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Saturday, November 28, 2015

3" Of Rain Falls Over The Sac's Instead Of 3' Of Snow!

Our 2 Yr Old Grandson Checking Out Our XMAS Decorations Thanksgiving Night. 

For some New Mexicans this latest winter storm will go down in history as a huge bust as far as snow goes. For others we will remember it for the icing, and the moderate to heavy rains that fell instead of snow. I knew this storm would be full of surprises and it didn't disappoint.

Three Day Storm Total Rainfall Amounts.
(November 25th - 28th, 2015).

Amazingly enough but Ski Apache with a base of 9,600' and Cloudcroft at an elevation of 8,750' in the Sacramento mountains both missed out on what could or should have been a decent snowfall event. The three day rainfall (not snowfall) total for the Sierra Blanca Snotel Site located near Ski Apache at an elevation of 10, 280' is 3.70".

A CoCoRaHS Station located 2.3 miles south of Cloudcroft reported 3.37" of rain, and no snowfall. The Sunspot CoCoRaHS Station reported 3.25" of rain and no snowfall. The Cloudcroft CoCoRaHS Station 0.4 miles ESE of downtown reported 2.79" of rain and now snowfall. The CoCoRaHS Station located 4.6 miles south-southeast of  Nogal recorded 1.32" of rain and 1.4" of snowfall. 

I recorded 1.26" of rainfall at the Gas Plant that I am employed at located 21 miles WNW of Jal in Lea County. We had light freezing drizzle and light freezing rain overnight with 1/16th of ice coating everything this morning. Only a trace of freezing rain and freezing drizzle was recorded at our home in Carlsbad. My three day rainfall total is .28".  

(As Of 8:23 AM MST Saturday, Nov 28, 2015).

• 34 ESE Mogollon - 0.91 in.
 • 1 NNW Ruidoso - 0.88 in.
 • Bonito Lake - 0.84 in.
 • 4 S Cundiyo - 0.84 in.
 • Beaverhead - 0.69 in.
 • 17 NW Elkins - 0.60 in.
 • Tres Piedras - 0.59 in.
 • 19 SSE Old Horse Springs - 0.54 in.
 • 15 NW Carrizozo - 0.45 in.
 • 1 WSW Mogollon - 0.30 in.
 • 4 ESE Pleasanton - 0.28 in.
 • 1 NNE Bosque Del Apache Refuge - 0.28 in.
 • 11 ENE Jemez Springs - 0.28 in.
 • 11 ENE Jemez Springs - 0.25 in.
 • 2 SSW Los Alamos - 0.24 in.
 • 3 WSW Mogollon - 0.20 in.
 • 4 WSW Mills - 0.18 in.
 • 6 NE Las Vegas - 0.17 in.
 • 8 ENE Mogollon - 0.16 in.
 • 2 NW Mogollon - 0.16 in.
 • Chama - 0.16 in.
 • 2 NE Clovis - 0.14 in.
 • 3 NNW Texico - 0.14 in.
 • 3 NE Abo - 0.13 in.
 • Sandia Park - 0.12 in.
 • 7 ENE Tucumcari - 0.12 in.
 • 2 SE Manzano - 0.11 in.
 • 1 ESE Sedillo - 0.10 in.
 • 3 ENE Clovis - 0.10 in.

(As Of 8:23 AM MST Saturday, Nov 28, 2015).

• 8 SSW Red River - 8.0 in.
 • 8 NE Arroyo Seco - 6.0 in.
 • 11 ENE Amalia - 6.0 in.
 • Red River - 4.0 in.
 • 5 NNW Elizabethtown - 3.0 in.
 • 12 NNE Elizabethtown - 3.0 in.
 • 11 NNW Canon Plaza - 2.0 in.
 • 1 SSE Dilia - 1.5 in.
 • 11 ENE Bell Ranch - 1.5 in.
 • Chama - 1.5 in.
 • 9 SW Corona - 1.2 in.
 • Roy - 1.0 in.
 • 3 SSW Amistad - 1.0 in.
 • Nara Visa - 1.0 in.
 • 1 S Mountainair - 1.0 in.
 • White Oaks - 1.0 in.
 • 8 SW Rociada - 1.0 in.
 • 16 SE Corona - 1.0 in.
 • Vaughn - 1.0 in.
 • 8 SSW San Miguel - 1.0 in.
 • 3 W Angus - 0.8 in.
 • 9 NW Arabela - 0.8 in.
 • 1 N Moriarty - 0.7 in.
 • 3 NE Abo - 0.5 in.
 • Santa Rosa - 0.5 in.
 • 2 SE Manzano - 0.5 in.
 • 3 W Logan - 0.5 in.
 • 3 ENE Tucumcari - 0.5 in.
 • 3 S Arabela - 0.3 in.
 • 10 NNW Taiban - 0.2 in.
 • 4 E Elk - 0.2 in.
 • 3 SSW Encino - 0.1 in.
 • 2 NNW Fort Sumner - 0.1 in.
 • Capulin - 0.1 in.

ASUS64 KMAF 281257
657 AM CST SAT NOV 28 2015

High temperature past calendar day
Low temperature past 12 hours
Precipitation last 24 hours

: ...West Texas...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
FST  : Fort Stockton ASOS         :  64 /  32 /  1.21
GDP  : Guadalupe Pass ASOS        :   M /   M /     M
MAF  : Midland ASOS               :  65 /  33 /  0.79
ODO  : Odessa ASOS                :  65 /  33 /  1.00
6R6  : Terrell County Arpt ASOS   :  69 /  41 /  0.06
INK  : Wink ASOS                  :   M /   M /  0.00
E11  : Andrews County AWOS        :  40 /  31 /  0.28
E38  : Alpine-Casparis Muni AWOS  :  57 /  31 /  1.22
BPG  : Big Spring AWOS            :  37 /  30 /  0.48
GNC  : Gaines County AWOS         :  37 /  29 /  0.54
MRF  : Marfa AWOS                 :  55 /  32 /  1.71
MDD  : Midland Airpark AWOS       :  45 /  33 /     M
PEQ  : Pecos AWOS                 :  63 /  34 /  0.77
PRS  : Presidio AWOS              :  69 /  45 /  1.24
SNK  : Snyder AWOS                :  36 /  30 /  0.52
CSBT2: Chisos Basin RAWS          :  69 /  40 /  0.00
DGCT2: Dog Canyon RAWS            :  55 /  28 /  0.00
EMNT2: Elephant Mtn WMA RAWS      :  58 /  33 /  0.97
FDST2: Fort Davis RAWS            :  58 /  31 /  0.89
FRKT2: Gail 1E RAWS               :  37 /  31 /  0.08
GDBT2: Guadalupe Bowl RAWS        :  48 /  43 /  0.07
MKCT2: McKittrick Canyon RAWS     :   M /   M /     M
MNDT2: Midland RAWS               :  46 /  32 /  0.70
PJNT2: Panther Junction RAWS      :  69 /  36 /  0.00
PSGT2: Pinery RAWS                :  53 /  25 /  0.12
AWST2: Andrews Mesonet            :  40 /  31 /  0.52
BIGT2: Big Lake 1WNW Mesonet      :   M /   M /     M
CYAT2: Coyanosa 2N Mesonet        :  63 /  34 /  1.18
FVST2: Fluvanna Mesonet           :  35 /  29 /  0.45
GGST2: Gail Mesonet               :  38 /  31 /  0.68
LMST2: Lamesa Mesonet             :  37 /  30 /  0.65
LOXT2: Lomax 1SSE Mesonet         :  41 /  32 /  0.95
PGPT2: Persimmon Gap Mesonet      :  67 /  38 /  0.03
PSST2: Pine Springs Mesonet       :   M /   M /     M
SGST2: Seagraves Mesonet          :  35 /  28 /  0.45
SMST2: Seminole Mesonet           :  37 /  29 /  0.55
SYST2: Snyder Mesonet             :  36 /  29 /  0.52
GCMT2: St Lawrence 5SW Mesonet    :  51 /  32 /  0.67
TZNT2: Tarzan 2WNW Mesonet        :  42 /  31 /  0.90

: ...Southeast New Mexico...
:Id    Location                     High  Low    Pcpn
:--    --------                     ----  ---    ----
CNM  : Carlsbad ASOS              :   M /   M /  0.01
ATS  : Artesia AWOS               :  36 /  30 /  0.05
HOB  : Hobbs FAA                  :  36 /  28 /  0.00
ROW  : Roswell AWOS               :  35 /  28 /  0.05
BATN5: Batdraw RAWS               :  36 /   M /  0.04
CPPN5: Caprock RAWS               :  33 /  27 /  0.00
MPAN5: Paduca RAWS                :  42 /  31 /  0.09
QENN5: Queen RAWS                 :  37 /  28 /  0.00
HCYN5: Hobbs 5NW Mesonet          :  35 /  28 /  0.01
TTSN5: Tatum Mesonet              :  32 /  26 /  0.00

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Climatic Data Center /NCDC/.  Therefore,
these data are subject to revision.  Final and certified climate data
can be accessed at

From the above reports:

Highest temperature yesterday... 69 at Terrell County Arpt ASOS and Presidio AWOS
Lowest temperature this morning.... 25 at Pinery RAWS

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

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