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Friday, July 26, 2019

How Hot - Wet - Dry So Far.

(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

New Mexico Year-To-Date Rainfall Anomalies.
(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

(June 1st - July 25th, 2019).

(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

South Central NM & The Sacramento Mountains Highest Temperatures Year-To-Date.
(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

Southern New Mexico Highest Temperatures Year-To-Date.
(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

SE NM Year-To-Date Rainfall.
(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

South Central NM & The Sacramento Mountains Year-To-Date Rainfall.
(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

Southern New Mexico Year-To-Date Rainfall
(January 1st - July 25th, 2019).

Number of Days With High Temps Of 100ยบ Or Higher So Far This Summer.
(June 1st - July 25th, 2019).

Roswell 24.
Artesia Climate 19.
2.1 NNW Downtwon Carlsbad 19.
Carlsbad Climate 21.
Carlsbad Airport 19.
Hobbs Climate 7.
Hobbs Airport 8.

Yes its been a typically hot summer but overall nothing unusual for the area. What is interesting is the wide gap in the rainfall totals to date. But that too isn't all that unusual either. So the summer drones on.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction - And Sometimes It Hurts!

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