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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Round Two Today - More Severe Thunderstorms!

Carlsbad, New Mexico.

Once again the rains have returned. And what is so common or typical in this area is that when they do, they are often heavy. Such was the case last night southwest - west of Carlsbad where several Severe Thunderstorms developed. Several Severe thunderstorm warnings were issued for these storms by the Midland National Weather Service Office. Radar estimated hail anywhere from golf ball up to lime size (2" in diameter). MRMS estimates (combination of satellite, radar, and actual reported rainfall totals) indicated that 3.50" to 4.00" of rain fell some 5-10 miles southwest - west of Carlsbad from these thunderstorms. 

Notice below on the estimated and reported rainfall total maps how isolated the heaviest of the storms were. Again highly typical. Heavy to very rains can fall miles from your location and produce flash flooding at your location without a drop of rain ever falling on you. See my blog post with my flash flood videos of this in August 2005.

Rainfall of this magnitude produces flash flooding in our neck of the woods. Especially since we have been experiencing exceptional drought conditions (highest category). Dark Canyon which is a normally dry arroyo, quickly flooded. Looking at the picture above it appears that someone tried to drive through the floodwaters and didn't make it. Sadly this is an all too common theme in Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas. One that is likely to repeated many more times this year. 

It's simple folks. "Turn Around - Don't Drown."

(As Of 8 AM MDT, Saturday, May 15, 2021).

(As Of 8 AM MDT, Saturday, May 15, 2021).

(As Of 8 AM MDT, Saturday, May 15, 2021).

Round Two Today - Higher Threat For Severe Thunderstorms.

Scattered thunderstorms are once again forecast for the local area this afternoon and evening. Some of these thunderstorms will become severe and produce large hail, damaging thunderstorm wind gusts in excess of 60 mph, frequent cloud to ground lightning, perhaps an isolated tornado or two. Locally heavy rainfall will be possible with any thunderstorm that develops along with localized flash flooding.

At 6:38 PM MDT Friday evening, the Roswell Airport ASOS clocked a thunderstorm wind gust to 69 mph.

We have started our severe weather season which typically lasts through June so keep your guard up and be weather aware.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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