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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Backdoor Arctic Cold Front Headed South.


Yet another very balmy and beautiful day across New Mexico. Typically not the way we want to end November with high temperatures some 10 - 20 degrees above normal for the date. Not to worry a big drop in temps is coming Monday especially across the eastern one half of the state.

As of 5 PM this evening the southward moving backdoor arctic cold front had passed Clayton in northeastern New Mexico which was reporting a temperature of 31F and dropping. The leading edge of this arctic airmass will be entering the northern sections of southeastern New Mexico just after midnight tonight. By sunrise tomorrow morning it will have moved south of the state line. Most of the local area will only see high temps tomorrow in the 40's. Bundle the kiddos up tomorrow morning because our wind chill values will be dropping down into the teens and twenties. 

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