- Daily Climate Data
- CoCoRaHS
- Climate4you
- Eddy - Lea Counties
- Chaves - Lincoln Counties
- Otero County - Cloudcroft
- NM ZiaMet Temp/Preicp
- NM Monthly Climate Data
- National High/Low Temps
- New Mexico Snotel Reports
- Southwest Annual Monsoon
- Historical Past Snowfall Events
- WPC Daily High/Low Temps
- WPC Winter Archive Review
- Utah Climate Center - KE5WLM
- NCDC Climate Data Search Engine
- NCDC State Climate Extremes
- Local Climate Observations NM/TX
- Local Supplementary Climate Observations
- New Mexico 24-Hour Rainfall & Snowfall
- New Mexico Tornado History (1883 -2018).
- ECMWF ERA5 Weather Map ReAnalysis.
- Historical Daily Weather Maps (1871 - 2020).
- Historical Climate Data
- ThreadEx
- Death Valley
- Death Valley Climate
- World Rainfall Records
- GISS Temperature Graphs
- NOAA NCEI Climate History
- Historical Hurricane Tracks
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- NM Severe Weather Climatology
- Western Region Climate Center
- Original Western Region Climate Center
- NM Monthly Climate Summaries
- New Mexico Snowfall Extremes
- Extreme Climate Data By State
- New US Daily Record Climate Data
- Historical Monthly Climate Data
- Local Yearly Climate Summaries
- The Coldest Places On Earth
- List Of Tropical Storms & Hurricanes Affecting NM
- Man vs. Nature: The Great Mississippi Flood Of 1927.
- Synoptic Climatology of Heavy Snow In West Texas And Eastern New Mexico, 1955 to 1988.
- Southeastern Plains
- Roswell Climate (1893-1972)
- Roswell Climate (1893-1950)
- Roswell Airport (1942-2023)
- Roswell Climate (2004-2023).
- Hagerman Climate (1920 - 1960)
- Artesia Climate (1905-2023)
- Hope Climate (1905-2023)
- Carlsbad Climate (1900-2021)
- Carlsbad Caverns (1935-2023)
- Dark Canyon Rd (2005-2017)
- WIPP Site (1986 - 2023)
- Hobbs Climate (1912-2022)
- Tatum Climate (1919-2022)
- Bitter Lakes Wildlife Refuge (1950-2022)
- Sacramento Mountains
- New Mexico Tornadoes
- New Mexico Tornadoes
- New Mexico Tornadoes 1883-2021
- New Mexico Freeze Dates
- New Mexico Storm Events
- SE NM/W TX Storm Data
- Significant Weather Events
- Climate Maps
- MJO Forecasts
- Surface Stations
- Sea SFC Temps
- Teleconnections
- MAD US Weather
- Prism Temperatures
- Climate Reanalyzer
- Climate At A Glance
- Climate Prediction Center
- Climate.Gov - News Features
- US Sea Level Pressure Records
- NOAA/NESDIS SST Anomaly Charts.
- Climate Rankings/Averages Years Past
- NOAA/NCEI US Climate Division Data: Plotting And Analysis
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