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Friday, August 25, 2017

Dangerous Hurricane Harvey Apparently Undergoing Rapid Intensification As Of 4 AM MDT.

Blog Updated At 5:08 AM MDT.

Valid At 4:04 AM MDT Friday, August 25, 2017.

Valid At 4:17 AM MDT Friday, August 25, 2017.

Harvey's sustained winds are up to 110 mph with gusts near 130 mph. His central pressure has dropped to 952 millibars or 28.11 inches of mercury. Harvey continues to strengthen and is apparently undergoing rapid intensification. 

Dangerous Hurricane Harvey apparently is undergoing rapid intensification as of 4:15 AM MDT this morning. At 3 AM MDT his central pressure was down to 967 MB. At 4 MDT his pressure had fallen to 958 millibars and at 4:20 AM MDT it was down to 951 millibars or 28.08 inches of mercury. Harvey in all probability has reached Major Hurricane status. Check this link for the latest updates on Harvey's status. 

Harvey had sustained winds of 105 mph gusting to 125 mph as of 4 AM MDT. He continues moving to the northwest at 10 mph and this general track is forecast to continue throughout today. Harvey may slow down in his forward speed as he nears the coast later today or tonight. 

Last nights 00Z/6 PM MDT run of the European forecast model (ECMWF) was forecasting 10 inches to 45 inches of rain over south Texas from Harvey into at least the middle of next week. Catastrophic and historical flooding and flash flooding will likely occur! 

There remains valid concerns that Harvey will come inland as a Major Hurricane tonight or Saturday morning. The National Hurricane Center has shifted Harvey's land falling track a little further to the south with each new update overnight. Their latest advisory brings Harvey inland very near to Aransas Pass or just a few miles east of Corpus Christi. Storm surge forecasts still are calling for 6 feet to 12 feet surges in this area. Should Harvey increase in strength (which it appears he is doing) then there remains the possibility that these surge heights will be greater than currently forecast.

Please Visit These National Weather Service Offices For The Latest Information.

Corpus Christi, Texas National Weather Service Office.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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