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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Hottest Day Of The Year So Far.

Courtesy Of Diane J. Malone.
Thousand Mile Canyon Hiking Trail.
 In The Southern Sacramento Mtn's Of New Mexico. 

Unfortunately the dog days of summer have set in with forecasts high temperatures in southeastern New Mexico and nearby West Texas to remain near or above 100°F into Sunday. Id rather be back on the trail above that we hiked this past weekend. 

Yesterday saw the hottest temperatures of the year so far for many of us. The Carlsbad Airport checked in with the highest temperature with a reading of 107°F. In fact the Carlsbad Airport recorded the highest temperature in the area. New daily record high temperatures were established in Roswell, Artesia, and Carlsbad. Cloudcroft missed their record daily high temp of 79°F set on August 5, 2009 by one degree with a reading of 78°F.

 Today will likely be just as hot. In fact at noontime the temp at the Carlsbad Airport had already climbed up to 102°F and I have the same reading here at our home in northwest Carlsbad. 

Other local high temperatures include the following National Weather Service Climate Co-Op Sites and Airports:

Carlsbad Airport 107°F
Artesia Climate Co-Op Station 105°F
Carlsbad Climate Co-Op Station 105°F
Artesia Airport 102°F
Hope Climate Co-Op Station 99°F
Hobbs Airport 99°F
Tatum Climate Co-Op Station 98°F
Cloudcroft Climate Co-Op Station 78°F

719 AM CDT THU AUG 6 2015

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id  Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--  --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST: Fort Stockton ASOS         : 103 /  73 /  0.00
GDP: Guadalupe Pass ASOS        :  97 /  75 /  0.00
MAF: Midland ASOS               : 103 /  78 /  0.00
ODO: Odessa ASOS                : 104 /  79 /  0.00
6R6: Terrell County Arpt ASOS   : 104 /  75 /  0.00
INK: Wink ASOS                  : 106 /  76 /  0.00
E11: Andrews County AWOS        : 101 /  75 /  0.00
E38: Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  :  95 /  65 /  0.00
BPG: Big Spring AWOS            :  99 /  75 /  0.00
GNC: Gaines County AWOS         : 102 /  71 /  0.00
MRF: Marfa AWOS                 :  93 /  57 /  0.00
MDD: Midland Airpark AWOS       : 104 /  79 /  0.00
PEQ: Pecos AWOS                 : 106 /  72 /  0.00
PRS: Presidio AWOS              : 105 /  80 /  0.00
SNK: Snyder AWOS                : 101 /  75 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id  Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--  --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM: Carlsbad ASOS              : 107 /  69 /  0.00
ATS: Artesia AWOS               : 102 /  68 /  0.00
HOB: Hobbs FAA                  :  99 /  68 /  0.00
ROW: Roswell AWOS               : 104 /  67 /    T

1154 AM CDT THU AUG 6 2015

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours ending at 7 AM CDT

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         : 103 /  73 /  0.00
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        :  97 /  75 /  0.00
MAF  : Midland ASOS               : 103 /  78 /  0.00
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                : 104 /  79 /  0.00
6R6  : Terrell County Arpt ASOS   : 104 /  75 /  0.00
INK  : Wink ASOS                  : 106 /  76 /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        : 101 /  75 /  0.00
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  :  95 /  65 /  0.00
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            :  99 /  75 /  0.00
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         : 102 /  71 /  0.00
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 :  93 /  57 /  0.00
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       : 104 /  79 /  0.00
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 : 106 /  72 /  0.00
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              : 105 /  79 /  0.00
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                : 101 /  74 /  0.00
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  92 /  66 /  0.00
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  91 /  68 /  0.01
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      :  97 /  67 /     M
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            :  97 /  64 /  0.00
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               : 102 /  71 /  0.00
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  80 /  67 /  0.00
MKCT2: McKittrick Canyon RAWS     :  98 /  74 /  0.00
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               : 103 /  75 /  0.00
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      : 100 /  75 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  94 /  74 /  0.00
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            : 101 /  75 /  0.00
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      : 100 /  74 /  0.00
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        : 106 /  71 /  0.00
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           : 100 /  72 /  0.00
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               : 103 /  70 /  0.00
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             : 101 /  69 /  0.00
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         : 102 /  74 /  0.00
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      : 102 /  80 /  0.00
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :   M /   M /     M
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          :  99 /  69 /  0.01
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           : 101 /  75 /  0.00
SYST2: Snyder Mesonet             : 102 /  76 /  0.00
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    : 101 /  75 /  0.00
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        : 102 /  72 /  0.00

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:----  --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              : 107 /  69 /  0.00
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               : 102 /  68 /  0.00
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  :  99 /  68 /  0.00
ROW  : Roswell AWOS               : 104 /  67 /    T
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               : 101 /  83 /  0.00
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               : 102 /  76 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                : 104 /  72 /  0.00
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  95 /  71 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          :  98 /  69 /  0.00
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              :  99 /  64 /  0.00

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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