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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Eddy County Flash Flood Photos & Rainfall Totals - 8-21-2016.

Blog Updated @ 9:06 AM MDT Monday, Aug 22, 2016. 

Since Saturday afternoon I've picked up 2.38" of rain here at our home in Northwest Carlsbad, New Mexico. This brings my August total up to 4.39" and my Year-To-Date total up to 7.21"

A few of the heavier rainfall totals from overnight up until 4 PM MDT this afternoon include:
 4.00" in Lake Arthur located 2.5 miles North of the Eddy and Chaves County lines on State Hwy #2. 4.00" in Cottonwood near the Eddy/Chaves County line. The Roswell Airport ASOS 2.19" with public reports of 2.50" in West Roswell.

The Artesia Airport Manager in Cottonwood or 3 miles North of Artesia 3.00". 2.34" at the Artesia Airport AWOS. 2.19" 3.5 NNE Artesia (Storm Total 2.47"). The Artesia Climate Co-Op Station 6 Miles South of town 1.33".

 A public report of 2.50" in South Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Airport ASOS 2.35" (Storm Total 2.36") and the Carlsbad Caverns Raws 2.39". 2.24" 1.9 NW Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Climate Co-Op Station 2.10" (Storm Total 2.14")

Note: The Carlsbad Airport ASOS broke its 24-hour rainfall record with the 2.35" beating the previous record of 1.29" for the date set in 2012. The Carlsbad Climate Co-Op Station also broke its 24-hour rainfall record for the date with the 2.10" beating the old record of 1.80" set in 1945. 

The Bowl Raws north of Guadalupe Peak 1.56"

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