My Current Weather

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Top Ten Lowest Maximum Temperatures

ARTESIA 6S (290600)
Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature (degrees F)
Days: 1/1 - 12/31
Length of period: 1 day
Years: 1905-2011

Rank  Value  Ending Date
  1       9  1/13/1963
  2      11  2/9/1933
  3      12  1/11/1962
  4      13  2/3/2011
  5      15  2/4/2011
  6      16  2/7/1989
  7      17  12/25/1983, 12/9/1978
  9      18  2/1/1985, 1/28/1948

*Note: Artesia's Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature occurred
On Feb 8, 1933 when the high of only 7F was recorded.
CARLSBAD (291469)
Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature (degrees F)
Days: 1/1 - 12/31
Length of period: 1 day
Years: 1900-2011

Rank  Value  Ending Date
  1      12  2/3/2011, 1/13/1963
  3      16  2/4/2011
  4      18  1/11/1962
  5      19  1/14/1997, 2/7/1989, 1/10/1977, 1/30/1949
  9      20  2/2/2011, 2/2/1951

Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature (degrees F)
Days: 1/1 - 12/31
Length of period: 1 day
Years: 1930-2011

Rank  Value  Ending Date
  1      10  1/12/1963
  2      11  2/2/2011
  3      14  2/3/2011, 1/10/1962
  5      15  2/1/1985
  6      17  12/25/1983, 1/4/1972, 1/11/1962, 1/29/1949
10      18  2/2/1956

HOBBS (294026)
Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature (degrees F)
Days: 1/1 - 12/31
Length of period: 1 day
Years: 1913-2011

Rank  Value  Ending Date
  1      11  2/2/2011
  2      12  1/12/1963
  3      13  2/1/1985, 12/25/1983, 1/10/1962
  6      14  1/11/1918
  7      15  2/4/2011, 2/3/2011, 2/11/1948
10      17  12/22/1989

TATUM (298713)
Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature (degrees F)
Days: 1/1 - 12/31
Length of period: 1 day
Years: 1919-2011

Rank  Value  Ending Date
  1       6  1/12/1963
  2       7  2/1/1985, 1/10/1962
  4       8  2/3/2011
  5      11  12/25/1983
  6      12  12/24/1983
  7      13  2/2/2011, 12/22/1989, 12/29/1983
10      14  2/4/2011

Roswell Area  (ThreadEx Station)
Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature (degrees F)
Days: 1/1 - 12/31
Length of period: 1 day
Years: 1893-2011

Rank  Value  Ending Date
  1       5  1/12/1963
  2      10  2/2/2011, 1/11/1962, 2/8/1933
  5      11  1/10/1962
  6      12  12/24/1983, 2/8/1929, 2/13/1905
  9      13  2/12/1905
10      14  1/22/1966

Last value also occurred in one or more previous years.
Official data and data for additional locations and years are available from the Regional Climate Centers and the National Climatic Data Center.

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