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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cold Morning Across New Mexico.

Snow Saturday, April 29, 2017. 
Located East Of Mayhill And Elk, New Mexico.

Davis WeatherLink PWS.
(Reported Low Temps This Morning).

The Carlsbad Climate Co-Op Station located 2 miles northeast of the airport reported a low temperature of 33ºF this morning. This ties the record low temperature for the date of 33ºF last set on this date in 1903. Looking at the reported low temperatures this morning some locations did drop down to near freezing or slightly below. 

24-Hour Lightning Strike Summary.
(As Of 8 AM MDT This Morning).

Lightning strike data indicates that a few thunderstorms popped up over parts of the local area yesterday. The Carlsbad Airport ASOS reported at thunderstorm at 3:33 PM MDT.

The Cloudcroft Climate Co-Op Station reported 6.0" of snowfall yesterday and the Sierra Blanca Snotel located near Ski Apache reported 9.0" of snow. 

(As Of 6:20 PM MDT Saturday, April 29, 2017). 

 •  null TRES RITOS - 16.0 in.
 • 8 SW ROCIADA - 16.0 in.
 •  null UTE PARK - 16.0 in.
 • 6 WNW TERERRO - 15.0 in.
 • 8 S TIJERAS - 12.0 in.
 • 5 N LAMY - 12.0 in.
 • 8 SE EAGLE NEST - 12.0 in.
 • 4 E SANDIA PARK - 10.3 in.
 • 1 NNW LAMY - 10.0 in.
 • 5 S CHILILI - 10.0 in.
 • 5 NW LAMY - 9.8 in.
 • 1 N MORIARTY - 9.0 in.
 • 2 S EDGEWOOD - 9.0 in.
 • 5 SW BONITO LAKE - 9.0 in.
 • 1 N ROCIADA - 8.5 in.
 •  null SANTA FE - 8.4 in.
 • 4 NNW TRES RITOS - 8.0 in.
 • 1 ENE WHITE ROCK - 8.0 in.
 • 4 NNW LAMY - 8.0 in.
 • 3 S SANTA FE - 8.0 in.
 • 2 WNW SEDILLO - 8.0 in.
 •  null WHITE ROCK - 8.0 in.
 •  null SANDIA PARK - 8.0 in.
 • 5 SSE LLANO LARGO - 8.0 in.
 • 9 ENE FOLSOM - 7.0 in.
 • 2 SE MANZANO - 7.0 in.
 • 1 SW UTE PARK - 7.0 in.
 • 11 NNW CANON PLAZA - 7.0 in.
 • 3 NNE SANTA FE - 7.0 in.
 • 2 WNW PONDEROSA - 7.0 in.
 • 1 W SANTA FE - 6.5 in.
 • 4 E SANDIA PARK - 6.5 in.
 • 1 WSW SEDILLO - 6.1 in.
 • 8 SSW SAN MIGUEL - 6.0 in.
 • 6 NW CORONA - 6.0 in.
 • 2 E STANLEY - 6.0 in.
 • 1 SSW WHITE ROCK - 6.0 in.
 • 2 W PONDEROSA - 5.6 in.
 • 6 SSE SANTA FE - 5.6 in.
 • 1 WSW LOS ALAMOS - 5.6 in.
 • 5 NW SANTA FE - 5.5 in.
 • 1 ENE CEDAR CREST - 5.5 in.
 • 1 WNW WHITE ROCK - 5.3 in.
 • 3 NNW RUIDOSO - 5.0 in.
 • 7 E CANJILON - 5.0 in.
 • 5 ESE ROY - 5.0 in.
 • 2 S LAS VEGAS - 5.0 in.
 • 4 ESE SANDIA PARK - 4.5 in.
 • 7 S OJO ENCINO - 4.5 in.
 • 6 SSE SANTA FE - 4.5 in.
 • 2 ESE ALTO - 4.5 in.
 • 1 SSW TIJERAS - 4.2 in.
 • 7 NW LAMY - 4.2 in.
 • 7 ESE DES MOINES - 4.1 in.
 • 9 E CUBA - 4.0 in.
 • 2 SE ALTO - 4.0 in.
 • 1 ESE SEDILLO - 4.0 in.
 • 12 SSE COYOTE - 4.0 in.
 • 8 NE ARROYO SECO - 4.0 in.
 •  null JACONITA - 4.0 in.
 • 20 NE DES MOINES - 4.0 in.
 • 2 SW AGUA FRIA - 3.9 in.
 • 4 E SAN ANTONITO - 3.7 in.
 • 2 NE PLACITAS - 3.5 in.
 • 1 ESE TRUCHAS - 3.4 in.
 • 2 E SAN ANTONITO - 3.3 in.
 •  null TECOLOTE - 3.0 in.
 • 1 NNE SAN PABLO - 3.0 in.
 • 3 NNE LOS CERRILLOS - 3.0 in.
 • 5 W ANGEL FIRE - 3.0 in.
 • 3 NE BONITO LAKE - 3.0 in.
 • 6 NNW LAMY - 3.0 in.
 • 11 ENE RED RIVER - 3.0 in.
 • 5 WNW LOS ALAMOS - 3.0 in.
 •  null TRES RITOS - 3.0 in.
 •  null LOS ALAMOS - 3.0 in.
 • 4 SE SANTA FE - 2.7 in.
 • 5 ENE LOS CERRILLOS - 2.5 in.
 • 4 NE TIJERAS - 2.5 in.
 • 1 S MOUNTAINAIR - 2.0 in.
 • 4 SSE CEDARVALE - 2.0 in.
 • 4 NW LAMY - 2.0 in.
 •  null VAUGHN - 2.0 in.
 • 2 W ANGUS - 2.0 in.
 • 5 SSW TOADLENA - 2.0 in.
 • 3 SSW ENCINO - 2.0 in.
 • 5 ESE RED RIVER - 2.0 in.
 • 9 NE ALBUQUERQUE - 1.8 in.
 • 2 NW EDGEWOOD - 1.5 in.
 • 8 ENE ALBUQUERQUE - 1.5 in.
 • 4 NNW LAMY - 1.5 in.
 • 1 SSE GLORIETA - 1.3 in.
 •  null SAN JON - 1.3 in.
 • 13 NW TAOS - 1.2 in.
 • 3 N BROADVIEW - 1.2 in.
 • 2 SSE ALTO - 1.1 in.
 • 2 SW CAPITAN - 1.0 in.
 • 1 ESE ABBOTT - 1.0 in.
 • 8 NNW OMEGA - 1.0 in.
 • 3 S SANTA CRUZ - 1.0 in.
 • 2 N CHAMA - 1.0 in.
 • 3 NW TAOS PUEBLO - 1.0 in.
 • 8 ESE ALBUQUERQUE - 1.0 in.
 • 1 NNW ROMEROVILLE - 0.9 in.
 • 1 N MORIARTY - 0.8 in.
 • 2 E SAN PABLO - 0.8 in.
 • 2 WSW EL MORRO - 0.8 in.
 •  null CHAMA - 0.8 in.
 • 2 NW EL RITO - 0.7 in.
 • 3 E LOS ALAMOS - 0.7 in.
 •  null LA PLATA - 0.5 in.
 • 1 WNW EL RANCHO - 0.5 in.
 • 8 W SANDIA PARK - 0.4 in.
 • 2 W DATIL - 0.3 in.
 • 7 E ALBUQUERQUE - 0.2 in.
 • 3 WNW MADRID - 0.2 in.
 • 7 E ALBUQUERQUE - 0.2 in.
 • 8 ENE ALBUQUERQUE - 0.1 in.
 • 5 NW LAMY - 0.1 in.
 •  null ARROYO HONDO - 0.1 in.
 • 6 WNW ESPANOLA - 0.1 in.
 • 3 W LOGAN - 0.1 in.

(As Of 7:38 AM MDT This Morning).

Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for West Texas-Southeast
New Mexico
National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX
838 AM CDT Sun Apr 30 2017

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         :  79 /  37 /  0.00
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        :  66 /  30 /  0.29
MAF  : Midland ASOS               :  77 /  39 /  0.00
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                :  76 /  38 /  0.01
6R6  : Terrell County Arpt ASOS   :  75 /  48 /  0.00
INK  : Wink ASOS                  :  65 /  37 /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        :  53 /  35 /  0.03
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  :  61 /  28 /  0.00
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            :  65 /  38 /  0.00
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         :  51 /  34 /  0.11
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 :  61 /  25 /    T
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       :  60 /  39 /  0.00
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 :  58 /  35 /  0.04
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              :  77 /  47 /  0.00
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                :   M /   M /  0.12
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  77 /  46 /  0.00
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  44 /  27 /  0.49
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      :  69 /  36 /  0.00
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            :  57 /  29 /  0.00
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               :  58 /  39 /  0.10
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  48 /  21 /  0.13
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               :  59 /  38 /  0.00
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      :  82 /  45 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  61 /  32 /  0.34
RGET2: Rio Grande Village RAWS    :  96 /  56 /  0.00
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            :  54 /  36 /  0.05
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      :  73 /  38 /  0.00
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        :  61 /  39 /  0.02
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           :  58 /  38 /  0.07
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               :  58 /  38 /  0.09
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             :  54 /  36 /  0.09
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         :  64 /  38 /  0.01
MMYT2: McCamey 1SW Mesonet        :  69 /  39 /  0.00
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      :  74 /  46 /  0.00
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :  62 /  31 /  0.56
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          :  48 /  35 /  0.12
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           :  50 /  35 /  0.14
SYST2: Snyder 3E Mesonet          :  73 /  38 /  0.12
WTXT2: Snyder 3SSW Mesonet        :  71 /  37 /  0.13
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    :  75 /  36 /  0.00
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        :  58 /  37 /  0.02
WEHT2: Welch Mesonet              :  52 /  36 /  0.11

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              :  56 /  35 /  0.26
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               :  48 /  34 /  0.12
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  :  48 /  32 /  0.00
ROW  : Roswell AWOS               :  45 /  33 /  0.15
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               :  50 /  34 /  0.23
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               :  49 /  29 /  0.11
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                :  52 /  34 /  0.43
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  45 /  27 /  0.41
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          :  49 /  33 /  0.27
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              :  47 /  32 /  0.08

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/.  Therefore,
these data are subject to revision.  Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

From the above reports:

Highest temperature yesterday....96 at Rio Grande Village RAWS
Lowest temperature this morning....21 at Guadalupe Bowl RAWS

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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NWS Midland Minimum Wind Chill Temperature Forecast.

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