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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Local Rainfall/Snowfall Totals - Arctic Air Invades NM Wednesday.

Ski Apace At 7 AM This Morning.

Ski Apache picked up 4" of fresh powder from this storm bringing their season total to 7" They are making snow on the lower mountain with a base depth of 24". Opening day is slated for Dec 9th.

24 Hour Storm Totals As Of 6 AM MST This Morning.

48 Hour Storm Totals As Of 6 AM MST This Morning.

Selected Local 48 Hour Rainfall Totals.

Dog Canyon .93"
Carlsbad Climate .75"
2.1 NNW Downtown Carlsbad .75"
Bat Draw Raws - Carlsbad Caverns .75"
Carlsbad Airport .66"
Pinery Raws - Pine Springs .65"
1.2 West Of Monument .62"
4.0 East Of Cloudcroft .60"
Padcua Raws - South Of WIPP .58"
Hobbs Airport .53"
1.7 West-Northwest Of Ruidoso .40"
0.4 East-Southeast Of Cloudcroft .37"
Mayhill Raws .35"
Artesia Airport .34"
Tatum Climate .26"
Roswell Airport .18"

Local Two day Storm Total Snowfall Amounts.

0.4 East-Southeast Of Cloudcroft 5.1"
4.0 East Of Cloudcroft 5.0"
Ski Apache 4.0"
1.7 West-Northwest Of Ruidoso 3.6"
1.4 East-Southeast Of Lincoln 3.5"
2.9 Southwest Of Ruidoso 3.5"
33.3 West-Southwest Of Carlsbad - Queen 2.0"

Temperatures At 6 AM MST This Morning.

Cold Creek Alaska dropped down to -43ºF this morning. Low temperatures across the interior of Alaska were ranging form -20ºF to -40ºF. That slug of arctic air is headed south into the US this week and will impact our local weather Wednesday into Friday.

At 6 AM MST This Morning.

Our strong upper level storm was centered just east of the southern tip of Baja early this morning. It is forecast to slowly open up into a trough of low pressure as it moves northeastward across south-central Texas on Monday. Meanwhile it is forecast to produces light snow over the mountains of the Texas Big Bend Country tonight. An inch or two will be possible. 

Forecast Temperature Anomaly Or Departure From Normal.
Valid At 11 AM MST Wednesday.

Bitterly cold arctic air is forecast to move southward into New Mexico on Wednesday. Temperatures across the High Plains from Montana southeast to Kansas are forecast to be some 20 to 45 degrees below normal by midday Wednesday. Many of these areas will see actual temperatures only in the single digits and some below zero. 

Timing of the exact arrival of the arctic airmass into Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas is a little uncertain at this point. Shallow arctic masses tend to arrive quicker than the models forecast them and this may be the case on Wednesday. 

Low temperatures locally (SE NM) will likely dip down into the 20's if not colder by sunrise Thursday morning with highs Thursday afternoon in the 30's. Morning lows Friday morning will be even colder with widespread teens if not a few single digits in a few spots. 

Only light snow amounts are currently being forecast for the Northern Mountains and nearby lowlands by the models. This could change somewhat and more on this later this week.

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