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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Welcome To The Beginning Of The Meteorological Winter 2015-2016.

Carlsbad, New Mexico. November 29, 2015.

Today marks the beginning of the meteorological winter although the calendar says that winter doesn't start until December 21st. New Mexico will experience a tranquil beginning to winter this season with near seasonal temperatures in most locals. Changes in the jet stream pattern appear to be coming hence the storm track will change down the road (in about 10 days to two weeks). 

So we should start to see a more typical El Nino winter pattern begin to unfold with more and stronger storms plowing into the West Coast, then eastward into the Desert Southwest Since this current El Nino started out as a eastern Pacific based event, but is now showing signs of transitioning to more of a central Pacific based event, then history tells us that we can and may have a stormy/snowy winter ahead. 

Historical Climate Data For December 1st.
 At Selected New Mexico Stations.

Climatological data is courtesy of:

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