July 14th, 2018.
Thunderstorms developing over the southern Sacramento Mountains.
(Jan 1st - July 15th, 2018).
Regional Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(Jan 1st - July 15th, 2018).
New Mexico Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(Jan 1st - July 15th, 2018).
Local Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(Jan 1st - July 15th, 2018).
(Jan 1st - July 15th, 2018).
Chaves County.
Eddy County.
ACIS Totals.
Lea County.
ACIS Totals.
Lincoln County.
ACIS Totals.
Otero County.
ACIS Totals.
All rainfall data is preliminary. Some of these stations may not be up to date so use with caution.
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!
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