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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cold Morning In New Mexico - Wednesday, February 3, 2016.

Blog Updated @ 3:10 PM MST Wednesday, February 3, 2016.

Reported Low Temps This Morning.

West Cox Canyon south of Cloudcroft -8°F.
 Ski Apache -4°F.

Robin Hood in Wimsatt 0°F.
Flying H northwest of Mayhill 0°F.
Lazy Day Cabins west of Mayhill 0°F.
Upper Canyon in Ruidoso 1°F.
 Cedar Creek in Ruidoso 2°F
Racquet Court Condos in Ruidoso 4°F.
Pineywoods west of Cloudcroft 5°F.
Coyote Mesa in Alto 5°F
Apache Point south of Sunspot 7°F. 
 Eagle Creek Canyon in Alto  8°F

Here in town in Carlsbad my low temperature was a comparatively mild 26°F

So far the coldest temperature I can find in New Mexico occurred at the Hidden Valley automated weather station in Sandoval County (8,470') which reported a low this morning of -34°F.

It was quite cold in Northern AZ this morning, in Bellemont it was colder than Fairbanks, Alaska. In Flagstaff there have been only five days colder than this morning in the last 20 years.
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