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Friday, January 10, 2014

Slightly Below Normal Temps In SE NM So Far This Month.

January 2014 So Far.

January 1st - January 9th, 2014.

January has started off slightly below normal for most of the eastern side of New Mexico. For the first nine days of the month the Carlsbad Airport's average temperature is 2.8F below normal. Roswell is running 3.6F below normal. 

So far we really haven't seen anything that would be considered exceptional or record breaking as far as temperatures are concerned either. Its been seasonably cold with a slight bias towards below normal.

 Roswell's lowest temperature at the Airport so far this month has been 8F which occurred on the morning of the 6th. 

The Artesia Airport dropped down to 10F that morning, while the Climate Co-Op Station located six miles south-southeast of town recorded a low of 8F on the morning of the 6th and 7th. 

The Carlsbad Airport recorded a low of 11F on the morning of the 7th. The Carlsbad Climate Co-Op Station which is located just east of the Airport recorded a low of  13F on the morning of the 8th. 

The Hobbs Climate Co-Op Station dropped down to a low of 10F on the morning of the 8th. 

The Tatum Climate Co-Op Station recorded a low of 5F on the mornings of the 6th and 7th. 

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