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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Will Easter Sunday Be America's "Make" Or "Break" Moment In Its Fight Against The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Easter Sunday (tomorrow) very well may be a "make it" or "break it" type of day with America's fight with the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic.
How so?
If the majority of the country stays home tomorrow and continues to practice Social distancing, it's possible that we may actually start getting close to being over the hump with this very contagious and deadly virus. For that matter the rest of the world too.
My fear is that this is not going to happen. Why?
Because tomorrow is Easter and billions of Christians across the world want very badly to gather together to celebrate this sacred holiday. Whether it be in their individual homes or local churches the temptation to do so is nearly off the scale.
Should this happen it the potential to continue the spread of this deadly virus and prolong the Pandemic is enormous. Sadly there will be those who are going to gather together tomorrow against all of the pleading and rules not to do so. To what extent this will happen...we don't know. We can hope and pray that common sense prevails and that this does not happen.
Am I against Christians "gathering together tomorrow" and practicing/celebrating their faith?
Absolutely! 100% against this for any reason!
Yet Pastors all of the Nation are considering doing this very thing.
Now is not the time for this to happen because of the "community spread threat" by doing this very thing. I too am a Christian but now more than ever we need to err on the side of caution and refrain from this! Stay Home! Please!
On this note, millions of Americans are also going to want to get together tomorrow with family and friends for cookouts, Easter egg hunts, and picnics. This too could prove to be a fatal mistake.
Truthfully, the one action that has prevented this Pandemic from being worse than what it could have been so far, is our practice of Social Distancing and hunkering down in our homes.
We as Americans do not like to be told what to do. Even more so we do not like our Liberties to be threatened by anyone much less our local, state, and Federal Governments. Many Americans are starting to feel like this is happening. We can argue this point from now to infinity and will never completely agree whether it is or is not true.
No doubt there are places where local and state governments may not have acted correctly or responsibly in trying to protect us all. Some should have been more strict and some went way overboard. Yes, there are cases where Law Enforcement hasn't acted correctly in some instances too. Mistakes have been made.
But now is not the time to throw caution to the wind. By all accounts, we are winning the battle, maybe not the war yet, but we are winning.
A lot of people are sharing a lot of misinformation about this virus and the stats around it. Remember this. The number of people infected by the Coronavirus, the number of people who have died, and those that are recovering are coming from skewed testing.
Only something like two million Americans has actually been tested so far. That's 2 million out of 365 million. That's not even 1% of the entire population of the U.S. So we still don't have a good handle on how many are actually sick or running around asymptomatic and capable of spreading this virus! Nobody knows for sure.
Based on the fact that this also applies to the rest of the world (they've done even less testing than the U.S.) the true numbers listed below are highly likely to be much higher than what is being reported. This includes China's data which we all know is nowhere close to being correct.
By the way, there are some 2,200 Nursing Home deaths being reported as of this morning. These deaths and some of the infection numbers are not counted by the CDC.
As of this morning:
1,764,090 people have been infected worldwide.
107,994 deaths worldwide.
406,228 recoveries.
1,249,868 unresolved cases...they are still sick.
521,714 cases of COVID-19 reported in the U.S.
That's an increase of 17,387 from yesterday.
20,064 reported deaths in the U.S. so far.
1,210 new deaths in the U.S. over yesterday.
29,100 recoveries. That's only about 2% of the infection rate.
1,091 cases in New Mexico.
19 deaths.
901 active cases...they are still sick.
27,098 tested so far in NM. New Mexico's population is 2,097,000.
That's about 2% of New Mexico's population tested!
Conspiracy theories are spreading like wildfire across the Internet and Nation. I am not so much afraid at this time of my government taking away my Constitutional Rights. I am far more afraid of my fellow Americans not using good common sense and judgment during this National Emergency, and potentially spreading this virus far and wide across our land and killing many more people!

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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