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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Photos From Last Nights Heavy Rains.

I measured 1.67" overnight here 
at my home in Carlsbad.

Dark Canyon Arroyo Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Radio Blvd & Boyd Ave.

Dark Canyon Arroyo Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Radio Blvd & Boyd Ave.

Last Chance Arroyo - Dark Canyon Rd.
I Found This Car Abandoned 20 Miles West Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
 Apparently It Was  Unable To Cross The Flooded Arroyo And Stalled Out.

Last Chance Arroyo - Dark Canyon Rd.
 20 Miles West Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

Last Chance Arroyo.
 State Hwy 137 (Queen Hwy).
 28 Miles West Of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Water Has Reached Depths Of 4' - 5' The Last Couple Of Days.

Seven Rivers, New Mexico.

Lake Rd - Lakewood, New Mexico.

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  1. OK, I was thrilled with my .81" total last evening, night...and you get 1.67". I notice you are 69F, and another 1.14" of rain...seasonal total 7.8". Is that 7.8" year to date, just the monsoon season, or some other period?

    Amazing rainfall, but I will trade my jealousy for being glad for you...after last year, you deserve it!

    I understand the need to travel, but not across arroyos in storms. I guess it's hard to judge depths of water with windshield wipers going, no lights except headlights, etc.

  2. David the 1.17" is my total since midnight last night as of 6:10 PM. This brings my July total up to 3.14", and my YTD (Jan 1st - July 10th) total up to 7.83".

    I am always amazed at the number of high water rescues that go on down here during flash flood never ceases to amaze me how many people think their cars, trucks, etc can swim.

    A CoCoRaHS station 17.1 miles northwest of Carlsbad picked up 2.90" last night. About a 1/2 mile southwest of me a spotter recorded 2.42".

    We are happy campers down here believe me.


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