We Found The Dryline On The Caprock At Maljamar, NM This Morning.
Massive Wind Farm Outside Of Hereford, TX. Those Things Are Huge.
Looking Back North Towards Hereford From North Of Dimmitt, TX.
Nice Sunset As Viewed Between Brownfield & Plains, TX.
Our Four thirty am alarm clock wasn't very welcome this morning but my wife and I rose to the occasion. We left Carlsbad by 6:15 am and headed to Lubbock for my doctors appointment. We found the dryline hugging the Caprock at Maljamar with some fog and stratus clouds.
Lubbock was windy and chilly up until noontime when the sun finally peaked through the crud. After lunch and some shopping we decided to head north to Amarillo after the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) cut a Tornado Watch for the Panhandle.
After gassing up in Amarillo we quickly turned to the southwest and headed to Hereford to try and intercept a couple of storms making an effort to get serious. By the time we arrived they had scooted north of us so we headed south to Dimmit where a couple more storms we trying to get their act together. A few raindrops was all we found outside of Dimmit.
Southward we journeyed with the buffeting strong southeast wind we encountered all day long. The pockets of blowing dust and sand weren't much fun nor were the 40 mph gusts. Today was our first chase of the season and we busted big time. Not that this is anything new to me in my 43 years of chasing. I was really hoping to get in front of a classic supercell near Amarillo but this was not to be.
As the sun was setting I captured the last picture above. A few more miles down the road a couple bolts of lightning added their sparkling touch to the darkening sky to our west. Nice way to end the day even though we failed to nail a good storm.
We talked and gawked at the countryside as the day wore on. Saw some long horn cattle, lots of feed lots, freshly plowed and cultivated farm land, winter wheat fields, and of course miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles. Solved all of the worlds problems and then some too. Overall it was a really good day. Why? Because we went chasing...together!
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!
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