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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Most Rainfall All Year.

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Carlsbad, NM has not been this wet since Sept 2010.

Most Significant Widespread Rainfall Of The Year Overnight.

Rainfall Totals As Of 7 AM MDT.
(Updated At 12:30 PM MDT)

Quay Co NM-

4.7 NNW Tucumcari 2.45"
0.2 SW Tucumcari 2.10"
Tucumcari Arpt ASOS 1.97"
9.7 ESE Tucumcari 1.84"
4.0 NW Tucumcari 1.73"
3.4 ENE Tucumcari 1.71"
10.6 E Tucumcari 1.55"

Curry Co NM-

Broadview 1.68"
Clovis Municipal Arpt AWOS .58"
Cannon AFB ASOS .49"

Roosevelt Co NM-

Portales CW 8099 2.38"
4.0 E Milnesand 1.03"
Portales 3.2 W .87"
Portales 5.1 SSW .57"

Chaves Co NM-

Roswell Arpt ASOS .66"
3.5 WNW Roswell .66"
Dunken Raws .64"
8-Mile Draw Raws .61"
Roswell Climate Coop Stn .53"
7.6 NNW Roswell .38"
North Roswell .38"
17.4 N Roswell .28"

Eddy Co NM-

Queen 33.3 WSW Carlsbad 1.72"
Caprock Climate 1.70"
Cottonwood - NW of Artesia 1.60"
2.0 N Downtown Carlsbad 1.43"
2.6 NNW Downtown Carlsbad 1.40"
2.1 NNW Downtown Carlsbad 1.31"
Downtown Carlsbad OEM Bldg 1.27"
Ridgecrest Subdivision Carlsbad 1.24"
3 W Carlsbad Arpt 1.18"
3.4 N Downtown Carlsbad 1.15"
3 S Artesia - S 13th St 1.10"
Hope Climate .91"
Atoka - 4.1 SSE Artesia .89"
6.8 NW Carlsbad .88"
Caprock Raws .84"
Queen Raws .81"
3.1 SSE Carlsbad .77"
0.9 NE Lakewood .65"
17.1 NW Carlsbad .64"
Artesia Climate 6 S .60"
15.5 S Artesia .60"
Carlsbad Arpt ASOS .58"
Carlsbad Climate .57"
Artesia Arpt AWOS .56"
3.5 NNE Artesia .55"
Dark Canyon Draw .49"
Alfadale - Atoka .31"
Bat Draw Raws - Carlsbad Caverns .21"

Lea Co NM-

Paduca Raws - Near WIPP 1.84"
NE Lovington 1.60"
Tatum Climate 1.25"
 Nadine Climate 2 E 1.23"
2.1 SE Hobbs 1.20"
0.9 NNW Lovington 1.08"
East Hobbs 1.07"
Woody Farms 11 N Hobbs 1.05"
NW Hobbs - KM5BS 1.04"
0.4 NNE Hobbs .97"
South Hobbs - KF5KMC .82"
Jal Climate .40"

Lincoln Co NM-

Hodge Pdoge Lodge - Ruidoso .39"
Ruidoso - Sudreth & Eagle .31"
3.9 NW Ruidoso .15"
Smokey Bear Raws .13"

Otero Co NM-

Sacramento Pk - Sunspot 1.16"
0.6 S Pinon 1.05"
Cosmic Raws - Apache Point 1.04"
0.09 N Sunspot .99"
2.3 S Cloudcroft .82"
0.4 ESE .74"
1.8 SW Cloudcroft .73"
Mayhill CW9878 .73"
4.0 E Cloudcroft .72"
4.9 NE Cloudcroft .71"
16 ESE Cloudcroft - Mayhill .66"
2.4 W Cloudcroft .62"
Mayhill Raws .61"
High Rolls CW5738 .61"
5.8 WSW Cloudcroft .61"

Culberson Co TX-

Bowl Raws - 1/2 N Guadalupe Pk .33"
Pinery Raws .23"
Guadalupe Pass ASOS .21"

Rainfall Totals Are Courtesy Of-

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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