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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Drought & Heat This Summer - No Relief In Sight.

Abnormally dry conditions persists across much of the local area. If you are thinking its been a hot and dry summer you are correct. Long range forecast models don't offer much long term hope of relief at this point in time either. If they are to believed our developing drought will slowly worsen in some areas with time as we head into fall. 

August 2019 Rainfall Anomalies.

These rainfall graphic maps are misleading in my opinion. There have been pockets of heavy rainfall this month but comparing these maps with the reported totals noted below it appears that the radar estimates have been too high.

(August 2019).

Southeastern Plains.

South-Central Mountains.

Southern New Mexico

(January 1st - August 30th, 2019).

These year-to-date rainfall graphic maps are misleading in my opinion. There have been pockets of heavy rainfall this year but comparing these maps with the reported totals noted below it appears that the radar estimates have been too high. Hail contamination of the radar rainfall estimates seems to have played a big role in over estimating rainfall totals this spring and summer.

Southeastern New Mexico Year-To-Date Rainfall.
(January 1st - August 30th, 2019).

South-Central Mountains Year-To-Date Rainfall Totals.
(January 1st - August 30th, 2019).

Southern New Mexico Year-To-Date Rainfall.
(January 1st - August 30th, 2019).

Highest Recorded Temperatures This Year.

Southeastern Plains.

South-Central Mountains.

Southern New Mexico.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction - And Sometimes It Hurts!

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