My Current Weather

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hot Again Today & Monday - Cooler By Thursday.

Bath, New Hampshire Oct 4, 2016.
Photo Courtesy Of My Wife.

As was forecast yesterday was downright hot in New Mexico for the middle of October especially here in the southeastern plains. The Carlsbad Climate Co-Op Station recorded a high temp of 95ºF yesterday afternoon which was one degree short of the record high for the date of 96ºF set back in 1902. An automated weather station (NM5ZR) reported a high temp in southwest Carlsbad of 95ºF. I recorded 94ºF here at our home as did the Carlsbad Airport. The Roswell Airport reached 91ºF which ties their daily record high temp last set in 2015.

On the cooler side of the thermometer the Sierra Blanca Automated Snotel Station (10,280') located near Ski Apache, west of Ruidoso, only made it up to 59" yesterday. And the Sunspot Solar Observatory located 16 miles south of Cloudcroft (9,439') reported 63ºF. 

GFS Forecast Temperature Anomalies Today.

GFS Forecast High Temperatures Today.

GFS Forecast Temperature Anomalies Monday.
GFS Forecast High Temperatures Monday.

Similar temperatures to yesterday's highs are forecast for the local area today into Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday will be a few degrees cooler ahead of an approaching cold front due to arrive Wednesday night.

GFS Forecast Temperature Anomalies On Thursday.

GFS Forecast High Temperatures On Thursday.

Our next cool down will occur Wednesday night into Friday as a southward moving cold front enters the region. Our forecast high temperatures on Thursday for now are near 70ºF so this means we will see a drop in temperatures of some 20-25 degrees compared to today's and Monday's highs. Comparing these readings with the 30-year normals (1981-2010) below.

Normal High/Low Temps For October 20th:

Clovis 72/40 
Portales 74/43

Roswell 74/45
Artesia 76/42
Carlsbad 77/46
Hobbs 77/48
Tatum 74/41

Picacho 73/40
Ruidoso 64/33
Capitan 67/36

Elk 69/35
Cloudcroft 58/32
Alamogordo 75/49

Las Cruces 81/47
El Paso 77/51
Midland/Odessa 77/51
Lubbock 74/47

Climate Data Is Courtesy Of:

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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