My Current Davis Vantage Pro Plus Weather

Current National Weather Service Watches/Warnings In Effect.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Much Colder Today Into Thursday. Hard Freeze Wed Morning.

Winter-Like Temperatures This Morning.

Temperatures @ 6 AM MST This Morning.

Temperatures @ 6 AM MST This Morning.

Temperatures dropping a low as -24F at the Placer Basin, 
Montana Snotel this morning.

Below Normal Temps Next Couple Of Days.

Forecast Temp Anomaly & MSLP @ 11 AM MST Wednesday.

Forecast Temp Anomaly & MSLP @ 11 AM MST Thursday.

My Davis Vantage Pro2 home weather station recorded a high temperature of 66F at fourteen minutes past midnight last night. That will be my high for the day. A strong arctic cold front arrived in southeastern New Mexico after midnight and has since pushed south into West Texas.

 Most of the local area will see afternoon high temperatures today in the 40's maybe a few spots near 50. Our high temperatures today and Wednesday will be some 15 to 25 degrees below normal. Thursday's high temperatures will likely be 20 to 30 degrees below normal.

A Freeze Warning is in effect for all of the southeastern New Mexico plains tonight into Wednesday morning. Low temperatures Wednesday morning will range from the upper teens to the mid 20's. Our afternoon highs on Wednesday are forecast to range from 31F in Clovis, 33F in Tatum, 37F in Hobbs, 41F in Roswell, to 42F in Artesia and Carlsbad. Current forecast low temperatures for Thursday morning are mostly in the 20's. Maybe even colder.

Given the fact that most of our trees are only starting to turn this may be one of those years will a hard freeze tomorrow morning and Thursday morning just knocks off all of the leaves. Then we will be raking up a sea of mostly green leaves. 

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction! 

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