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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winter Returns Along With A Chance For Precipitation.

Valid @ 5 PM MST Sunday.

Valid @ 11 AM MST Sunday.

Valid @ 5 PM MST Sunday.

Valid @ 5 PM MST Sunday.

Valid @ 5 PM MST Sunday.

Valid @ 5 PM MST Sunday.

A shift in the upper-air pattern with a series of Western U.S. storms this weekend into late next to affect New Mexico's weather. Four different winter storms should impact the state and local area starting tonight into late next week.

A cold front will enter southeastern New Mexico late tonight into tomorrow morning dropping our temperatures. Meanwhile an approaching upper-level storm from the west will increase our chances for light rain, light freezing rain, light sleet, and light snow starting tonight and continuing into Sunday. 

Current thinking is that our northern areas of southeastern New Mexico have the best shot at seeing accumulating snowfall tomorrow. Roswell could see 1" - 3". Any slight shift in the storm track could potentially increase the chances for accumulating snows across the rest of the local area.

Our highs today will range from the upper 60's to the low 70's. Our highs tomorrow behind the cold front should only be in the upper 30's to mid 40's. 

Another cold front and shot at wintry precipitation is anticipated for Monday night into Wednesday.

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