Estimated Storm Total Rainfall Amounts.
Using GRLevel3_2.00 Software.
Estimated Storm Total Rainfall Amounts.
Using GRLevel3_2.00 Software.
(24-Hour Radar Estimated Rainfall Totals).
Thunderstorms unloaded on Timberon in the southern Sacramento Mountains yesterday afternoon. Radar estimated that 2.00" to 4.00" of rain fell in an hours time in and just north of Timberon. The estimated radar storm total was 4.26" just north of Timberon. A Personal Weather Station (CW 7724) in Timberon measured 2.68". Flash flooding was reported in Timberon with the Sacramento River over its banks and streets were reported flooded in Timberon at 6:38 PM MDT.
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!
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