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Thursday, July 2, 2015

2015 New Mexico Rainfall Totals Update.

Year  To Date (January 1st - June 28, 2015).

June 2015.

(NWS 4-KM Harp Grid).

January 3rd - July 2, 2015.

June 2nd - July 2nd, 2015.

Year To Date (January 1st - June 30th, 2015).

June 2015.

(June 2015). 

(June 2015). 

(Year To Date January - June 30, 2015).

(NWS Climate Co-Op Stations).

Here at our home in Carlsbad I ended up with 1.42" for June which is slightly above normal. This brings my year to date total to 7.90" which is also slightly above normal. 

As we head deeper into summer it appears that New Mexico's current trend of slightly cooler than normal temperatures and above average rainfall will continue. El Nino continues to strengthen which should keep this trend going into the fall and winter...hopefully. We live in a state where most of us only see on average roughly 8" - 12" of rainfall every year. Of course some of the higher mountains communities average much more rain than the lower valley locations, generally in the 15" - 25" range. We've had a decent couple of years rainfall-wise especially across the eastern one half of the state. 2015 is on track to continue the trend. 

What is CoCoRaHS??

CoCoRaHS is an acronym for the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network.  CoCoRaHS is a unique, non-profit, community-based network of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map precipitation (rain, hail and snow).   By using low-cost measurement tools, stressing training and education, and utilizing an interactive Web-site, our aim is to provide the highest quality data for natural resource, education and research applications. We are now in all fifty states. 

Who can participate??

This is a community project.  Everyone can help, young, old, and in-between.  The only requirements are an enthusiasm for watching and reporting weather conditions and a desire to learn more about how weather can effect and impact our lives.

What will our volunteer observers be doing??

Each time a rain, hail or snow storm crosses your area, volunteers take measurements of precipitation from as many locations as possible (see equipment).  These precipitation reports are then recorded on our Web site The data are then displayed and organized for many of our end users to analyze and apply to daily situations ranging from water resource analysis and severe storm warnings to neighbors comparing how much rain fell in their backyards.

How can I sign up??

Just click here to sign up as a CoCoRaHS Volunteer Observer or download a .pdf version of our application and return it as soon as possible.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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