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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Warmer In The Mtn's This Afternoon Than The Pecos Valley - Because Of A Temperature Inversion.

Low clouds and fog are locked in over the Pecos Valley and parts of the rest of Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas near the state line. Snow cover is seen over areas near the state line from Hobbs northward and then eastward towards the Lubbock area. Sierra Blanca Peak is snow capped also.

With a temperature inversion occurring over the Pecos Valley its warmer in the Sacramento and Guadalupe Mountains than it is in Roswell, Artesia, and Carlsbad. Even Whites City which is 16 miles southwest of Carlsbad but a couple of hundred feet high up in the foothills of the Guadalupe;s is warmer than the Carlsbad Airport. The Queen Raws (elevation 5,605') west-southwest of the Carlsbad Airport (3,294') in the Guadalupe's is warmer. The low clouds and fog have a colder air mass trapped near the surface with warmer temperatures just above the surface. 

Notice too the the areas in and around Lubbock are colder than their surrounds...because of the snow cover left over from Friday night and Saturday mornings storm. 

Dense fog and dense freezing fog will be possible in some locals again tonight into Monday morning. 

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