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Monday, August 15, 2016

Late Summer Cold Front Breaks The Back Of Our Summer Heat.

Valid @ 7 AM MDT This Morning.

If you live in New Mexico or was visiting our beautiful state this morning you noticed that there was a slight chill in the air at sunrise. A cold front moved southward down the eastern plains Friday night into Saturday morning, and then westward across the rest of the state by Saturday night. 

Noticeably cooler temperatures were noted behind it especially across the eastern one third of the state and in the mountains. My low temperature here at our home in Carlsbad was 59ºF. This is the coolest reading I've recorded since June 3rd when my low temp was also 59ºF. Angel Fire in the Moreno Valley of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains of northern New Mexico checked in with a low of 30ºF

Our first late summer cold front effectively broke the back of our blistering summer heat that we have endured here in southeastern New Mexico with days on end at or above 100º.  Yet another cold front and chance for thunderstorms is in our forecast for Thursday and Friday. A welcome and much appreciated change! 

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