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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Deep Freeze From The Arctic Late Next Week.

This first map is this mornings GFS 12Z/5 AM MST
2 meter temperature anomalie forecast, valid at
12Z/5 AM MST, on Sunday Nov 20, 2011. It depicts
a huge area of temperatures  across Northwestern
 Canada of -20F to -50F below normal. This is just
an insane forecast!!! 

Valid At 5 AM MST Thursday Nov 17, 2011.

This surface temperature forecast map depicts this 
unusually cold arctic airmass, heading south out of 
Northwestern Canada, and approaching the
 northern US border by the middle of next week.

Valid At 5 AM MST Sunday Nov 20, 2011.

This surface temperature forecast map depicts this 
unusually cold arctic airmass digging southward,
and into the Central Rockies by next Sunday. If you  
click on the map and enlarge it, you will notice the 
small area of -40F to -50F temperatures in far
 Northwestern  Canada. And this is surrounded by
 a much larger area of -20F to -30F temperatures!

Meteorologists, forecasters, and weather enthusiasts alike, no doubt will all be watching this unusually bitterly cold arctic airmass over the next week to ten days with a great deal of interest. If this were January I  would be impressed with this monstrous slug of bitterly cold arctic air. 

I realize that its early and you can't put a lot of stock into the models this far out. But this is some impressive stuff. Arctic outbreaks are notorious for not behaving as forecast by the models, and trust me they are tough to forecast sometimes. One thing to remember is that the models are sometimes too warm when it comes to the actual temperatures associated with these arctic that's a scary thought.

 Is this outbreak going to spill southward and down the Rockies and into the plains states, or is it headed on a more eastward track? This will be the question that a lot of people will be trying to answer in the coming days. 

If you love extreme weather then follow this event with me. I will keep you updated on the latest details concerning this arctic outbreak, and its potential impacts upon our neck of the woods. This one could potentially become a news maker for much of the country in about a week.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

1 comment:

  1. I was afraid of an outbreak like what is appearing, but hopefully it goes east and Chicago gets some global "warming". (!!)

    Yes, like Feb '11 was underestimated (was not to drop Abq below the 50's)...and it ploughed over the mountains and didn't stop until past Tucson, and was insanely cold!


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