Sunday, August 31,2014 my wife and I took our dogs for a ride through the Guadalupe Mountains of southeastern New Mexico. Rainfall across the local area has been spotty this year. This is easily reflected by taking a country drive. There are miles and miles of green areas broken up by very dry areas. Such as west of Artesia. It was 105 yesterday at the Carlsbad Airport, 90 at the Queen Raws, and on top of the rim at 6,300' it was 87.
Roswell has recorded 12.24" of rain so far this year, Tatum 10.05", the Queen CoCoRaHS 9.54", the CoCoRaHS Station located 17.1 miles Northwest of Carlsbad 9.01", Artesia 6.91", our home in Northwest Carlsbad 5.80", the Carlsbad Airport 3.08", the Hobbs Airport 1.66".
Roswell has recorded 12.24" of rain so far this year, Tatum 10.05", the Queen CoCoRaHS 9.54", the CoCoRaHS Station located 17.1 miles Northwest of Carlsbad 9.01", Artesia 6.91", our home in Northwest Carlsbad 5.80", the Carlsbad Airport 3.08", the Hobbs Airport 1.66".
Its still very dry just west of Carlsbad along State Highway 137 to Sitting Bull Falls. It greens up as you come into Queen. We took the Rim Road (67) north to Hope. The southern rim is much drier than the middle and northern rim. We found several pastures full of ant hills in the northern rim.
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