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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Has the Sun gone to sleep?

"Slowly, almost imperceptibly, but surely, the once diehard the-science-is-settled mainstream media are conceding that the climate debate isn’t over after all – and likely not by a long shot. And if you pay attention, you can see them quietly opening that back door for the quick exit.
The cracking started long ago, and now chips and pieces of the global warming science are starting to fall on the floor around us.
Earlier today the BBC featured a short report “Has the Sun gone to sleep?”
This report looks at the implications of a protracted quiet solar period, potentially lasting decades. Global cooling is turning out to be a real possibility, now even at the BBC!
Today we know a huge body of historical observations shows there is a pronounced relationship between cold winters in Europe and low solar activity. Moreover there’s a huge body of persuasive evidence, comprising mainly proxy datasets, that show the phenomenon is not regional, but global. As much as the BBC tries to play that down, the video holds a couple of big surprises."
Mirrors the Maunder Minimum!

“Fastest solar decline in 10,000 years”!

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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