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Current National Weather Service Watches/Warnings In Effect.

New Mexico

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Windy & Dusty Today - Cooler The Rest Of The Week.

October 24, 2021.
Near Elk, New Mexico.

Valid At Midnight MDT Monday Night.

Valid At Midnight MDT Tonight.

Our long-awaited storm will move southeastward out of Nevada today and by midnight it will be centered across northeastern New Mexico and southeastern Colorado. This northern track will make this storm a wind maker locally with little chance for precipitation. 

Analysis Valid At 3 AM MDT Tuesday Morning.

Forecast Valid At 6 PM MDT Tuesday Evening.

(Today - Wednesday).





NWS NDFD Forecast Low Temperatures.

Thursday Morning.

Friday Morning.

Windy & Dusty Today.

High Wind Warnings are in effect today for Eddy County, the Guadalupe Mountains, southwest Chaves County, Lincoln County, and Culberson County in West Texas. Wind Advisories are in effect today for the rest of the local area including eastern and southern New Mexico.

A strong Pacific cold front will move rapidly across New Mexico today from west to east. This combined with strong winds aloft and a tight surface pressure gradient will make for a windy and locally dusty day in Southeastern New Mexico.

Southwesterly to westerly winds will increase areawide this morning and ramp up by this afternoon. These winds will become sustained at around 25-40 mph with gusts near 50 to 60 mph across the lower elevations. 

Across the Guadalupe Mountains, these winds will become sustained at around 35 to 50 mph with gusts near 70 mph.

Localized areas of blowing dust will develop later this morning and increase in coverage this afternoon as the cold front approaches from the west. A widespread blowing dust event is not anticipated (as of 6:30 AM MDT this morning). But our normally dust-prone areas will experience sudden drops in the visibility at times down to less than one mile with little to no advanced warning. This will be especially true near and over freshly plowed or exposed farmland, open lots and fields, and road/highway construction sites. 

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