11 F     0650 PM 01/20

...Guadalupe County...
Cuervo 3.5 NE (UPR)          -17 F     0644 PM 01/20
SE Vaughn                    -14 F     1035 PM 01/20
Santa Rosa Airport           -11 F     0815 PM 01/20
San Ignacio 2 N              -10 F     0645 PM 01/20

...Harding County...
Mills 4 WSW (Mills Canyon)   -17 F     0705 PM 01/20

...Lincoln County...
Ancho 10 NE (UPR)            -11 F     0940 PM 01/20
Sierra Blanca Rgnl Arpt      -11 F     0955 PM 01/20
Nogal 5 NW                   -11 F     1145 PM 01/20
Carrizozo 6 NE (UPR)         -10 F     1033 PM 01/20

...Los Alamos County...
White Rock 1 WNW (LANL2)     -11 F     1145 PM 01/20

...McKinley County...
Gallup Airport               -11 F     0953 PM 01/20

...Quay County...
Endee 2 SW                   -13 F     1110 PM 01/20
Tucumcari 9 NE  (UPR)        -12 F     0600 PM 01/20
House                        -12 F     0905 PM 01/20
Tucumcari Muni Airport       -11 F     0512 PM 01/20
Logan 12 NE (UPR)            -10 F     0347 PM 01/20
Quay 6.2 S                   -10 F     0830 PM 01/20

...Rio Arriba County...
Truchas 3 ENE (Truchas)      -13 F     1111 PM 01/20

...Roosevelt County...
Dora 2 SW                    -14 F     0837 PM 01/20
Tolar 12 SE                  -10 F     0555 PM 01/20

...San Juan County...
Narbona Pass                 -11 F     1041 PM 01/20

...San Miguel County...
Las Vegas Muni Airport       -22 F     0753 PM 01/20
Apache Springs               -19 F     1135 PM 01/20
Lower Colonias 5 E (Pecos)   -14 F     1014 PM 01/20
I-25 @ Rowe (NMDOT)          -11 F     1155 PM 01/20

...Sandoval County...
Redondo (DRI)                -17 F     0950 PM 01/20
Los Posos (DRI)              -15 F     0950 PM 01/20
Valles Caldera HQ (DRI)      -12 F     0950 PM 01/20

...Santa Fe County...
Glorieta                     -26 F     0803 PM 01/20
Glorieta 6 WNW               -19 F     0845 PM 01/20
I-25 @ La Bajada (NMDOT)     -15 F     0920 PM 01/20
Cerrillos                    -14 F     1055 PM 01/20
Santa Fe                     -14 F     1135 PM 01/20
La Cienega 3 ENE             -12 F     1135 PM 01/20
Lamy 2 NW                    -11 F     0925 PM 01/20
Edgewood 2 N                 -11 F     1100 PM 01/20
Santa Fe Muni Airport        -10 F     1053 PM 01/20

...Socorro County...
Claunch                      -11 F     1040 PM 01/20
Carrizozo 15 NW (Chupadera)  -11 F     1139 PM 01/20

...Taos County...
Taos Muni Airport            -14 F     1156 PM 01/20

...Torrance County...
Corona 1 NE (UPR)            -15 F     0758 PM 01/20
Duran 7 SW (UPR)             -15 F     0845 PM 01/20
Edgewood SWCD                -13 F     0845 PM 01/20
Moriarty Muni Airport        -12 F     1135 PM 01/20
Abo 3 N                      -12 F     1145 PM 01/20
Clines Corners               -11 F     1115 PM 01/20
Corona Range LRC             -10 F     0945 PM 01/20

...Union County...
SW Clayton                   -25 F     1145 PM 01/20
Clayton LRC                  -23 F     1130 PM 01/20
Sedan 5 N                    -23 F     1146 PM 01/20
Amistad                      -19 F     1145 PM 01/20

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.


There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See...107.

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