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Friday, December 30, 2011

A Look Back At Our 2011 Weather - (January - June.)

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Our back yard Christmas Eve morning. 11" on the ground.

2011 Was A Year Of Extremes For NM!

What an incredible year 2011 has been weather-wise for southeastern New Mexico. This year was certainly one of extremes for us. A historic drought, high winds, record heat, wild fires, bitter cold, and heavy snowfall, all characterized our weather this past year. Here is a very limited look back at our local weather in 2011.

January 2011-

January started off with bitter cold temperatures griping the state the first day of the New Year. Overnight low temperatures included -31F 1 mile southwest of Pine Hill, -30F at Fence Lake, and -30F 2 miles northeast of Omega. The Aspendale Mountain Retreat Center personal weather station recorded a low of -3F, while Cloudcroft officially recorded -1F. The Artesia Airport reported 9, the Roswell Airport 11, and I had 18 here in Carlsbad. The morning of the 2nd was even colder here in SE NM. A bitterly cold arctic airmass was taking aim on the state by the 31st. This airmass was extremely cold and would establish some new records in SE NM over the next 4-5 days.

February 2011-

A blast of bitterly cold arctic air arrived in SE NM on the afternoon of January 31st. Over the next five days we endured some of the coldest weather to affect the local area since the early 1960's. Ski Apache picked up 20" of new snow on Feb 1st from the potent upper-level storm. By the morning of the 2nd, Ski Apache has picked up 28" of snow.

Brutal temperatures gripped the area as well. Morning lows included -19F at the Ski Apace Snotel site, -15F at Silver Springs northeast of Cloudcroft, -14F at the Cloudcroft Fire Station personal weather station. Hope recorded a low of -4F, Bat Draw at the Carlsbad Caverns visitor center 0F, Hobbs Airport 1F, Roswell Climate 1F, Artesia Airport 3F, and the Carlsbad Airport 5F. This was just the beginning.

New temperature records were established on Feb 2nd-

Local high/low temperatures reported on Feb 2nd-

New Mexico Temperatures Plunge Way Below Zero Feb 3rd-

Fort Stanton Raws NE of Ruidoso -31F
Holloman AFB at Alamogordo -19F.

This Weeks High/Low Temperatures Posted Feb 4th-

Fort Stanton Raws -31F
Mescalero -30F
Cloudcroft - Dry Canyon -27F
Ruidoso Climate -27F
Elk Climate -24F
Capitan Climate -22F
East Alamogordo -21F
Cloudcroft Climate -20F
Mayhill -20F

Roswell Airport Low Temp -11F
Roswell Climate -8F
Artesia Climate -9F
Artesia Airport Low Temp -6F
Hope Climate -5F
Carlsbad Airport Low Temp -4F
Carlsbad Climate Low Temp -3F
2.1 NNW Downtown Carlsbad Low Temp -1F
Tatum Climate -4F
Hobbs Climate 1F

A Review Of The Arctic Invasion Posted Feb 5th-

Ruidoso set a new all-time record low with a reading of -27F on the morning of Feb 3rd.
Cloudcroft set a new all-time record low with a reading of -20F on the morning of Feb 3rd.

Old Lake McMillan Fire Feb 27th.

March 2011-

New Daily Record High Temps (16th, 17th, 18th)

April 2011-

White Fire Ruidoso Downs April 3rd

Last Chance Fire April 24th-

New Fires In SE NM April 26th-

May 2011-

Crooked Creek Fire Complex May 7th-

Mayhill Fire May 9th-

May 11th Fires-

June 2011-

Serpentine Fire June 5th

Searing Heat To Continue June 13th-

Jal Climate 114
Carlsbad Airport 108
Roswell Airport 107
Artesia Climate 105

Swallow Fire Ruidoso Downs June 16th-

Excessive Heat Today & Tomorrow June 25th-

Paduca Raws 113
Jal Climate 110
Carlsbad Climate 110
Carlsbad Airport 110
2.1 NNW Downtown Carlsbad 110
Roswell Airport 108
Tatum Climate 108
Hobbs Airport 108
Artesia Airport 106

Another Day Of Searing Heat - Los Conchas Fire June 27th-

Paduca Raws 113
Carlsbad Airport 112
(Second Day In A Row At 112)
2.1 NNW Downtown Carlsbad 112
8-Mile Draw Raws 110
Artesia Climate 110
Jal Climate 110
Roswell Airport 109

Little Lewis Fire, Donaldson Fire June 29th-

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If you want to see more daily weather summaries that I have archived on my web page...then scroll all the way down to the right hand bottom of the page, and then click on any month, or daily blog title for more posts.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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