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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Some Interesting Facts About Our Christmas Snow.

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New Snowfall Records Set By Our Christmas Snow Storm.

The National Weather Service Climate Co-Op Observer measured 12" of snow on the ground at 6 AM Christmas morning this year. This is a new record snow depth for Carlsbad on Christmas Day. Never before has a foot of snow been measured on the ground on Christmas Day in Carlsbad, New Mexico.

 The observer measured 6.0" of snowfall on Dec 24, and this beat the previous record of  4.5" of snowfall on Dec 24, 1926. He measured 5.0" of snowfall at 6 AM Christmas morning, and this broke the previous Climate Co-Op record of 1.0" of snowfall on Christmas set on Dec 25, 1939. The Carlsbad Airport observer measured 7.0" of snowfall on Dec 25, 1997, so this record still stands as the greatest snowfall amount measured in Carlsbad on Christmas Day.

A three day snow storm produced 25.1" of snowfall at the Carlsbad Airport on November 30, Dec 1, and Dec 2, 1931. On the morning of Dec 2, 1931 the observer measured 18" of snow on the ground at the Carlsbad Airport. This is the greatest depth of snow measured on the ground in Carlsbad's history.

 On Dec 14, 1987 the observer at the Carlsbad Airport measured 13" of snow on the ground. That two day storm produced 13.0" of snowfall at the Airport. The 13" on that morning is the second greatest snow depth measured on the ground in Carlsbad, NM (1900-2011). 

There has been a foot of snow (12") on the ground seven other times in Carlsbad's history.

12" November 30, 1931
12" December 1, 1931
12" December 3, 1931
12" February 2, 1956
12" February 3, 1956
12" December 25, 2011
13" December 14, 1987
18" December 2, 1931

So in Carlsbad's weather history, as far as climate records are concerned (1900-2011), a foot of snow (12") has been measured on the ground four different times.

 The November 30 - December 3, 1931 storm.
 The February 2 - February 3, 1956 storm.
 The December 13 - December 14, 1987 storm.
The December 23 - December 25, 2011 storm.

The greatest 24 hour snowfall total was measured on November 30th, 1931 at the Carlsbad Airport with 15.0" falling. The second greatest 24 hour snowfall total was measured on Dec 13, 1987 with 11.3"

The most snowfall ever measured in one season (Oct-Apr) occurred in the winter of 1931-1932 when 42.9" of snowfall was measured. 26.3"of snowfall was measured at the Carlsbad Airport during the winter of 1982-1983. 22.9" of snowfall was measured at the Carlsbad Airport during the winter of 1986-1987. 22.2" of snowfall was measured by the Climate Co-OP observer during the winter of 2009-2010. I measured a snowfall total of 26.6" here at my home in northwest Carlsbad during the winter of 2009-2010.

I measured a total of 13.9" of snowfall out of our Christmas storm. The liquid equivalent of that was .91". So that was a 15" to 1" ratio...meaning that it took 15" of snow to make 1" of equivalent of rainfall.  My greatest depth of snow on the ground occurred Christmas Eve morning with 12". Due to melting, and compaction of the snow, I had 9" on the ground at my home here in northwest Carlsbad Christmas morning.

So remember this storm, because the chances of Carlsbad, New Mexico seeing a foot of snow on the ground, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day again anytime soon are really slim. This storm will be one that we will be telling our children, and grandchildren about in the years to come. It definitely was a memorable storm and one for the record books.

Snowfall Data Is Courtesy Of-

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