June 30th, 2018.
Looking West From Hope At Sierra Blanca Peak At Sunset.
(Jan 1st - June 30th, 2018).
National Year-To-Date Rainfall Anomalies.
(Jan 1st - June 30th, 2018).
National June Rainfall Totals.
(June 1st - June 30th, 2018).
National June Rainfall Anomalies.
(June 1st - June 30th, 2018).
New Mexico Year-To -Date Rainfall Totals.
(Jan 1st - June 30th, 2018).
New Mexico Year-To -Date Rainfall Anomalies.
(Jan 1st - June 30th, 2018).
New Mexico June Rainfall Totals.
(June 1st - June 30th, 2018).
New Mexico June Rainfall Anomalies.
(Jan 1st - June 30th, 2018).
SE NM Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(Jan 1st - June 30th, 2018).
SE NM Year-To -Date Rainfall Anomalies.
(Jan 1st - June 30th, 2018).
SE NM June Rainfall Totals.
(June 1st - June 30th).
SE NM June Rainfall Anomalies.
(June 1st - June 30th).
Chaves County Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(And Highest Reported Temps So Far).
Chaves County June Rainfall Totals.
Eddy County Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(And Highest Reported Temps So Far).
Eddy County June Rainfall Totals.
Lea County Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(And Highest Reported Temps So Far).
Lea County June Rainfall Totals.
Lincoln County Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(And Highest Reported Temps So Far).
Lincoln County June Rainfall Totals.
Otero County Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(And Highest Reported Temps So Far).
Otero County June Rainfall Totals.
Still Dry For Most Of Us But Not For Everybody.
Thunderstorms are by far the biggest contributors to our local annual rainfall. By nature they are hit and miss. Meaning that a small area or areas often receive lots of rain while nearby areas are left out or receive much less rainfall.
This past June exemplifies this very well, A small corner of southeastern Lea County southward to the Kermit, Texas area ended up receiving 2" to 5" of rainfall for the month. This is roughly 1" to 4" above normal for the month. Compare this to parts of Chaves, Eddy, Lincoln, and Otero Counties which received less than 1" for the month of June...which is some 1" to 2" below normal.
Although recent rains have been most welcome most of Southeastern New Mexico including the Guadalupe, Sacramento, and Capitan Mountains remain in a Severe Drought. Parts of northern New Mexico and the Four Corners Region remain in an Exceptional Drought.
(As Of June 28th, 2018).
What Lies Ahead?
Valid Today Through 6 AM MDT Sunday, July 8th, 2018.
U.S. GFS Model Total Rainfall Forecast.
Valid Today Through 6 AM MDT Sunday, July 8th, 2018.
Weather Prediction Center (WPC) Total Rainfall Forecast.
Valid Today Through 6 AM MDT Sunday, July 8th, 2018.
Model forecasts continue to offer at least some hope of additional rainfall for parts of the local area and New Mexico. The European continues to be the driest while the GFS seems to be overdone with its totals. Not everyone will see rain over the next week. Some locals may see locally heavy downpours while others barley anything if nothing at all. This is very typical for our summer pattern.
Our best hope lies in the Monsoon being stronger than normal this year. Aided by above normal activity in the Eastern Pacific Ocean...aka above normal Hurricane activity funneling subtropical moisture into the southerly and southwesterly flow northwestward and northward into the area. Our fall may be wet if El Niño develops as forecast.
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!
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