My Current Weather

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Another Hot Day Ahead - Anniversary Of Highest Temp Recorded In NM.

Click On The Graphs To Enlarge Them.

Local High Temps Reported Yesterday-

Pecos River Near Orla 115.
8-Mile Draw Raws northeast of Roswell 111.
Paduca Raws near the WIPP Site- 111.

Roswell Airport 109.
Calrsbad Airport 109.
Atoka (Alfadale) 108.
Artesia Climate 107.
Carlsbad Climate 107.
My Home in Calrsbad
Hobbs (KM5BS) 107.
Jal Climate 107.

Artesia Airport (HCN) 105.
Hope Climate 105.
Tatum Climate 105.
Hobbs Airport 104.
Bat Draw (Carlsbad Caverns) 103.
Dunken Raws 100.

Carrizozo Airport 98.
Queen Raws 98.
Mayhill Raws 97.
Weed K5TCS 97.
Smokey Bear Raws - Ruidoso 94.
Sierra Blanca Regional Airport 91.
Cloudcroft EW1513 81.

Temperature Data Is Courtesy Of-

Yesterday's high temps were the highest of the year so far. Our long term average high temperatures here in the Pecos Valley for June 26th generally run in the 94F-97F range. Today's readings will be similar to yesterday's, perhaps a  couple of degrees warmer in a few spots. 

Local All-Time Maximum Temperatures-

Roswell, NM Climate.

Artesia, NM Climate.

Carlsbad, NM Climate.

Carlsbad, NM Airport.

Hobbs, NM Climate.

Tatum, NM Climate.

Capitan, NM Climate.

Ruidoso, NM Climate.

Elk, NM Climate.

Cloudcroft, NM Climate.

Temperature Data Is Courtesy Of-

Today marks the anniversary of one of the hottest days on record temperature-wise for the local area. June 27, 1994 was unbelievably hot across the area. Many new all-time high temperature records were established across the local area and the state.

 I was living at our family farm in Lakewood at the time and recorded a high temperature of 119.1F. This reading was recorded on a standard National Weather Service Mercury Maximum Thermometer, which was housed inside of a Stevenson Screen Instrument Shelter. My reading was not consider an official temperature since I was not a official National Weather Service Co-Op Station. Although at the time the Roswell and the Albuquerque National Weather Service Offices considered my reading to be legitimate. 

 However, my temperature of 119F was widely reported by the media at the time as a new all-time state record. This turned out not to be true since the WIPP reading on that day of 122F was considered official since that site is a National Weather Service Climate Co-Op Station. If you do a Google search on New Mexico's highest temperature you will find many references to the 122F temperature, which has erroneously been associated with Lakewood. Sadly this has never been corrected since that reading was recorded at the WIPP Site, and not at my location in Lakewood. 

A new all-time state high temperature record was set that eventful day at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) which is located east-southeast of Carlsbad. An incredible reading of 122F was recorded! This blew the previous all-time state high temperature record of 116F set in Artesia on June 29, 1918, and also in Orogrande, on July 14, 1934, out of the water.

WIPP NWS Co-Op Climate Record For June 1994.

Note the following high temperatures-

June 24 113.
June 25 117.
June 26 120.
June 27 122.
June 28 113.
June 29 111.
June 30 113.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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